Data Warehouse connection to AWS S3 SFTP server failed

Description description


  • Customer Journey Analytics
  • Analytics


You are trying to implement Data Warehouse connection to the AWS S3 SFTP server by referring to the Send Data Warehouse requests to SFTP servers documentation. However, it fails to connect due to the issue of reading the public key.

AWS S3 - Amazon Simple Storage Service

SFTP - Secure File Transfer Protocol

Resolution resolution

Consult your System Administrator or Vendor (e.g. AWS) for your SFTP server to determine the correct action to install the public key.


Any implementation of SFTP outside of OpenSSH (Secure Shell) may have a completely different mechanism for installing public keys for authorized logins.

That means you need to consult your System Administrator or Vendor for Step3 of Send Data Warehouse requests to SFTP servers.

Step3: In the root directory, navigate to the folder named .ssh (if one does not exist, create one) and place the authorized_keys file there.
