Enabling Assets Insights through DTM
- Topics:
- Asset Insights,Asset Reports
- User
- Admin
Adobe Dynamic Tag Management is a tool that activates your digital marketing tools. It is provided for free to Adobe Analytics customers. You can either customize your tracking code to enable third-party CMS solutions to use Assets Insights or you can use DTM to insert Assets Insights tags. Insights are only supported and provided for images.
Perform these steps to enable Assets Insights through DTM:
Tap/click the Experience Manager logo, and go to Tools > Assets > Insights Configuration.
Configure Experience Manager instance with DTM Cloud Service
The API token should be available once you log on to https://dtm.adobe.com and visit Account Settings from the Profile icon. This step is not required from the Assets Insights standpoint, because the integration of Experience Manager Sites with Assets Insights is still in the works.
Log on to https://dtm.adobe.com, and select a Company, as appropriate.
Create/Open an the existing Web Property
- Select the Web Properties tab, and then tap/click Add Property.
- Update the fields as appropriate, and tap/click Create Property (see documentation).
In the Rules tab, select Page Load Rules from the navigation pane and tap/click Create New Rule.
Expand Javascript /Third Party Tags. Then tap/click Add New Script in the Sequential HTML tab to open the Script dialog.
Tap/click the Experience Manager logo, and go to Tools > Assets.
Tap/click Insights Page Tracker, copy the tracker code, and then paste it in the Script dialog you opened in step 6. Save the changes.
has been removed. It is expected to be available through DTM’s Adobe Analytics tool.- The call to
is removed. The function is expected to be called once DTM’s Adobe Analytics tool finishes loading. - Depending on where Assets Insights Page Tracker is hosted (for example AEM, CDN and so on), the origin of the script source may require changes.
- For AEM-hosted Page Tracker, the source should point to a publish instance using the host name of the dispatcher instance.
Open https://dtm.adobe.com. Click Overview in the web property and click Add Tool or open an existing Adobe Analytics Tool. While creating the tool, you can set Configuration Method to Automatic.
Select Staging/Production report suites, as appropriate.
Expand Library Management, and ensure that Load Library at is set to Page Top.
Expand Customize Page Code, and click or tap Open Editor.
Paste the following code in the window:
var sObj; if (arguments.length > 0) { sObj = arguments[0]; } else { sObj = _satellite.getToolsByType('sc')[0].getS(); } _satellite.notify('in assetAnalytics customInit'); (function initializeAssetAnalytics() { if ((!!window.assetAnalytics) && (!!assetAnalytics.dispatcher)) { _satellite.notify('assetAnalytics ready'); /** NOTE: Copy over the call to 'assetAnalytics.dispatcher.init()' from Assets Pagetracker Be mindful about changing the AppMeasurement object as retrieved above. */ assetAnalytics.dispatcher.init( "", /** RSID to send tracking-call to */ "", /** Tracking Server to send tracking-call to */ "", /** Visitor Namespace to send tracking-call to */ "", /** listVar to put comma-separated-list of Asset IDs for Asset Impression Events in tracking-call, e.g. 'listVar1' */ "", /** eVar to put Asset ID for Asset Click Events in, e.g. 'eVar3' */ "", /** event to include in tracking-calls for Asset Impression Events, e.g. 'event8' */ "", /** event to include in tracking-calls for Asset Click Events, e.g. 'event7' */ sObj /** [OPTIONAL] if the webpage already has an AppMeasurement object, please include the object here. If unspecified, Pagetracker Core shall create its own AppMeasurement object */ ); sObj.usePlugins = true; sObj.doPlugins = assetAnalytics.core.updateContextData; assetAnalytics.core.optimizedAssetInsights(); } else { _satellite.notify('assetAnalytics not available. Consider updating the Custom Page Code', 4); } })();
The page load rule in DTM only includes the pagetracker.js code. Any
fields are considered as overrides for default values. They are not required by default. -
The code calls
after making sure that_satellite.getToolsByType('sc')[0].getS()
is initialized andassetAnalytics,dispatcher.init
is available. Therefore, you can skip adding it in step 11. -
As indicated in comments within the Insights Page Tracker code (Tools > Assets > Insights Page Tracker), when Page Tracker does not create an
object, the first three arguments (RSID, Tracking Server, and Visitor Namespace) are irrelevant. Empty strings are passed instead to highlight this.The remaining arguments correspond to what is configured in the Insights Configuration page (Tools > Assets > Insights Configuration).
The AppMeasurement object is retrieved by querying
for all available SiteCatalyst engines. If multiple tags are configured, change the index of the array selector appropriately. Entries in the array are ordered as per SiteCatalyst tools available in the DTM interface.
Save and close the Code Editor window, and then save the changes in the Tool configuration.
In the Approvals tab, approve both the pending approvals. The DTM tag is ready for insertion in your web page. For details on how to insert DTM tags in web pages, see archived page about integrating DTM in custom page templates.
Experience Manager
- Assets user guide
- AEM 6.4 Assets release notes
- About DAM
- User experience improvements
- Best practices for assets
- Use AEM Assets
- Dynamic Media
- Dynamic Media newsletter archive by Experience League
- Setting up Dynamic Media
- Working with Dynamic Media
- Configuring Dynamic Media - Scene7 mode
- Configuring Dynamic Media - Hybrid mode
- Troubleshooting Dynamic Media - Scene7 mode
- Managing Dynamic Media assets
- Best practices for optimizing the quality of your images
- Managing Dynamic Media Viewer Presets
- Applying Dynamic Media Viewer Presets
- Managing Dynamic Media Image Presets
- Applying Dynamic Media Image Presets
- Dynamic Media Video Profiles
- Dynamic Media Image Profiles
- Smart Imaging
- Smart Imaging with client-side Device Pixel Ratio
- Video
- HTTP2 delivery of content
- Delivering Dynamic Media assets
- Activating hotlink protection in Dynamic Media
- Dynamic Media limitations
- Image Sets
- Mixed Media Sets
- Spin Sets
- Panoramic Images
- Video
- Interactive Images
- Interactive Videos
- Carousel Banners
- Using Quickviews to create custom pop-ups
- Delivering optimized images for a responsive site
- Previewing Dynamic Media assets
- Adding Dynamic Media assets to pages
- Adding Dynamic Media Classic components to pages
- Embedding the Dynamic Video or Image viewer on a web page
- Linking URLs to your web application
- Using Rulesets to transform URLs
- Publishing Dynamic Media assets
- Invalidating your CDN cached content
- Installing Feature Pack 18912 for bulk asset migration
- Working with Selectors
- Extend Assets
- Administer Assets
- Assets supported formats
- Search facets
- Managing Metadata for assets
- XMP writeback to renditions
- Asset link sharing
- Asset reports
- Enhanced Smart Tags
- Profiles for processing metadata, images, and videos
- Cascading metadata
- Create and configure Asset Editor pages
- Assets sizing guide
- Metadata Schemata Reference
- Best practices for translating assets efficiently
- Assets performance tuning guide
- How to edit or add metadata
- Assets migration guide
- XMP metadata
- Assets network considerations
- AEM Assets vs. AEM MediaLibrary
- Using PDF rasterizer
- Configuring asset upload restrictions
- AEM and Creative Cloud integration best practices
- Configure Adobe Asset Link
- Integrating AEM Assets with InDesign server
- Metadata profiles
- Digital Rights Management in Assets
- Using demo package for Assets Insights
- Assets Offloading Best Practices
- Assets file format best practices
- Assets Monitoring Best Practices
- Camera Raw Support
- Detecting MIME Type of Assets Using Apache Tika
- Imaging Transcoding Library
- Support for IPTC Metadata
- Metadata Schemas
- Multi-tenancy for Collections, Snippets, and Snippet Templates
- Watermarking
- Bulk Metadata Import and Export
- Asset Templates
- AEM to Creative Cloud Folder Sharing Best Practices
- Folder Metadata Schema
- Managing Smart Tags
- Brand Portal
- Content Fragments
- Working with Content Fragments
- Managing Content Fragments
- Content Fragment Models
- Variations - Authoring Fragment Content
- Content Fragment Associated Content
- Metadata - Fragment Properties
- Content Fragments - Delete Considerations
- Content Fragments - Markdown
- Creating translation projects for Content Fragments
- Manage Assets
- Managing Assets with the Touch-Optimized UI
- Managing multiple assets and collections
- Asset selector
- Managing Collections
- Check in and check out files in Assets
- Configure asset tagging using the Smart Content Service
- Enabling duplicate detection
- Enhanced sorting of assets in AEM
- Organize digital assets
- Managing video assets
- Creating Translation Projects
- Preparing Assets for Translation
- Download assets from AEM
- Asynchronous Operations
- Lightbox
- Enabling Assets Insights through DTM
- Configuring Assets Insights
- Applying translation cloud services to folders
- Using Page Tracker and Embed code in web pages
- Managing Compound Assets
- Related Assets
- Assets Insights
- Searching Video Assets
- Private folder sharing
- Smart Content Service Training Guidelines
- Video renditions
- Integration with other solutions