Adobe Campaign Standard: Inflated Campaign numbers from ACS in Adobe Analytics
This article explains how to resolve the Adobe Campaign Standard (ACS) issue where the data in Campaign and Analytics differ. An important step in this is to validate that the two workflows in ACS, kpiReconciliation
and kpiSharing
, are processing the current date data.
Adobe Campaign Standard
Discrepancies between the data in Campaign and Analytics can occur occasionally. One such example is when data on the Analytics side is displaying higher metrics than in Campaign.
To address this, the following steps should be executed:
Confirm which metrics/system is correct. To do this, the tracking and delivery logs from the delivery should be confirmed, as ACS is considered the system of record.
The next step is to validate that the two workflows in ACS, which are responsible for data sharing and reconciliation, are online, error-free, and are processing the current date data.
: This workflow retrieves KPIs from the Reporting service daily and compares them with Adobe Analytics data. Any disparities are then addressed, with adjustments made if necessary. By default, it initiates every day at 4:20 AM.kpiSharing
: This workflow transfers KPI data from Adobe Campaign Standard to Adobe Analytics every 15 minutes.
For further details on these technical workflows, please refer to the documentation provided: Technical Workflow Documentation
If the technical workflows are online and displaying without issue, Adobe Engineering must be engaged to reconcile the count disparity by using a manual
script, which will reconcile the data between the reporting repository (Druid) and Analytics.
Note: This reconciliation is time-sensitive. If the data is more than two or three months old, it may not be able to be reconciled.