Your Inbox your-inbox

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our technical support periods. Find the supported versions here.

You can receive notifications from various areas of AEM, including workflows and projects; for example, about:

  • Tasks:

    • these can also be created at various points within the AEM UI, for example, under Projects,
    • these can be the product of a workflow Create Task or Create Project Task step.
  • Workflows:

    • work items that represent actions that you need to perform on page content;

      • these are the product of workflow Participant steps
    • failure items, to allow administrators to retry the failed step.

You receive these notifications in your own Inbox where you can view them and take action.

Out-of-the-box AEM comes pre-loaded with administrative tasks assigned to the administrator user group. See Out-of-the-Box Administrative Tasks for details.
For further information about the item types see also:

Inbox in the Header inbox-in-the-header

From any of the consoles the current number of items in your inbox is shown in the header. The indicator can also be opened to provide either quick access to the page(s) requiring action(s) or access to the inbox:


Certain actions will also be shown in the card view of the appropriate resource.

Out-of-the-Box Administrative Tasks out-of-the-box-administrative-tasks

Out-of-the-box AEM comes pre-loaded with four tasks assigned to the administrator user group.

Opening the Inbox opening-the-inbox

To open the AEM notification inbox:

  1. Click/tap on the indicator in the toolbar.

  2. Select View all. The AEM Inbox will open. The inbox shows items from workflows, projects and tasks.

  3. The default view is List View, but you can also switch to Calendar View. This is done with the view selector (toolbar, top right).

    For both views you can also define View Settings; the options available are dependent on the current view.


The Inbox operates as a console, so use Global Navigation or Search to navigate to another location when you are finished.

Inbox - List View inbox-list-view

This view lists all items, together with key relevant information:


Inbox - Calendar View inbox-calendar-view

This view presents items according to their position in the calendar and the precise view you have selected:


You can:

  • select a specific view; Timeline, Column, List

  • specify the tasks to display according to Schedule; All, Planned, In Progress, Due Soon, Past Due

  • drill down for more detailed information on an item

  • select a date range to focus the view:


Inbox - View Settings inbox-view-settings

For both views (List and Calendar) you can define settings:

  • Calendar View

    For Calendar View you can configure:

    • Group by
    • Schedule or None
    • Card size


  • List View

    For List View you can configure the sort mechanism:

    • Sort on
    • Sort Order


Taking Action on an Item taking-action-on-an-item

  1. To take an action on an item, select the thumbnail for the appropriate item. Icons for the actions that are applicable to that item will be shown in the toolbar:


    The actions are appropriate to the item and include:

    • Complete action; for example, a task or workflow item.

    • Re-assign/Delegate an item.

    • Open an item; depending on the item type this action can:

      • show the item properties
      • open an appropriate dashboard or wizard for further action
      • open related documentation
    • Step back to a previous step.

    • View the payload for a workflow.

    • Create a project from the item.

    note note
    For further information see:
  2. Depending on the item selected an action will be started; for example:

    • a dialog appropriate to the action will be opened.
    • an action wizard will be started.
    • a documentation page will be opened.

    For example, Re-assign will open a dialog:


    Depending on whether a dialog, wizard, documentation page has been opened you can:

    • Confirm the appropriate action; e.g Re-assign.
    • Cancel the action.
    • Back arrow; for example, if an action wizard or documentation page has been opened, you can return to the Inbox.

Creating a Task creating-a-task

From the inbox you can create tasks:

  1. Select Create, then Task.

  2. Complete the necessary fields in the Basic and Advanced tabs; only the Title is mandatory, all others are optional:

    • Basic:

      • Title
      • Project
      • Assignee
      • Content; similar to Payload, this is a reference from the task to a location in the repository
      • Description
      • Task Priority
      • Start Date
      • Due Date


    • Advanced

      • Name: this will be used to form the URL; if blank it will be based on the Title.


  3. Select Submit.

Creating a Project creating-a-project

For certain tasks you can create a Project based on that task:

  1. Select the appropriate task, by tapping/clicking on the thumbnail.

    note note
    Only tasks created using the Create option of the Inbox can be used to create a project.
    Workitems (from a workflow) cannot be used to create a project.
  2. Select Create Project from the toolbar to open the wizard.

  3. Select the appropriate template, then Next.

  4. Specify the required properties:

    • Basic

      • Title
      • Description
      • Start Date
      • Due Date
      • User and role
    • Advanced

      • Name
    note note
    See Creating a Project for full information.
  5. Select Create to confirm the action.

Filtering Items in the AEM Inbox filtering-items-in-the-aem-inbox

You can filter the items listed:

  1. Open the AEM Inbox.

  2. Open the filter selector:


  3. You can filter the items listed according to a range of criteria, many of which can be refined; for example:


    note note
    With View Settings you can also configure the sort order when using the List View.