No Project Template Available
For the project templates to be visible in AEM, the property cq:allowedTemplates
of type String[ ]
and the value /(apps|libs)/.*/projects/templates/.* must be present under /content/projects/jcr:content.
Description description
Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)
Although the user has all the necessary privileges assigned in the Admin Console, including Admin rights, whenever trying to create a new project from AEM Start >
Projects >
Create >
Project, there is no project template available hence, no project can be created.
According to the user guide, AEM ships with three different templatesout of the box:
- A simple project: A reference sample for any projects that do not fit into other categories (a catch-all). It includes three basic roles (Owners, Editors, and Observers) and four workflows (Project Approval, Request Launch, Request Landing Page, and Request Email).
- A media project: A reference sample project for media-related activities. It includes several media-related project roles (Photographers, Editors, Copywriters, Designers, Owners, and Observers).
- A translation project: A reference sample for managing translation-related activities. It includes three basic roles (Owners, Editors, and Observers). It includes two workflows that are accessed in the Workflows user interface.
However, the user can see none of these templates.
Resolution resolution
For the project templates to be visible in AEM, the property cq:allowedTemplates
of type String[ ]
and the value /(apps|libs)/.*/projects/templates/.* must be present under /content/projects/jcr:content.
The issue was caused by the fact that the user had no jcr:content node
under /content/projects. After creating the jcr:content node
and adding the cq:allowedTemplates
attribute, the user could see all three project templates.