Difference between Target Visitors and Analytics Visitors

Know the difference between Target Visitors and Analytics Visitors.

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What is the difference between Target Visitors and Analytics Unique Visitors?

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The difference between the Target report metric “Visitors” and the Analytics report metric “Unique Visitors” is given below:

Target Visitor is a participant in the activity for the life of the campaign. The visitor will be counted as a new entrant if he or she visits the site from a new computer or a new browse, deletes the cookie, or converts and returns to the activity with the same cookie. An entrant is identified by the PCID in the visitor’s mbox cookie. If the PCID changes, the person is considered a new visitor.

Analytics Unique visitors refer to visitors who visit a site for the first time within a specified time period. For example, a unique visitor can visit a site ten times in a week, but if the time period is a week, a single unique visitor is counted only once for that week.
