Creating Sites for Mobile Devices
- Topics:
- Developing
- Developer
Creating a mobile site is similar to creating a standard site as it also involves creating templates and components. For more details on creating templates and components, please refer to the following pages: Templates, Components and Getting Started Developing AEM Sites. The main difference consists in enabling the AEM built-in mobile functionalities within the site. It is achieved by creating a template that relies on the mobile page component.
You should also consider using responsive design, creating a single site that accommodates multiple screen sizes.
To get started you can have a look at the We.Retail Mobile Demo Site that is available in AEM.
To create a mobile site, proceed as follows:
Create the page component:
Set the
property towcm/mobile/components/page
This way the component relies on the mobile page component.
Create the
with the project specific logic.
Create the page template:
- Set the
property to the newly created page component. - Set the
- Set the
Create the design page for the site.
Create the site root page below the
node:- Set the
property. - Set the
- Set the
In the page properties of the site root page, set the device groups in the Mobile tab.
Create the site pages by using the new template.
The mobile page component ( /libs/wcm/mobile/components/page
- Adds the Mobile tab to the page properties dialog.
- Through its
, it retrieves the current mobile device group from the request and if a device group is found, uses the group’sdrawHead()
method to include the device group’s associated emulator init component (only in author mode) and the device group’s rendering CSS.
Creating a Mobile Site with the Multi Site Manager
Use Multi Site Manager (MSM) to create a mobile live copy from a standard site. The standard site is automatically transformed into a mobile site: the mobile site has all the features of the mobile sites (e.g. edition within an emulator) and can be managed in sync with the standard site. Refer to the section Creating a Live Copy for different Channels in the Multi Site Manager page.
Server-Side Mobile API
The Java packages containing the mobile classes are:
- - defines MobileConstants.
- - defines Device, DeviceGroup and DeviceGroupList.
- - defines DeviceCapability.
- - defines WurflQueryEngine.
- - defines MobileUtil, which provides various utility methods revolving around WCM Mobile.
Mobile Components
The We.Retail Mobile Demo Site uses the following mobile components which are located below /libs/foundation/components
Name | Group | Characteristics |
mobilefooter | hidden | - footer |
mobileimage | Mobile | - based on the image foundation component - renders an image if the device is capable |
mobilelist | Mobile | - based on the list foundation component - listitem_teaser.jsp renders an image if the device is capable |
mobilelogo | hidden | - based on the logo foundation component - renders an image if the device is capable |
mobilereference | Mobile |
- similar to the reference foundation component - maps a textimage component to a mobiletextimage one and an image component to a mobileimage one |
mobiletextimage | Mobile | - based on the textimage foundation component - renders an image if the device is capable |
mobiletopnav | hidden |
- based on the topnav foundation component - only renders text |
Creating a Mobile Component
The AEM mobile framework allows to develop components that are sensitive to the device issuing the request. The following code samples show how to use the AEM mobile API in a component jsp and particularly how to:
Get the device from the request:
Device device = slingRequest.adaptTo(Device.class);
Get the device group:
DeviceGroup deviceGroup = device.getDeviceGroup();
Get the device group capabilities:
Collection<DeviceCapability> capabilities = deviceGroup.getCapabilities();
Get the device attributes (raw capability key/values from the WURFL database):
Map<String,String> deviceAttributes = device.getAttributes();
Get the device user-agent:
String userAgent = device.getUserAgent();
Get the device group list (device groups assigned to the site by the author) from the current page:
DeviceGroupList deviceGroupList = currentPage.adaptTo(DeviceGroupList.class);
Check if the device group supports images
if (deviceGroup.hasCapability(DeviceCapability.CAPABILITY_IMAGES)) {
ORif MobileUtil.hasCapability(request, DeviceCapability.CAPABILITY_IMAGES) {
is available through the <sling:defineObjects>
tag and currentPage
through the <cq:defineObjects>
Emulator-based authoring provides authors the means to create content pages intended for mobile clients. Mobile content authoring follows the same principle of in-place WYSIWYG editing. In order for authors to perceive the page appearance on a mobile device, a mobile content page is edited by using a device emulator.
Mobile devices emulators are based on the generic emulator framework. For more details please refer to the Emulators page.
The device emulator displays the mobile device on the page whereas the usual editing (parsys, components) occurs within the device’s screen. The device emulator depends on the device groups that are configured for the site. Several emulators can be assigned to a device group. All the emulators are then available on the content page. By default the first emulator assigned to the first device group assigned to the site, is displayed. Emulators can be switched either via the emulator carousel at the top of the page or via the Sidekick’s edit button.
Creating an emulator
To create an emulator, please refer to the Creating a Custom Mobile Emulator section in the generic Emulators page.
Main characteristics of mobile emulators
A device group is composed of one of more emulators: the device group configuration page, e.g. /etc/mobile/groups/touch, contains the
property below thejcr:content
node.Note: although it’s possible that the same emulator belongs to several device groups, it does not make much sense.
Via the device group’s configuration dialog, the
property is set with the path of the desired emulator(s). For example:/libs/wcm/mobile/components/emulators/iPhone4
. -
The emulator components (e.g.
) extend the base mobile emulator component (/libs/wcm/mobile/components/emulators/base
). -
Every component extending the base mobile emulator is available for selection when configuring a device group. Custom emulators can thus be easily created or extended.
At request time in edit mode, the emulator implementation is used to render the page.
When the template of the page relies on the mobile page component, the emulator functionalities are automatically integrated in the page (through the
of the mobile page component).
Device Groups
Mobile device groups provide segmentation of mobile devices based on the device capabilities. A device group provides the information required for emulator-based authoring on the author instance and for correct content rendering on the publish instance: once authors have added content to the mobile page and have published it, the page can be requested on the publish instance. There, instead of the emulator editing view, the content page is rendered using one of the configured device groups. The selection of the device group occurs based on mobile device detection. The matching device group then provides the necessary styling information.
Device groups are defined as content pages below /etc/mobile/devices
and use the Mobile Device Group template. The device group template serves as a configuration template for device group definitions in the form of content pages. Its main characteristics are:
- Location:
- Allowed Path:
- Page Component:
Assigning Device Groups to your Site
When you create a mobile site, you need to assign device groups to your site. AEM provides three device groups depending on the device’s HTML and JavaScript rendering abilities:
Feature phones, for feature devices like the Sony Ericsson W800 with support for basic HTML but no support for images and JavaScript.
Smart phones, for devices like the Blackberry with support for basic HTML and images, but no support for JavaScript.
Touch phones, for devices like the iPad with full support for HTML, images, JavaScript and device rotation.
As emulators can be associated with a device group (see the section Creating a Device Group), assigning a device group to a site enables authors to select between the emulators that are associated with the device group to edit the page.
To assign a device group to your site:
In your browser, go to the Siteadmin console.
Open the root page of your mobile site below Websites.
Open the page properties.
Select the Mobile tab:
- Define the device groups.
- Click OK.
Device Group Filters
Device group filters define capability-based criteria for determining whether a device belongs in the group. When you create a device group, you can select the filters to use for evaluating devices.
At run time when AEM receives an HTTP request from a device, each filter that is associated with a group compares the device capabilities with specific criteria. The device is considered to belong to the group when it has all the capabilities that the filters require. Capabilities are retrieved from the WURFL™ database.
Device groups can use zero or more filters for capability detection. Also, a filter can be used with multiple device groups. AEM provides a default filter that determines whether the device has the capabilities that are selected for a group:
- JPG and PNG images
- JavaScript
- Device rotation
If the device group does not use a filter, the selected capabilities that are configured for the group are the only capabilities that a device requires.
For more information, see Creating Device Group Filters.
Creating a Device Group
Create a device group when the groups that AEM installs do not meet your requirements.
In your browser, go to the Tools console.
Create a new page below Tools > Mobile > Device Groups. In the Create Page dialog:
- As Title enter
Special Phones
. - As Name enter
. - Select the Mobile Device Group Template.
- Click Create.
- As Title enter
In CRXDE, add a static.css file containing the styles for the device group below the
node. -
Open the Special Phones page.
To configure the device group, click the Edit button beside Settings.
On the General tab:
- Title: the name of the mobile device group.
- Description: description of the group.
- User-Agent: user-agent string which the devices are matched against. It is optional and can be a regex. Example:
- Capabilities: defines if the group can handle images, CSS, JavaScript or device rotation.
- Minimum Screen Width and Height
- Disable Emulator: to able/disable the emulator during content editing.
On the Emulators tab:
- Emulators: select the emulators assigned to this device group.
On the Filters tab:
- To add a filter, click Add Item and select a filter from the drop-down list.
- Filters are evaluated in the order that they appear. When a device does not meet a filter’s criteria, subsequent filters on the list are not evaluated.
Click OK.
The mobile device group configuration dialog looks as follows:
Custom CSS per Device Group
As described before, it is possible to associate a custom CSS with a device group page, much like the CSS of a design page.This CSS is used to influence the device group specific rendering of the page content on author and on publish.This CSS is then automatically included:
- In the page on the author instance for every emulator used by this device group.
- In the page on the publish instance if the request’s user agent matches a mobile device in this particular device group.
Server-Side Device Detection
Use filters and a library of device specifications to determine the capabilities of the device that performs the HTTP request.
Develop Device Group Filters
Create a device group filter to define a set of device capability requirements. Create as many filters as you require to target the needed groups of device capabilities.
Design your filters so that you can use combinations of them to define the groups of capabilities. Typically, there is overlap of the capabilities of different device groups. Therefore, you might use some filters with multiple device group definitions.
After you create a filter, you can use it in the group configuration.
For information, go to Creating Device Group Filters.
Using the WURFL™ Database
AEM uses a truncated version of the WURFL™ database to query device capabilities, such as screen resolution or javascript support, based on the device’s User-Agent.
The XML code of the WURFL™ database is represented as nodes below /var/mobile/devicespecs
by parsing the wurfl.xml
file at /libs/wcm/mobile/devicespecs/wurfl.xml.
The expansion to nodes occurs the first time that the cq-mobile-core
bundle is started.
Device capabilities are stored as node properties, and nodes represent device models. You can use queries to retrieve the capabilities of a device or user agent.
As the WURFL™ database is evolving, you may need to customize or replace it. To update the mobile devices database you have the following options:
- Replace the file with the latest version, if you have a license that allows this usage. See Installing a Different WURFL Database.
- Use the version that is available in AEM and configure a regexp that matches your User-Agent strings and points to an existing WURFL™ device. See Adding a regexp-based User-Agent Matching.
Testing the Mapping of a User-Agent to WURFL™ Capabilities
When a device accesses your mobile site, AEM detects the device, maps it to a device group according to its capabilities and sends a view of the page that corresponds to the device group. The matching device group provides the necessary styling information. The mappings can be tested on the Mobile User-Agent Test Page:
Installing a Different WURFL™ Database
The truncated WURFL™ database that is installed with AEM is a release that pre-dates
August 30th 2011. If your version of the WURFL was released after August 30, 2011, make sure your usage complies with your license.
To install a WURFL™ database:
- In CRXDE Lite, create the following folder:
- Copy the WURFL™ file to the folder.
- Rename the file as
AEM automatically parses the wurfl.xml
file and updates the nodes below /var/mobile/devicespecs
Adding a regexp-based User-Agent Matching
Add a user-agent as a regular expression below /apps/wcm/mobile/devicespecs/wurfl/regexp to point to an existing WURFL™ device type.
In CRXDE Lite, create a node below /apps/wcm/mobile/devicespecs/regexp, e.g. apple_ipad_ver1.
Add the following properties to the node:
- regexp: regular expression defining user-agents, e.g.: .*Mozilla.*iPad.*AppleWebKit.*Safari.*
- deviceId: the device ID as defined in the wurfl.xml, e.g.: apple_ipad_ver1
The above configuration causes devices for which the User-Agent matches the supplied regular expression to be mapped to the apple_ipad_ver1 WURFL™ device ID, if it exists.
Client-Side Device Detection
This section describes how to use the device client-side detection of AEM in order to optimize page rendering or to provide the client with alternate website versions.
AEM supports device client-side detection based on BrowserMap
. BrowserMap
is shipped in AEM as a client library under /etc/clientlibs/browsermap
provides you with three strategies you can use to provide an alternate website to a client, which are employed in the following order:
Providing Alternate Links
The PageVariantsProvider
OSGi service is capable of generating alternate links for sites belonging to the same family. In order to configure sites to be taken into consideration by the service, a cq:siteVariant
node has to be added to the jcr:content
node from the root of the site.
The cq:siteVariant
node needs to have the following properties:
- determines to which attribute of the link element the child nodes will be mapped; it is recommended to organize the content of your website in such a way so that the children of the root node represent the root for a language variant of your global website (e.g./content/mysite/en
), in which case the value of thecq:childNodesMapTo
should behreflang
; -
- indicates whatExternalizer
domain will be used to generate the page variants absolute URLs; if this value is not set then the page variants will be generated using relative links; -
- indicates to which family of websites this site belongs; multiple device-specific representations of the same website should belong to the same family; -
- stores the values of the media attribute of the link element; it is recommended to use the name of theBrowserMap
, so that theBrowserMap
library can automatically forward the clients to the correct variant of the website.
PageVariantsProvider and Externalizer
When the value of the cq:variantDomain
property of a cq:siteVariant
node is not empty, the PageVariantsProvider
service will generate absolute links using this value as a configured domain for the Externalizer
service. Make sure to configure the Externalizer
service to reflect your setup.
Defining a Device Group Specific URL
If you don’t want to use alternate links, you can configure a global URL for each DeviceGroup
. We recommend creating your own client library that embeds the browsermap.standard
client library but redefines the device groups.
BrowserMap is designed in such a way that Device Groups definitions can be overriden by creating and adding a new Device Group with the same name to the BrowserMap
object from your customised client library.
Defining Selector-based URLs
If none of the previous mechanisms have been employed in order to indicate an alternate site for BrowserMap
, then selectors that will use the names of the DeviceGroups
will be added to the URL
s, in which case you should provide your own servlets that will handle the requests.
For example a device browsing
identified as smartphone
by BrowserMap is forwarded to
Using BrowserMap On Your Pages
In order to use the standard BrowserMap client library in a page, you have to include the /libs/wcm/core/browsermap/browsermap.jsp
file using a cq:include
tag in your page’s head
<cq:include script="/libs/wcm/core/browsermap/browsermap.jsp" />
Besides adding the BrowserMap
client library in your JSP
files, you also have to add a cq:deviceIdentificationMode
String property set to client-side
to the jcr:content
node below the root of your web site.
Overriding BrowserMap’s default behavior
If you would like to customise BrowserMap
- by overriding the DeviceGroups
or adding more probes - then you should create your own client-side library in which you embed the browsermap.standard
client-side library.
Furthermore, you have to manually call the BrowserMap.forwardRequest()
method in your JavaScript
Once you’ve created your customised BrowserMap
client library, we suggest the following approach:
Create a
file in your application<%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp" %> <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %> <%@ page import=",,," %> <% final PageVariantsProvider p = sling.getService(PageVariantsProvider.class); if(p == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Missing PageVariantsProvider service"); } for(PageVariant v : p.getVariants(currentPage, slingRequest)) { final String curVar = v.getAttributes().get("data-current-variant"); String media = v.getAttributes().get("media"); if (media != null) { media = media.replaceAll(" ", ""); } %> <link rel="alternate" data-cq-role="site.variant" title="<%= xssAPI.encodeForHTMLAttr(v.getTitle()) %>" hreflang="<%= xssAPI.encodeForHTMLAttr(v.getAttributes().get("hreflang")) %>" media="<%= xssAPI.encodeForHTMLAttr(media) %>" href="<%= xssAPI.getValidHref(v.getURL()) %>" <% if(curVar != null) { %> data-current-variant="<%= curVar %>"<% } %> /> <% } Boolean browserMapEnabled = true; final DeviceIdentificationMode dim = sling.getService(DeviceIdentificationMode.class); String[] selectors = slingRequest.getRequestPathInfo().getSelectors(); boolean isPortletRequest = false; for (int i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) { if ("portlet".equals(selectors[i])) { isPortletRequest = true; break; } } if (isPortletRequest) { log.debug("Request was made by a portlet container - BrowserMap will not be embedded"); } else { final WCMMode wcmMode = WCMMode.fromRequest(slingRequest); boolean shouldIncludeClientLib = false; if (WCMMode.EDIT != wcmMode && WCMMode.PREVIEW != wcmMode && WCMMode.DESIGN != wcmMode) { if (dim != null) { final String mode = dim.getDeviceIdentificationModeForPage(currentPage); shouldIncludeClientLib = DeviceIdentificationMode.CLIENT_SIDE.equals(mode); if (shouldIncludeClientLib) { browserMapEnabled = (Boolean) request.getAttribute("browsermap.enabled"); if (browserMapEnabled == null) { browserMapEnabled = true; } } } } %> <c:if test="<%= !browserMapEnabled %>"> <meta name="browsermap.enabled" content="false"> </c:if> <c:if test="<%= shouldIncludeClientLib %>"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <cq:includeClientLib categories="browsermap.custom"/> </c:if> <% } %>
Include the
file in your head section.<cq:include script="browsermap.jsp" />
Excluding BrowserMap From Certain Pages
If you would like to exclude the BrowserMap library from some of your pages where you don’t need client-detection you can add a request attribute:
request.setAttribute("browsermap.enabled", false);
This will make the /libs/wcm/core/browsermap/browsermap.jsp
script to add a meta tag to the page that will make BrowserMap
to not perform any detection:
<meta name="browsermap.enabled" content="false">
Testing a Specific Version of a Web Site
Normally, the BrowserMap script always redirects visitors to the best suited version of the web site, typically redirecting visitors to the desktop or to the mobile site when needed.
You can force the device of any request in order to test a specific version of a web site by adding the device
parameter to your URL. The folllowing URL will render the mobile version of the Geometrixx Outdoors web site.
paratemer is set to disabled
in order to simulate the behavior of a publish instance.The overriden device value is stored in a cookie so you can browse your web site without adding the device
parameter to each URL
As a consequence you need to call the same URL
with the device
set to browser
in order to get back to the desktop version of the web site.
. Deleting this cookie will ensure that CQ will serve the appropriate version of the web site according to your current device (e.g. desktop or mobile).Mobile Request Processing
AEM processes a request issued by a mobile device that belongs to the touch device group as follows:
An iPad sends a request to the AEM publish instance, e.g.
AEM determines whether the site of the requested page is a mobile site (by checking whether the first level page
extends the mobile page component). If yes: -
AEM looks up the device capabilities based on the User-Agent in the request header.
AEM maps the device capabilities to the device group and sets
as the device group selector. -
AEM redirects the request to
AEM sends the response to the iPad:
is rendered in the usual way and is cachable.- The rendering components use selectors to adapt the presentation.
- AEM automatically adds the mobile selector to all the internal links in the page.
You can get some statistics about the number of requests that were made to the AEM server by mobile devices. The number of requests can be broken down:
- per device group and device
- per year, month and day
To view the statistics:
Go to the Tools console.
Open the Device Statistics page below Tools > Mobile.
Click the link to view the statistics for a specific year, month or day.
The Statistics page looks as follows:
If you need to generate an entry in the statistics, you can proceed as follows:
Use a mobile device or an emulator (as for example on Firefox).
Request a mobile page on the author instance by disabling the authoring mode, e.g.:
The Statistics page is now available.
Supporting Page Caching for “send link to a friend” Links
Mobile pages are generally cachable on Dispatcher, because pages that are rendered for a device group are distinguished in the page URL by the device group selector, for example /content/mobilepage.touch.html
. A request to a mobile page without a selector is never cached, as in this case, the device detection operates and finally redirects to the matching device group (or “nomatch” for that matter). A mobile page rendered with a device group selector is processed by the link rewriter, which rewrites all links within the page to also contain the device group selector, preventing from re-performing device detection for every click on an already qualified page.
Therefore you might encounter the following scenario:
User Alice gets redirected to coolpage.feature.html
, and sends that URL to a friend Bob who accesses it with a different client which falls in the touch
device group.
If coolpage.feature.html
is served from a front-end cache, AEM does not get a chance to analyze the request to find out that the mobile selector does not match the new User-Agent, and Bob gets the wrong representation.
To solve it, you can include a simple selection UI on the pages, where end users can override the device group that was selected by AEM. In the above example, a link (or an icon) on the page allows the end user to switch to coolpage.touch.html
if he thinks that his device is good enough for that.
Experience Manager
- Developing User Guide overview
- Introduction for Developers
- Getting Started Developing AEM Sites - WKND Tutorial
- AEM Core Concepts
- Structure of the AEM Touch-Enabled UI
- Concepts of the AEM Touch-Enabled UI
- AEM Development - Guidelines and Best Practices
- Using Client-Side Libraries
- Developing and Page Diff
- Editor Limitations
- The CSRF Protection Framework
- Data Modeling - David Nuescheler’s Model
- Contributing to AEM
- Security
- Reference Materials
- Create a Fully-Featured Website (Classic UI)
- Designs and the Designer (Classic UI)
- Platform
- Sling Cheatsheet
- Using Sling Adapters
- Tag Libraries
- Templates
- Using the Sling Resource Merger in AEM
- Overlays
- Naming Conventions
- Creating a New Granite UI Field Component
- Query Builder
- Tagging
- Customizing Pages shown by the Error Handler
- Custom Node Types
- Adding Fonts for Graphic-Rendering
- Connecting to SQL Databases
- Externalizing URLs
- Creating and Consuming Jobs for Offloading
- Configuring Cookie Usage
- How to programmatically access the AEM JCR
- Integrating Services with the JMX Console
- Developing the Bulk Editor
- Developing Reports
- eCommerce
- Components
- Core Components
- Style System
- Components Overview
- AEM Components - The Basics
- Developing AEM Components
- Developing AEM Components - Code Samples
- JSON Exporter for Content Services
- Enabling JSON Export for a Component
- Image Editor
- Decoration Tag
- Using Hide Conditions
- Configuring Multiple In-Place Editors
- Developer Mode
- Testing Your UI
- Components for Content Fragments
- Obtaining Page Information in JSON Format
- Internationalization
- Classic UI Components
- Headless Experience Management
- Headless and Hybrid with AEM
- Enabling JSON Export for a Component
- Single Page Applications
- SPA Introduction and Walkthrough
- SPA WKND Tutorial
- Getting Started with SPAs in AEM - React
- Getting Started with SPAs in AEM - Angular
- Implementing a React Component for SPA
- SPA Deep Dives
- SPA Editor Overview
- Developing SPAs for AEM
- SPA Blueprint
- SPA Page Component
- Dynamic Model to Component Mapping for SPAs
- SPA Model Routing
- SPA and Adobe Experience Platform Launch Integration
- SPA and Server-Side Rendering
- SPA Reference Materials
- Content Fragments
- Experience Fragments
- Development Tools
- Development Tools
- AEM Modernization Tools
- Dialog Editor
- Dialog Conversion Tool
- Developing with CRXDE Lite
- Managing Packages Using Maven
- How to Develop AEM Projects Using Eclipse
- How to Build AEM Projects using Apache Maven
- How to Develop AEM Projects using IntelliJ IDEA
- How to use the VLT Tool
- How to use the Proxy Server Tool
- AEM Brackets Extension
- AEM Developer Tools for Eclipse
- AEM Repo Tool
- Personalization
- Extending AEM
- Customizing Page Authoring
- Customizing the Consoles
- Customizing Views of Page Properties
- Configuring your Page for Bulk Editing of Page Properties
- Customizing and Extending Content Fragments
- Extending Workflows
- Extending the Multi Site Manager
- Tracking and Analytics
- Cloud Services
- Creating Custom Extensions
- Forms
- Integrating Services with the JMX Console
- Developing the Bulk Editor
- Extending Classic UI
- Testing
- Best Practices
- Best Practices Overview
- AEM Development Guidelines and Best Practices
- Development Best Practices
- Content Architecture
- Software Architecture
- We.Retail Reference Implementation
- We.Retail Reference Implementation
- Trying out Content Fragments in We.Retail
- Trying out Core Components in We.Retail
- Trying out Editable Templates in We.Retail
- Trying out Responsive Layout in We.Retail
- Trying out the Globalized Site Structure in We.Retail
- Trying out Experience Fragments in We.Retail
- Coding Tips
- Code pitfalls
- OSGI Bundles
- JCR Integration
- Code Samples
- Troubleshooting Slow Queries
- Mobile Web
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