Is it possible to hide or delete OOTB delivery templates in ACS

Since OOTB templates are in read-only format, these aren’t editable. However, they can be pulled to the bottom-most section of the list to remove them from view. This Campaign Standard article explains how to achieve this.

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Campaign Standard


Is it possible to hide or delete default/OOTB delivery templates from the template view in ACS?

When you create a new marketing activity, the first screen in the wizard asks you to select a type or template. Templates allow you to pre-configure specific parameters according to your needs. The template may contain a full or partial configuration of the marketing activity.

The end-user has a simplified interface. When creating a new marketing activity, you just need to select the template you would like to use. There is no need to worry about any technical configurations. This has already been pre-configured by the functional administrator in the template.

For example, in the case of an email template, you can pre-fill the HTML content, the audience, and any other parameters of your delivery: schedule, test profiles, delivery’s general properties, advanced parameters, etc. This allows you to save time when creating a new activity.

For more details on templates, refer to About templates.

There have been few requests to hide the OOTB/Default delivery templates from the templates view section. Only the custom templates are visible for those accessing the templates for delivery creation.

Resolution resolution

Deleting an OOTB template is not possible. Also, they cannot be hidden/edited/renamed as the properties of OOTB templates are in Read-Only format, hence not editable.

The only way to hide them from view is to configure the template list to pull down the OOTB templates to the bottom-most section of the list.

However, there is a way to filter out the built-in templates and the custom templates.


  1. When creating a new email delivery, go to Change Display mode and change the method from Cards to Lists.
  2. Click on Configure list to add a filter that will help filter out the built-in or non-built templates. Once you click on Configure list, you will see the screen where you can add the Built-in condition.
  3. Add the Built-in application condition and click  OK.
  4. You can keep the built-in application object column in Ascending order, which would prioritize custom templates having the value “No,” and the templates with the value “Yes” would be shown at the bottom-most of this list.