Using the default business calendar
AEM forms provides a default business calendar (named Built-in Calendar) that designates Saturdays and Sundays as non-working days. If all of the users in your organization have the same non-business days, you can update the default business calendar to suit your organization. When using only the default business calendar, you do not need to enable business calendars in User Management or provide any mappings. When no other business calendars are defined, AEM forms uses the default business calendar.
Setting up multiple business calendars
If some of the users in your organization have different non-business days, you can define multiple business calendars and configure mappings that permit a runtime resolution of a business calendar for a user.
Define multiple business calendars
Decide how you will associate the appropriate business calendar with a user. There are two ways to associate a business calendar with a user:
Group membership: You can assign a business calendar to a user based on the user’s group membership. In this case, each user in the group will use the same business calendar.
If a user is a member of two different groups, and those groups are mapped to two different business calendars, AEM forms will use the first calendar that it finds in its search results. In this case, consider using business calendar keys to associate users with business calendars.
Business calendar keys: You can assign a business calendar to a user based on a business calendar key, which is a setting specified in User Management. You then map the business calendar key to a business calendar in forms workflow.
The way that you assign business calendar keys to users depends on whether you are using an enterprise, local, or hybrid domain. For details on setting up domains, see Adding domains.
If you are using a local or hybrid domain, information about users is stored only in the User Management database. To set the business calendar key for these users, enter a string in the Business Calendar Key field when adding or editing a user in User Management. (See Adding and configuring users.) You then map the business calendar keys (the strings) to business calendars in forms workflow. (See Mapping users and groups to a business calendar.)
If you are using an enterprise domain, information about users resides in a third-party storage system, such as an LDAP directory, which User Management synchronizes with the User Management database. This allows you to map a business calendar key to a field in the LDAP directory. For example, if each user record in your directory contains a “country” field, and you want to assign business calendars based on the country where the user is located, specify the “country” field name in the Business Calendar Key field when specifying the user settings for the directory. (See Configuring directories.) You can then map the business calendar keys (the values defined for the “country” field in the LDAP directory) to business calendars in forms workflow. (See Mapping users and groups to a business calendar.)
In forms workflow, define a calendar for each set of users who share the same non-business days. (See Create or update a business calendar.)
In forms workflow, map the business calendar keys or group memberships for each calendar. (See Mapping users and groups to a business calendar.)
In Workbench, the process developer chooses whether to use business calendars for reminders, deadlines, and escalations. (See Workbench Help.)
If the process developer chooses to use business calendars, AEM forms will dynamically select the appropriate business calendar based on the User Management setting and the business calendar mappings defined in Administration Console, or, if no mappings exists, will use the default calendar.
If the process developer does not use business calendars, the date calculation for the event treats every day as a business day. For example, a task deadline is configured to occur three days after the task is assigned to a user. The task is assigned on Thursday. The task deadline occurs on Sunday, even though it is a weekend.