Editing App Metadata editing-app-metadata

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our technical support periods. Find the supported versions here.
Adobe recommends using the SPA Editor for projects that require single page application framework-based client-side rendering (e.g. React). Learn more.

The Manage App tile and “Manage App” page provides a means to view and edit application metadata. App metadata is required details for releasing an application to a vendor’s store. This may include common metadata, iOS metadata and screenshots. See the Manage App Tile for further details on common and iOS metadata.

Editing the App Data editing-the-app-data

To edit the app’s metadata:

  1. Navigate to the dashboard page for the App.


  2. To view or edit details by clicking the ‘…’ in the bottom right corner of the Manage App tile.

  3. Enter or view the details in any of the five tabs available as shown in the figure below.


Editing Common and IOS Metadata editing-common-and-ios-metadata

You can edit the common and IOS Metadata:

  • Select the Advanced tab from the app description page.
  • Edit or view the common and IOS metadata. See the figures below for more details.

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Add and Remove Screenshots add-and-remove-screenshots

You can include App screenshots to the metadata roll up. Some vendors require accurate screenshots when submitting any app to their app store. These images must already exist in Assets. See Asset Picker to upload your screenshots.


Add Screenshots add-screenshots

To add an Asset as a screenshot:

  1. While in edit mode of the Manage App page, click add (plus icon).

  2. Select the asset and click Select to add the asset.


  3. Select the asset and click Select to add the asset.

The screenshot must match the target device’s screen resolution.

Delete Screenshots delete-screenshots

To remove a screenshot:

Click the delete on the asset.


The Next Steps the-next-steps

See the following resources to learn more about other authoring roles:

Additional Resources additional-resources

To learn about the roles and responsibilities of an Administrator and Developer, see the resources below:
