Contextual Parameters

You can pass the following request parameters in a URL to launch the asset selector in a particular context:

resource suffix (B)Folder path as the resource suffix in the URL:http://localhost:4502/aem/
To launch the asset selector with a particular folder selected, for example with the folder /content/dam/we-retail/en/activities selected, the URL should be of the form: http://localhost:4502/aem/assetpicker.html
If you require a particular folder to be selected when the asset selector is launched, passed it as a resource suffix.
modesingle, multiplehttp://localhost:4502/aem/assetpicker.html
In multiple mode, you can select several assets simultaneously using the asset selector.
dialogtrue, falsehttp://localhost:4502/aem/assetpicker.html
Use these parameters to open the asset selector as Granite Dialog. This option is only applicable when you launch the asset selector through Granite Path Field, and configure it as pickerSrc URL.
Use this option to specify the root folder for the asset selector. In this case, the asset selector lets you select only child assets (direct/indirect) under the root folder.
viewmodesearchTo launch the asset selector in search mode, with assettype and mimetype parameters.
assettype (S)images, documents, multimedia, archives
  • http://localhost:4502/aem/assetpicker.html?viewmode=search&assettype=images
  • http://localhost:4502/aem/assetpicker.html?viewmode=search&assettype=documents
  • http://localhost:4502/aem/assetpicker.html?viewmode=search&assettype=multimedia
  • http://localhost:4502/aem/assetpicker.html?viewmode=search&assettype=archives
Use this option to filter asset types based on the value passed.
mimetypemimetype(s) (/jcr:content/metadata/dc:format) of an asset (wildcard also supported)
  • http://localhost:4502/aem/assetpicker.html?viewmode=search&mimetype=image/png
  • http://localhost:4502/aem/assetpicker.html?viewmode=search&?mimetype=*png
  • http://localhost:4502/aem/assetpicker.html?viewmode=search&mimetype=*presentation
  • http://localhost:4502/aem/assetpicker?viewmode=search&mimetype=*presentation&mimetype=*png
Use it to filter assets based on MIME type(s)

Use the asset selector

  1. To access the asset selector interface, go to https://[AEM_server]:[port]/aem/assetpicker.

  2. Navigate to the desired folder, and select one or more assets.


    Alternatively, you can search for the desired asset from the OmniSearch box and then select it.


    If you search for asssets using the OmniSearch box, you can select various filters from the Filters pane to refine your search.


  3. Tap/click Select from the toolbar.

Experience Manager