Purge completed tasks

Experience Manager Assets executes a purge task every day at 0100 hours to delete completed asynchronous tasks that are more than a day old.

You can modify the schedule for the purge task and the duration for which details of completed tasks are retained before they are deleted. You can also configure the maximum number of completed tasks for which details are retained at any point of time.

  1. In the Experience Manager interface click Tools > Operations > Web Console.

  2. Open the Adobe CQ DAM Async Jobs Purge Scheduled task.

  3. Specify the threshold number of days after which completed tasks are deleted and the maximum number of tasks for which details are retained in history. Save the changes.

    Configuration to schedule the purging of asynchronous tasks

Configure threshold for asynchronous delete operations

If the number of assets or folders to be deleted exceeds the set threshold number, the delete operation is performed asynchronously.

  1. In the Experience Manager interface click Tools > Operations > Web Console.

  2. From the Web Console, open the Async Delete Operation Job Processing configuration.

  3. In the Threshold number of assets box, specify the threshold numbers to asynchronously delete assets, folders, or references. Save the changes.

    Set the threshold limit for the task to delete assets

Experience Manager