MSRP - MongoDB Storage Resource Provider msrp-mongodb-storage-resource-provider

About MSRP about-msrp

When AEM Communities is configured to use MSRP as its common store, user generated content (UGC) is accessible from all author and publish instances without the need for synchronization nor replication.

See also Characteristics of SRP Options and Recommended Topologies.

Requirements requirements

MongoDB Configuration mongodb-configuration

Select MSRP select-msrp

The Storage Configuration console allows for the selection of the default storage configuration, which identifies which implementation of SRP to use.

On author, to access the Storage Configuration console:

  • From global navigation, select Tools > Communities > Storage Configuration.


  • Select MongoDB Storage Resource Provider (MSRP)

  • mongoDB Configuration

    • mongoDB URI

      default: mongodb://localhost/?maxPoolSize=10&waitQueueMultiple=5&readPreference=secondaryPreferred

    • mongoDB Database

      default: communities

    • mongoDB UGC Collection

      default: content

    • mongoDB Attachment Collection

      default: attachments

  • SolrConfiguration

    • Zookeeper Host

      When running in SolrCloud mode with an external ZooKeeper, set this value to the HOST:PORT for the ZooKeeper, such as

      For a ZooKeeper Ensemble, enter comma-separated HOST:PORT values, such as host1:2181,host2:2181

      Leave blank if running Solr in standalone mode using the internal ZooKeeper.
      Default: <blank>

      • Solr URL
        The URL used to communicate with Solr in standalone mode.
        Leave blank if running in SolrCloud mode.

      • Solr Collection
        The Solr collection name.
        Default: collection1

  • Select Submit

The mongoDB database, which defaults to the name communities, should not be set to the name of a database being used for node stores or data (binary) stores. See also Storage Elements in AEM 6.5.

MongoDB Replica Set mongodb-replica-set

For the production environment, it is strongly recommended to setup a replica set, a cluster of MongoDB servers that implements primary-secondary replication and automated failover.

To learn more about replica sets, visit MongoDB’s Replication documentation.

To work with replica sets and learn how to define connections between applications and MongoDB instances, visit MongoDB’s Connection String URI Format documentation.

Example Url for Connecting to a Replica Set example-url-for-connecting-to-a-replica-set

# Example url for:
# servers "mongoserver1", "mongoserver2", "mongoserver3"
# replica set 'rs0'
# port numbers only necessary if not default port 27017

Solr Configuration solr-configuration

A Solr installation may be shared between the node store (Oak) and common store (MSRP) by using different collections.

If both the Oak and MSRP collections are used intensively, a second Solr may be installed for performance reasons.

For production environments, SolrCloud mode provides improved performance over standalone mode (a single, local Solr setup).

For configuration details, see Solr Configuration for SRP.

Upgrading upgrading

If upgrading from an earlier version configured with MSRP, it will be necessary to:

  1. Perform the upgrade to AEM Communities

  2. Install new Solr configuration files

  3. Reindex MSRP
    See section MSRP Reindex Tool

Publishing the Configuration publishing-the-configuration

MSRP must be identified as the common store on all author and publish instances.

To make the identical configuration available in the publish environment, login to your author instance and follow the steps:

  • Navigate from main menu to Tools > Operations > Replication.
  • Select Activate Tree
  • Start Path:
    • Browse to /etc/socialconfig/srpc/
  • Select Activate

Managing User Data managing-user-data

For information regarding users, user profiles and user groups, often entered in the publish environment, visit

MSRP Reindex Tool msrp-reindex-tool

There is an HTTP endpoint for reindexing Solr for MSRP when installing new configuration files or repairing a damaged Solr index.

With this tool, MongoDB is the source of truth for MSRP; backups need only be taken of MongoDB.

The entire UGC tree may be reindexed, or only a specifc subtree, as specified by the *path *data parameter.

This tool may be run from the command line using cURL or any other HTTP tool.

When reindexing, there is a tradeoff between memory and performance controlled by the *batchSize *data parameter, which specifies how many UGC records are reindexed per batch.

A reasonable default is 5000:

  • If memory is an issue, specify a smaller number
  • If speed is an issue, specify a larger number to increase speed

Running MSRP Reindex Tool Using cURL Command running-msrp-reindex-tool-using-curl-command

The following cURL command shows what is necessary for an HTTP request to reindex UGC stored in MSRP.

The basic format is:

cURL -u signin -d data reindex-url

signin = administrator-id:password
For example: admin:admin

data = "batchSize=size&path=path"

size = how many UGC entries to reindex per operation

path = the root location of the tree of UGC to reindex

  • To reindex all UGC, specify the value of the asipathproperty of
  • To limit the index to some UGC, specify a subtree of asipath

reindex-url = the endpoint for reindexing of SRP

If you are reindexing DSRP Solr, the URL is /services/social/datastore/rdb/reindex

MSRP Reindex Example msrp-reindex-example

curl -s -u admin:admin -d 'batchSize=10000&path=/content/usergenerated/asi/mongo/' http://localhost:4503/services/social/datastore/mongo/reindex

How To Demo MSRP how-to-demo-msrp

To setup MSRP for a demonstration or development environment, see HowTo Setup MongoDB for Demo.

Troubleshooting troubleshooting

UGC Not Visible in MongoDB ugc-not-visible-in-mongodb

Make sure MSRP has been configured to be the default provider by checking the configuration of the storage option. By default, the storage resource provider is JSRP.

On all author and publish AEM instances, revisit the Storage Configuration console or check the AEM repository:

  • In JCR, if /etc/socialconfig

    • Does not contain an srpc node, it means the storage provider is JSRP.
    • If the srpc node exists and contains node defaultconfiguration, the defaultconfiguration’s properties should define MSRP to be the default provider.

UGC Disappears after Upgrade ugc-disappears-after-upgrade

If upgrading from an exisitng AEM Communities 6.0 site, any pre-existing UGC must be converted to conform to the structure required for the SRP API after upgrading to AEM Communities 6.3.

There is an open source tool available on GitHub for this purpose:

The migration tool can be customized to export UGC from earlier versions of AEM social communities for import into AEM Communities 6.1 or later.

Error - undefined field provider_id error-undefined-field-provider-id

If the following error is seen in the logs, it indicates the Solr schema file is not properly configured.

JsonMappingException: undefined field provider_id jsonmappingexception-undefined-field-provider-id

Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: undefined field provider_id
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.DefaultSerializerProvider.serializeValue(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.writeValue(
... 124 common frames omitted

To resolve the error, when following the instructions for Installing Standard MLS, ensure:

  • The XML configuration files were copied to the correct Solr location.
  • Solr was restarted after the new configuration files replaced the existing ones.

Secure Connection to MongoDB Fails secure-connection-to-mongodb-fails

If an attempt to make a secured connection to the MongoDB server fails due to a missing class definition, it is necessary to update the MongoDB driver bundle, mongo-java-driver, available from the public maven repository.

  1. Download the driver from (version 2.13.2 or later).
  2. Copy the bundle into the “crx-quickstart/install” folder for an AEM instance.
  3. Restart the AEM instance.

Resources resources
