Discover and Build Audiences

Learn how to create a real-time audience in the Marketing Cloud People service.

Description description

Adobe Audience Manager

This article shows you how to build audiences using data that is collected across Experience Cloud solutions.

You’ll Learn
- How to create a real-time audience in the Marketing Cloud People service.

- How to create a historical audience using Analytics Segment Builder and the Marketing Cloud People service.

- How to create Audience Manager audiences.
- The Marketing Cloud ID service deployed. See Integrate Digital Marketing Tools.
- Adobe Analytics

- Adobe Audience Manager

- Adobe Target

- Adobe Campaign
Use Cases
Digital Foundation

Customer Intelligence

Resolution resolution

Create a Real-Time Audience

Real-time audiences let you perform immediate audience qualification based on data contained in an Analytics hit for next page targeting.

(disqualification from conflicting audiences 2:30)

Create a Historical Audience

Historical Audiences let you use Analytics Segments to create audiences with complex qualification criteria.

(share to Marketing Cloud 2:10; audience creation window 2:20)

Create an Audience Manager Audience

Audience Manager lets you combine multiple data sources to create audiences that can be shared throughout the Adobe Experience Cloud and your marketing ecosystem.

Audience Manager audiences are available for next page targeting.
