Adobe Analytics: cannot see Server Call Usage
If you are not seeing the Server Call Usage dashboard, check your permissions. You must have the Adobe Analytics Administrator role to be able to access it.
Adobe Analytics
You cannot see the Service Call Usage under the Admin tab in the Analytics UI.
Check what your permissions are. To access the Server Call Usage Dashboard and the Alert Builder/Manager, you must be an Adobe Analytics Administrator. Administrators can grant access to non-admins: the permission is called Server Call Usage under Analytics Tools in the product profile permissions in the Admin Console. For steps, refer to Server Call Usage Permission in the Analytics Admin Guide.
Also, all the report suites tied to your billing ID must be added to the Analytics company.
You might not be an Adobe Analytics administrator. As a non-administrator, you might not have the required permission assigned in the Admin Console. Also, all report suites tied to your billing company must be added to the Analytics company. Contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) for details.