What is subdomain delegation and what is it for?

In subdomain delegation, you authorize a subdomain to be managed by another company/entity. It is often associated with new branding or a new sending address.

Description description


  • Adobe Campaign Classic
  • Adobe Campaign
  • Adobe Campaign Standard


What is subdomain delegation and what is it for? What is the goal of a subdomain delegation?

Resolution resolution

The process of subdomain delegation is where an authorization is required for a subdomain to be managed by another company/entity.
The user usually authorizes Adobe to manage all aspects of the email sending domain and if it is in hosted deployment mode.

Subdomain delegation is often associated with new branding or new sending address.

Subdomain requirements

Determine the subdomain(s) to be used for branded URLs (mirror pages and tracking URLs) from the Adobe Campaign application.
Also decide what the “From Address”, “From Name” and “Reply-To Address” will be for each subdomain on email deliveries:

  • “From address”: email address that will send the email. When sending emails from Adobe Campaign, the “From” address mailbox is not monitored and marketing users cannot access this mailbox.
  • “From name”: name that will show instead of the “From address” to the user, (e.g. “Customercare” instead of customercare@customer.com).
  • (Optional) “Reply to address”: is to be provided if user wants to have access to customer reply. The address needs to be valid, possessed, and accessible by the client (otherwise the client won’t be able to access the reply). This address is not managed nor monitored by Adobe , (e.g. customercare@customer.com). If no “Reply-to address” is chosen by the userr, then the default address is always <tenant>-<type>-<env>@<subdomain>.

Note:  Campaign also does not offer the ability to Auto-Reply or Auto-Forward emails received in this mailbox. “From name” cannot contain “abuse” nor “postmaster”.

Delegating subdomain

The subdomain(s) chosen to be used for the Adobe Campaign platform must be delegated by creating five name server (NS) records.
This allows the subdomain to be properly delegated to Adobe.  Below is an example of a subdomain delegation and the respective DNS instructions.
Please substitute “emails.customer.com” with the subdomain you wish to delegate.
Please note that the subdomain must be unique and cannot already be in use by another party (for example, an existing ESP or MSP).

Delegated subdomain
< subdomain>
DNS Instructions
< subdomain> NS a.ns.campaign.adobe.com.
< subdomain> NS b.ns.campaign.adobe.com.
< subdomain> NS c.ns.campaign.adobe.com.
< subdomain> NS d.ns.campaign.adobe.com.
< subdomain> NS e.ns.campaign.adobe.com.

Tracking / Mirror pages / Resources

Once the email sending subdomain(s) is/are properly delegated to Adobe Campaign, the Adobe TechOps team will create two or more lower-level domains to manage tracking and mirror pages independently:

  • Mirror page: m.< subdomain>
  • Tracking: t.< subdomain>
  • Resources: res.< subdomain>

Related reading

Control Panel Overview to self-serve domain delegation. The Adobe Campaign Control Panel allows Adobe Campaign administrators to monitor key assets and perform administrative tasks, such as managing the SFTP storage by instance, managing GPG keys, or subdomains and certificates.

Full Subdomain Delegation for subdomain delegation.

Note: Sub-domain delegation is only applicable for production instances.
