Version Manager

In addition to explicit purging by using the purge tool, the Version Manager can be configured to purge old versions when new versions are created.

To configure the Version Manager, create a configuration for:


The following options are available:

  • versionmanager.createVersionOnActivation (Boolean, default: true)
    Specifies whether to create a version when pages are activated.
    A version is created unless the replication agent is configured to suppress the creation of versions, which is honored by the Version Manager.
    A version is created only if the activation happens on a path that is contained in versionmanager.ivPaths (see below).

  • versionmanager.ivPaths(String[], default: {"/"})
    Specifies the paths on which versions are implicitly created on activation if versionmanager.createVersionOnActivation is set to true.

  • versionmanager.purgingEnabled (Boolean, default: false)
    Defines whether to enable purging when new versions are created.

  • versionmanager.purgePaths (String[], default: {“/content”})
    Specifies on which paths to purge versions when new versions are created.

  • versionmanager.maxAgeDays (int, default: 30)
    On version purge, any version older than the configured value is removed. If the value is less than 1, purging is not performed based on the age of the version.

  • versionmanager.maxNumberVersions (int, default 5)
    On version purge, any version older than the n-th newest version is removed. If the value is less than 1, purging is not performed based on the number of versions.

  • versionmanager.minNumberVersions (int, default 0)
    The minimum number of versions that are kept regardless of the age. If the value is set to a value less than 1, no minimum number of versions is retained.

It is not recommended to keep many versions in the repository. So, when configuring the version purge operation, be mindful not to exclude too many versions from the purge, otherwise the repository size is not properly optimized. If you keep a large number versions due to business requirements, contact Adobe support to find alternative ways of optimizing the repository size.