Cloud Manager Assets performance testing failing

The Assets Performance testing is failing with an unknown error. Learn why it is happening.

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AEM Managed Services


The Assets Performance testing is failing with an unknown error.

Step Failure: assetsTest

No direct logs from the failed step assetsTest are available as indicated by the error message:

{"type":"","status":404,"title":"Step logs not found","errors":[ "Logs not found for programId=809, executionId=3473820, phaseId=6253498, stepId=11687695"] } 

However, the pipelineExecutionFailureReasons indicate an ASSETS_TESTS_AUTHOR_CONNECTION_ERROR with an error code 002_010_006 and the message:

Unable to connect to the author instance. 

Internal details suggest an HTTP response issue with a message indicating Not Found, which typically would imply that the endpoint for the author instance was not reachable during the test execution.

The primary issue appears to be a connection error to the author instance during the assetsTest step, which prevented the test from completing successfully.

However, the Cloud Manager user exists, and manually uploading assets on the author works as expected.

The assets performance test is working for 30 minutes then suddenly fails in a repeated manner while the test should stop after 30 minutes.

See AEM Assetsin Cloud Manager Documentation for AEM 6.x.

Resolution resolution

Checking the internal Azure function logs, it was found that the request had the result 404 Not Found. The GET to the URL from the message field returned 404. See below.

The failure in this case was caused by the fact that, following Adobe’s recommendation, the querybuilder was blocked at the dispatcher level.
However, Cloud Manager needs the querybuilder to be allowed on the dispatcher for the Cloud Manager user, as during the asset testing, it retrieves the processing time.

 "x-ms-workflow-run-id": " ",
 "x-ms-workflow-operation-name": "1500_measureAssetsProcessingTime",
 "message": "Req: GET",
 "x-ms-client-tracking-id": "trackingID",
 "trackingContext": {
 "executionId": executionID,
 "tenantId": tenantID,
 "imsOrgId": "IMS_ORG",
 "programId": programID,
 "pipelineId": pipelineID

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