Status (for Default, Workflow, or Events categories only)

Show All: Displays all current work items.

Scheduled: Displays all work items ready for execution by the application server but not yet started.

Paused: Displays all scheduled work items that the client application has paused. These items can be executed or deleted. (See Manage the work items or jobs.)

In Progress: Displays all work items that the application server’s Work Manager picked up and will either complete or fail. You cannot use operations on these work items.

Complete: Displays all work items that executed successfully. Persistent work items stay in this state and non-persistent items are deleted upon completion of callbacks to the callback handlers. You can delete these items by using the Delete Items operation. (See Manage the work items or jobs.)

Failed: Displays all work items that did not complete successfully due to an error condition. These work items can be retried a few times by using the Retry Items operation. (See Manage the work items or jobs.) A Failure link in the Status column allows you to access details about the failure.

Unknown: Displays all work items whose status is unknown.

Status (for Job Manager category only)

Completed: Displays all jobs that have executed successfully. Persistent work items stay in this state and non-persistent items are deleted upon completion of callbacks to the callback handlers.

Complete Requested: Displays jobs for which a complete request was made.

Fail Requested: Displays jobs for which a fail request was made.

Failed: Displays jobs that did not complete successfully due to an error condition. A Failure link in the Status column allows you to access details about the failure.

Terminate Requested: Displays jobs for which a terminate request was made.

Terminated: Displays jobs that terminated without completing.

Suspend Requested: Displays jobs for which a suspend request was made.

Suspended: Displays jobs that are suspended.

Resume Requested: Displays jobs for which a resume request was made.

Queued: Displays jobs that are in the queue.

Running: Displays jobs that are running.

Server Name

For clustered servers only, select the name of the node to display the work items or job items that were created on that server only. If Show All is selected, all work items for all nodes in a cluster are displayed.

Create Time

Select an option in this filter to show only those work items that were created within the timeframe you select. For example, selecting 1 Day displays all work items that were created within 24 hours before the time that was set in the Prior To filter.

Prior to

Sets the date and time that the Create Time filter uses as an end date. Keep the Use Current Date & Time option selected to filter back from the current date and time, or deselect the option and enter the appropriate values. Click either the calendar icons or the clock icons to select values by using those tools.

For example, selecting Create Time = 1 day and Prior to = Use Current Date & Time returns all work items that were created within the last 24 hours.

On Oracle database deployments, date range filters (that is, Create Time and Prior to settings) do not work accurately. Use another filter to retrieve work items.

About the Work Manager tab interface

When you run a Work Manager query or perform an operation on a work item or job, a message appears above the list. This message provides feedback about the action you have initiated and in some cases, a More Info link to provide details. For example, if the operation you initiated failed, the message states as much and provides a link to get details about the error.

When you click More Info, the Operation Details dialog box displays a list of the work items or jobs that were selected during the operation. You can click each list item to view the Error Details at the bottom of the dialog box.