Executable Campaigns - Learn how executables can drive efficiency and impact

As folks are joining the webinar, we’re going to start in a couple minutes as you’re joining. So we were we’re going to use the chat for our Q&A. So as you’re getting logged on, tell us in the chat what your experience has been to date with executable campaigns. Are you new to it? Have you used executable campaigns a little bit or do you consider yourself somewhat of an expert? We have some folks joining as you join. We’d love to know what your expertise is with executable campaign ads and perhaps some of the questions you may have. We are going to use the chat. So if you see chat in Q&A, we’re going to use the chat for our question and answer. We’re going to start in about a minute. All right. Looks like we have a pretty good mix of expertise and usage, so we’re really glad that you’re attending today. So we’ll go ahead and get started. Hello, my name is Chris Willis. I will be moderating our session today. We’re going to be talking we’re going to be doing a deep dive about executable campaigns so how they can drive efficiency and impacting in your operations. And we’re going to provide some practical examples and some real life use cases that you can take and use in your organization’s. So for our agenda, we’ll start with some welcome and housekeeping, and I will then introduce our panel. And they will walk through executable campaigns and a couple of use cases. And we should have about 15, 10 to 15 minutes at the end for Q&A to go through your questions. And as I noted earlier, please provide your questions in the chat. I’ll be monitoring the chat and providing those questions to our panelists today. As with every user group activity, just some of our house rules. If you’ve been to a if you’ve been to a mug or a Adobe Marketo Engage champion event, you’ve seen this before. Essentially no self-promotion of any kind. We’re here to help help each other and really just lead in community driven learning. And but, you know, the rules are, you know, please respect each other. Don’t contact people without their consent. And the use cases that we share in here are for our you know, for our edification. So please don’t share anybody’s use case that they may be presenting in the in the mug outside of this forum. So this session is being recorded. So if you do not consent to being recorded, you can you can log off and and view the recording at any time. And please stay connected. I apologize for the moves over here. So we do have a mug chapter so you can go to mug stop market O.carm and essentially join the mug for deep dives. And this will give you updates, give you announcements of future deep dive activities. So if you really like the content in this session, we are going to be doing this throughout the year. And so if you want to get updates, please please sign up and subscribe to the mug. And this is just the Adobe deep dive mug on the Barbie site. And then you’ll get notified, you’ll get emails from us telling us, telling you when there’s other great events happening, a few upcoming up opportunities. We have to talk about Adobe Summit because it’s going to be awesome. So it’s in, gosh, less than a month, some of the some of the vendor event invites are starting to go out and this is going to be a really cool event. There’s going to some great presentations, great learning. I’ll be there. So please come, please come out. It’s going to be great time. Like last year’s summit event was really amazing. It was great to see everybody face to face. Also, if you’ve recently inherited a Marketo Engage instance, you can sign up through clicking on this QR code to get to get all of this great information. You’ll get about ten emails that will just be educationally focused that will help you navigate the journey of inheriting a new instance, highly recommended, and you’ll get essentially a ten week, five week cadence, two emails a week with information that you can see, you know, appear and of course our user group. So if you’re whether you’re virtual or you live in one of these areas, there’s a lot of activities. Our user groups are very active. If you if you’re in Portland, definitely check out their their happy hour. The Portland bug is really, really neat an active group and if you’re in Atlanta I can like two thumbs up for everything that the Atlanta bug does. All these folks are awesome. So if you’re if you’re in one of these communities or join the virtual mug, there’s a lot of great content that comes out in the virtual mug. And of course, we’ve got our international mug activities here as well. And so without further ado, got through our housekeeping items. Let’s talk about executable campaigns. And first, I will introduce our panel. So I’m Chris, your moderator. I’m the principal kind of rev ops consultant for GTM Wranglers. It’s my freelance consulting business, so I work with clients to help them kind of align sales marketing. I’m using Marketo, primarily Marketo, Salesforce. I live in Casper, Wyoming. I love to ski and drink wine. And Kourtney, she’s a two time Marketo engaged champion. She’s a Certified Solutions architect and she runs the London Marketo User Group with one other. She’s been in digital marketing for over ten years, and especially in marketing operations for the last five and specializes in process design optimization, MarTech transformations and deep diving into custom integrations, data strategy and solutions that drive growth and addition. Jane is a two time Marketo engaged champion, certified Marketo certified expert and she’s been working in this space for about six years and she enjoys snowboarding and kite surfing. So without further ado, I am going to hand the presentation off to Courtney and Jane, who are going to amaze you with their knowledge and give you some really great tips and tricks to work on from the session. Courtney Take it away. Mazing Bear with me guys. Why switch some screen sharing around? Okay, let’s see now. See, here we go and get into presenter mode. So you guys don’t you don’t see all the good stuff we have come in for you too early. All right. I love seeing in the chat. Okay. There we go. I’m not going to do that thing where it says can you’ll see my screen. So if you can’t speak up, if not, let’s dive right in. I love seeing in the chat that there’s like a breadth of experience here. We want to kind of start off covering some of the key points about execute executable campaigns, then dive in the use cases, show you exactly how we would build it out. Obviously then have Q&A with only a short hour. There’s probably not time, enough time to go as deep as Courtney. You’re on mute. I’m on mute. I could hear you. I hear her, too. Okay. I was like, I’m not sure this is going to go. Really badly now. Okay? Can you hear me now? Chris? Okay, I’m going to keep talking. I’ll keep rolling with the ball and maybe we can Chris can figure out what’s going on. In the meantime, if you guys can help, maybe talk to him in the chat and get him sorted. Oh, I was going to say is if there’s anything we don’t cover for you guys, we’ve pulled together some really great resources for after this as well. That we’re going to include. They’ll be in this deck and we’ll send them out after this. So if if you want to dive even deeper and that’s going to be around using X API and things like that, then feel free to dive into that. And also we can take this offline too. So it was trying to find a nice balance, which I think is great for the breadth of experience we have. So getting started, what is an executable campaign? It’s a type of smart campaign, so there are different ways you can build things, there’s different architecture. Jayne’s really going to dive into that for us later, but it’s just another type of smart campaign. You can use it to be called from other campaigns. And one of the great things is it’s going to complete actions before the rest of the flow that you’ve built out in that parent campaign. While we’re looking at this slide, I just want to draw your attention to where the red boxes for the next the next slide. We do have a delay here on. I can see what you guys see and what I see is different. So we’ll get there, which are some quick five quick hot tips on when you’re using and building with executable campaigns. So the first thing to let you guys know is that executable campaigns are created and they’re set at your campaign creation. That’s why I draw your attention to that, where that red box was when you create your smart campaign, that’s where you’re going to identify that you want it to be executable. What you can’t do after you’ve built out campaigns is then change them back to executable. So at the point of creation, make sure you check that box. You can clone campaigns and then make the clone to the new one executable you can’t clone if it has triggers that are firing within it. Another good tip is you can clone an executable campaign to make another executable campaign to build out a different flow within it or something like that. But you will still need to mark that little executable box so that doesn’t carry over. It’s not inherited from one executable to another executable. So just make sure that you click that you cannot request webhook or use wait steps in an executable executable campaign. I’m going to do that about 15,000 times for the amount of times that Jane, Chris and I have said executable back and forth to each other preparing this for you guys. So please forgive me. You can’t daisy chain your executable campaigns up to three executables deep. So you have your parent campaign where you want to be executing other campaigns. This is all going to make sense once we start to show you the architecture of how it’s built out and you can then have your parent campaign calling, which you might be, what a lot of us are more used to using when you’re calling a requested campaign or something, but calling or executing an executable. There’s one that executable can have another executable called within it. So you down to two and then that one can have another one called within it. So you can daisy chain and start to really build out some complex architecture that’s ultimately going to save you so much time as an admin, as a campaign member, as somebody new to Marketo, wherever you’re at with it. The efficiencies, a lot of the efficiencies are going to lie in making sure that data is updated, making sure the right processes are happening when you want them to, and also saving you so much time. I can’t stress that enough. So Daisy chaining and think about thinking about how you build that out as you start to build is really important. If you’re going to use the remove from flow step, it can be used, but just know that it’s going to remove your leads, your contacts from the flow in the executable campaign as well as the parent campaign that you’re using it in. So it’s going to stop them from going all through those processes. And then one of the biggest bonuses to executable campaigns, which I think is a game changer, is you can select to choose. If you’re using tokens within your programs, you can select to use tokens that are in your executable campaign or using an executable campaign and pulling in tokens from the parent campaign that it’s nested within. So you can get really bespoke and detailed. Then into your campaigns and into your program builds to make sure you’re calling out details that set out at a program level and are really specific to whatever you’re building out. Pass it over to Jane. Hi, guys. So now we’re going to talk about the executable campaigns interest. I architecture and how it differs from other ways you could build your campaigns. And next slide, please. Courtney Okay, so let’s executable campaigns. They’re quite similar to request campaigns, and that’s probably the first thought that she had in mind. Why would you use executable campaigns and not request campaigns that we all use? And here’s the scheme which shows you that executable campaigns run flows in some synchronous way, while request campaigns run flows in a synchronous way. Which means that as your campaign complexities grow and you starting to think, okay, what should I do with timing? What should happen first and what should happen next? Should a lead been raised before or after thinking to the CRM? When should I sign sales rep to that lead? That’s when you need to decide if the process you building in your smart campaign needs to happen simultaneously in parallel, or if one flows should finish after the next flow can begin. So from the timing perspective, executable campaigns are processed synchronously and requests will campaigns asynchronously. And you should probably use request campaigns when you flows do not depend on one another. Then you care less. If they completed the certain time and they will complete quicker if they are happening in the parallel. While executable campaigns should be used whenever we have flows that depend on one another and each previous flow must be fully executed before the next flow can begin. Next slide up. Okay. And so here you can see how to do flows, but it’s not going to be called campaign A and B. I used an example of lead intake flume and lead scoring campaign and lead scoring is usually part of the leads intake is you want to get info on behavior and demographic of a lead before making a decision with full size to be sync to Iran. I’m using Salesforce. This is their syndicate and since lead scoring needs to happen in order for the lead intake campaign to be complete, one way to do it is to use request campaign and use the lead scoring campaign is one of the one of the requests flows, so you don’t really know how long it will take until you get all of your data standardization, data enrichment flows running in the backend and once how long will it take for all the data to be processed? So you can make an assumption will take one minute a five minute. Usually you would test it and you would get the approximate timing. You need to wait in order to have all of this data in, and then you want to request the lead scoring campaign. The problem here is that since we’re using request campaign functionality, we know that this flows will run asynchronously. So we don’t really know when the second campaign will be finished. And what can happen is that the lead will be sent to Salesforce before getting all of the scoring data, and that may cause some leads not to qualify and they might skip the step later. We’re going to cover how you can use executable campaigns in order to retry stage processes. And on the right hand side, you see that inscrutable campaign example, which is quite similar. But the difference here that when you requested from the campaign all the flows in the executable campaign will happen before it will proceed to the next step in the campaign. And that’s the major difference. Because while Marketo executable campaigns can call from the flow of other smart campaigns, which we just call the parent campaign, all of the actions will be completed first before it will return to the flow of the parent campaign. And then the remaining actions in the brand campaign will be carried out. So this way you can ensure that your scoring flows were complete and the lead was sent to Salesforce and probably got the right qualification stage. Next slide. Okay. So when choosing between executable and request campaigns, you should think about the execution because in executable campaigns, all the flows will be executed in sequence manner and in the request campaigns they might happen in parallel. You cannot use triggers and executable campaigns. Well, you can use them in the request campaigns. That’s nothing to consider and you cannot use web hooks in executables. I’ve seen quite a few campaign complains about that, but it kind of makes sense because sometimes calling a webhook may result in errors. So sometimes it takes more time. And since and executable campaign all flows need to be finished before the next one can start. We don’t want to delay those processes. You cannot use wait steps. That’s kind of counterproductive. It’s because of the way executable campaigns operations and you cannot assure either executable or request campaigns in the workspaces. So keep that in mind to. And how can you decide whether you should use daisy chains or executable campaigns? So in short, there’s a they have similar functionality, but it’s kind of a long process to build those campaigns. And then if you need to reuse them again, it’s less magical. Daisy campaigns, they are usually linked together via the request campaign and you can excuse use of campaigns synchronously. As you can see on the left hand side, all of the daisy chain campaigns happen under the 110 revenue. And in this example, this campaign is being request first and the next campaign is requested only after all the stats in the revenue campaign have been completed. So it’s similar in the way to executable campaigns that help streamline such processes. But they also make it much easier to manage and scale next line and the way it steps. We already covered that one. We can request campaigns and executable campaigns, but in short, while it is another way to prioritize one process over another, it’s it’s really not the best way to do so, because you don’t really have certainty of how long a specific journey will take, a specific flow will take. And you don’t want to rely on that. Well, now you have the executable campaigns which can ensure that the first flow is finished before the next one will run. And like we know, waiting time is not really set in stone as some as much as your complexity grows as you’re adding additional steps in your campaigns, you really need to keep testing because otherwise you will run into mistakes and you will have to fix them in the back end. So I really advise against using the weight test. That’s. Okay. Courtney Okay, perfect. So we’re going to talk. Through so now that we understand a little bit more about how they’re built and and how they interact with with different elements, we’re going to talk through some key processes, which is great because I was just looking in the chat and I saw Jeff say as soon as these came out, he started to rebuild all of his processes, all of his lead management processes, which is excellent. And it’s going to be one of the ones that I talk about a talk about now. So these are some if you’re just getting started with the in, you’re like, how can I start to create these efficiencies within my instance? These are going to be some great places for you to start inputting executables and building this out. Now, for me, I like to build this all in a center of excellence, so everything I talk to you through would be its own, would be its own program. Doesn’t have to be. It depends on the best architecture for you. But then I would house it all together because then I have one centralized place to manage it. But identifying your lead source. So before a contact is added to any programs, especially if that’s lead source dependent or before thinking over to your CRM, at least making sure that you’ve identified where it came from, enriching and standardizing your data. And this is really important, obviously, before you’re qualifying, before you’re routing any of your leads and before you’re adding it to anything that might be based on segmentation. So ensuring that that process has happened before, you move it down into further processes, fully qualifying, which I know we’re going to talk about a bit further later on, but ensuring you have the right demographic from a graphic and behavior score is all set up to decide if that lead is fully qualified before you then action on it, capturing every interesting moment and central item. And I’m going to share a use case specifically for this a bit later, but creating a centralized interesting moment management program where all your interesting moments are coming out of one place and then routing your contacts and assigning it to sell. So if you don’t have a tool that does that for you and you out and you built everything within Marketo, then this is a really great place to make sure you have everything done. You can retry failed processes before you root it out and then also using it to root. So talking about interesting moments specifically, this is one that I’m in the middle of building out. It’s exciting to kind of shift everything into one place. I’m going to talk you through how I built it. It’s really top level. It’s just going to show you in basic detail because depending on how intricate you intricately you use interesting numbers or what you use them for, you can obviously build out more within this. But to get started, I’m also going to talk about that, that using parent campaign token context as well within this. But to get started, you’re going to want to build out your program and that includes your your smart campaign. Inside that inside your program is where I would put details that are specific to the whatever this program is for. So, for instance, I’m going to use the example of if people are viewing undated data on our website and we have a whole program set up to capture when somebody is able to view that, we could then this in this case, it’s a template. So we would build out the program per video that they might be viewing, or if it’s on gated content like white paper or anything you might have that you want to capture at least their interest in that inside that program, which is going to be our parent program, then I’ve built out tokens that identify what that is. So in this case, my video title really, really simple, really basic. So build that program out and in that program, add your tokens in the flow of that program. Then add, execute campaign. And from here you’re going to pull from executable campaigns that you’ve built, which I’ll show you those in just a minute. And in this case, because in my executable campaign stamping data for an interesting moment, I want to make sure that the data for that interesting moment is coming from the video, the content, the page, whatever it might be that they’ve interacted with. So I’m going to select use, parent campaign context, true, I’m going to organize all of my executables that have to do with my interesting moment. So in one overall parent, interesting moment, I don’t want to confuse guys, not parent campaign, centralized, interesting moment program. And this is going to have them all there because in future, if I have any issues with my interesting moment, I have one place to look for troubleshooting. I have I can manage my interesting moments and do updates in one area that’s makes it really easy for scaling that because I can build out templates for programs that have to do with content that pull in this executable campaign into them. But within this executable campaign, I’m going to refer to the tokens from the program. So in my executable campaign, I’m going to stamp my interesting moment. And then from there, because in the parent program I’ve selected to use parent program context in token token in context, I’m then going to stamp it into this. So as somebody use that video, they’ll go through my flow and then this interesting moment will be pulled in and stamped to it. But based with the video title from the parent program, you can’t. There’s other ways to build this, and there’s probably other ways that you guys have built this before using triggers, especially because you can pull those in and it can the trigger can capture, you know, the the program name or something like that, which if you’re using a campaign naming convention, could be quite a lot of parameters before you get to the details and you’re passing it over to sales. And they’re like, well, what does all this mean? This is quite a lot to understand. This means you can get a lot more bespoke with your interesting moments. You can really create out the because because the my tokens, the program tokens are available and it will pull in through executable campaigns, Then you can be really detailed about the stuff that you want to add into your interesting moment and it can be really bespoke to what’s important to your your salespeople. Then back over to Jane. Okay. So now we’re going to talk about automatically are trying failed processes and not all into executable campaigns help to streamline your operational process but they can also help to simplify your data processing and minimize the risk of having to run backlogs and campaigns to fix data. And we’ve all been there. Sometimes your UTM data is not processed in time and then your attribution is failing and you want to make sure that everything is in place. So executables can really help with that. And in order to build the right flows for automatically retrying failed processes is the first defined. What are the crucial flows and dependencies? And here I use an example of lead lifecycle flow. It usually depends on the scoring, the lead source, and then you should think what is the data that you need in order to support a lead and usually it would be dependent on country data or state data. So you want to make sure that you you run this flows before your scoring is complete. And same goes for attribution data. That’s usually the flow that might have a lot of failures. So you need to run it before your source is finalized and signed in order to move the lead downstream line and sync it to Salesforce. So think first about what can go wrong and then build your flow, check it, run it again, and maybe add additional steps to it. Next slide. Okay. Another example is the ICP program or ideal customer profile. In each business, you would use different data so that we can use an example of a senior manager who works for a specific company in the industry that you are selling in, and you might get data about someone’s seniority and about their location using the form that they sought out. But a lot of times you wouldn’t have all the information in or maybe the data will come in in the wrong format and you need to make sure that data standardization flows for each of those fields crucial for your ICP program run through before the next flow. And you again think about the region and if the state and country data didn’t record properly, you might want to enrich it. You could use them in for crunchbase or other platforms. Or maybe you didn’t get the behavior data and you need to run your internal flows which can be reached with a platform search such as six sense instance. And in the next slide I showed an example of how you can automatically retry fail process. This is the standard flow. You have a bank’s campaign and it’s calling executable campaigns. Your third campaign includes the stats on persons created or persons pushed to Marketo or fills out any form. So this is like the standard lead intake flow that any new inbound lead with will run through and then in a flow. So you have a dependency on data standardization. That’s a flow you want to run first to make sure you got your state data, you spawn data everything in in the correct manner, and then you want to execute your campaign on privacy compliance, because with the GDPR and other private skills, you want to make sure that leads coming from different regions is for two different preference countries. And then again, you want to make sure that you got state and country data in because your preference center will be dependent on that and going forward for each step, whether it’s like opt in, unsubscribed data is flowing data, you want to first execute standardization, slow that will look for common mistakes and fix them and then proceed to the next step. And this way you can have one parent campaign with executables instead of building multiple backlog campaigns and run multiple smart campaigns that in order to fix those problems. So to sum up using executables, systematically retrieve those processes will help you to fill in the gaps before moving on to the next step. It will help you to prevent some of the most common failures. While we can’t be fully protected from all the mistakes, as you go on with building your executive roles for failed processes, you will you will know what are the additional scenarios you need to cover for and you can keep adding them to your program. And it will also help you to centralize this process under one third campaign is in this example of maybe you will need to use a few more. And it also helps to avoid long processing times in your instance and, as Cortney recovered the tokens, you can choose to use the parent campaign tokens and in the executable campaigns questions. Okay, I’m just going to check Chris, are you able to join us and come up for me? Did we get everything fixed? Yeah. I believe we did. Can everybody hear me? Yes. All right. So a couple. So one of the first questions that came across was around web hooks. So like because you can’t use Web hooks for it within executable campaigns, how do you how do you use it for things like data enrichment, like checking your email validity? One thing that I will note is that because some of the specifically around web hooks, web hooks do have to run through a trigger. And because of that, because the executable campaign can be run from anywhere, can be run from a batch or from a trigger, it can’t allow web hooks because they don’t know. They don’t want to risk like a web hook, not be able to run because it’s being run through a batch campaign. So but the example, like if you want to run more hooks and you’re not using things like self-service flow steps which can be used in executable campaigns, how do you generally structure your lead management flows just given that restriction? Yeah. So yeah, so I probably should have been clear when I said that is one of the great use cases is that I wouldn’t use my executable to call my web hook, I would use my executable executable campaign to then check like Jay was showing for a failed process where maybe the web hook hadn’t run. So I would build it out where in the program where the web hook was being called, then that’s how it would enrich the data. And then what I would do is have another program that would run that before any steps for went further that would be running, that would then check if that data had been enriched. And then if it hadn’t use that to identify that, that it wasn’t. There also was standardization. I wouldn’t necessarily say that it would have to be enrichment with data standardization. I would run it based off of obviously some of the standardized parameters that we had built into Marketo, but that was probably when I was running him through it really fast, probably made it sound like I would use it for the actual enrichment and I wouldn’t I would use it to automatically check if if things had been enriched where they’re getting passed over as is mine. But obviously you guys share as well how you would build it. Excellent. So I have a question from Danielle in Duke. And this may be a question for some of the Adobe folks on the on the call. Does anybody know if there will be plans for an engagement map to show all executable campaign flows that are part of a smart campaign flow? I wonder, like referring to something like the campaign inspector or like what the specific contexts you’re referring to as. Jane, we can hear you typing. Sorry. I’m sorry. It’s I guess I don’t know if anybody from Adobe is jumping on to have that. Danielle, we will find out for you and we will come back to you. Indeed, Denise had a question about like kind of walking through a little bit more in detail and maybe like if you’ve got a screen share example, Jane, for the retry example. Yeah, Yeah. Could you just let me share? My screen is pronounced equal. Okay. Okay. Can you guys see my screen? Yeah. Okay. So here, like I just used the screenshot, but I’ll go in detail. So in this like this, we have versions created pushed to Marketo fills out any form and in the flow you want to run through the steps that are necessary in order to sync that person to Salesforce. And the first step would be to run the data sanitization flows. Then you want to check all the data that’s needed in order to run the privacy compliance flow. You need to make sure the state is not empty and that the country is not empty. So you would run flows on state and country standardization. And the next here is based on the lead lifecycle and in the lead lifecycle flows you need to have behavior and demographics for setup. So this would be the flows that are checking for the failed for the failed scoring. And in the next step, once you have the the score, which is based on the combined behavior, demographic scoring, you can sync that person to Salesforce because they run through all the necessary flows that are needed in order to sink them into Salesforce and assign them to the right salesperson. So so is the flip first flows tab in that campaign expected to set all those things. Other flow steps are to verify error, to check and check that that happened and and try them otherwise. Yeah. So like the the standard data sanitization flow would include all the steps that fill in the and then like you just want to double check that each necessary steps that are required on the to pass each of the flows has happened before you run the next executable. And this is just an example depending on your infrastructure and how you build your instance might differ. This is more of a general example that we all use in order to take the lead. So. All right. Thank you. I just couldn’t tell that what it was. You know, it wasn’t obvious that the first flow step was expected to populate all those fields, and therefore the second, the other steps, the subsequent flow steps were the retries. That’s right. Yeah. I didn’t want to overpopulate the presentation with a lot of screenshots, so I think it’s good that we could just clean and run through it. Thank you. Thank you, Denise. Thank you. Question from Barton thing down the road where there’s a cleanup process, we all experience, you know, going through instance, clean up. Do you have to delete the called executables before deleting the parent? I’ll start with saying no, you do not. The executable campaigns are essentially distinct workflows that are intended to be reused across your instance. So you can you can delete the parent without deleting the executables. Courtney Jane, do you want to add any color to that answer. No, That’s exactly what I was going to say, because your belt, hopefully when you’re building out the executables, you’re getting multiple uses out of them and we want them to stay there. Obviously, for the other parent campaigns you’re using them in. So that’s all I was going to share as well. I just want to add that when you’re deleting your executables. Make sure that you fix your brand campaigns if you want to add a request campaigns or like any other stats, because they won’t run. Yeah, that’s a really good point. That’s the the issues come when you delete the executables. Think about executable campaigns like Lego blocks. You can you can kind of piece them together to create like, create like workflows that are greater than the sum of the whole. But you essentially have this nice instantiated like workflow inside of the executable that essentially you, you can completely run an audit your process based upon. So the pair campaigns can almost be like a traffic router where most of the workflow is actually living in the executable campaign. If that makes sense. We’ll get a question from Jimmy. Is it a good idea to use the request campaign flow step inside of your executable when you’re trying to rerun a process that failed? Or this is a really good question. Who wants to take this? I can take this. So yes or no, depending if you can retry failed processes in parallel or not. If yes, then you can run request campaign of flow. But if the next executable would be dependent on the previous one, I wouldn’t coordinate anything. No, I actually don’t have anything to add to that. That’s great is that you can. But then like you were saying in the beginning, like think through what what the whole process is before you start to build it out so that you know, you don’t end up with a hiccup where you’re either stopping something from running or you’re running in a loop that isn’t actually doing anything either. So yeah. All right. So that those are all of the questions. We’ll stay on for a few minutes if there are any additional burning questions. It’s like an auctioneer going once, going twice. What for? Feel free to jump off of Newt and ask. Oh, absolutely. If you want to jump off mute and ask your question to the group, feel free. Jimmy. I’m not sure exactly what you mean, but I’m more than happy for you getting this art. By the way, Jimmy is one of our incredible chance as well. And he organizes all of these deep dives that you guys are going to get this year. So he’s amazing. If you want to jump on and about it with us, please do. Please feel free. But to me, this will be available on the mug page as well. We’ll have the recording available to you. I think Jim just asked if about the nested campaign, So I think Morgan did mention that when calling child executable campaign from a talent campaign, just remember that you can nest executable campaigns in slow steps with other executable campaigns up to three level deep after the initial print campaign. So just keep that in mind. Jane. Thank you. I remember I misread that as did you cover all the nested executables? And I was like, was there a list that I, I that’s why I was like, Jimmy, please join with us. Because what. Do you mean, all of them? Did you all cover the nested executable? I’m glad this is recorded for like everybody to see. Now, Jimmy, please jump on and give me a bit more context. I love it. Yeah, as in. Yeah, exactly. Got it. You all. Did we cover this? Jane? I’m so glad you got that one, because I was like. Jimmy, help me out here. All of them. So sorry. I did not mean to put you on the spot there. I had to step away, and I was like, I know that you guys were going to cover that, and I was very interested in hearing about it. But as you know, like with any process in Marketo, there’s so many different ways to do things. And one of the great things about some of the programs right before executables was being able to, for instance, NEST programs within programs and and things like that. So that concept was executables, I think has a lot of potential, you know, for for a lot of different use cases, especially things that are really complex. So I was just curious about it. I didn’t mean to throw a wrench into things. Sorry I forgot your so fine because I misread it and I was like, if you cover all of them. And I was like, All right, now, did you all cover it? We our. Cloning campaigns. Did we cover. To cover cloning campaigns? Would it be worth it to for you to show how, like how an executable campaign gets created in the system? Yeah, we can show that you do you have your system up because I don’t have mine up and I just have our slide. Gene. I think you had the Champ sandbox. Yeah, yeah. Just saying I just wanted to say like, we’ll cover the creating it, but just make sure, like when you’re trying to, to clone it’s more ad campaign in order to create an executable campaign. It’s not sure if you can find that in the instance now. So once it first explain it it will fail. If the original campaign has weight stats or call webhook flows fans, because this is some these are the features that are not compatible with executables. Let me share my screen again. It also filters, triggers. And in the what you’re trying to clone. Okay, so let’s create a campaign. So we’ll call it. The. Deep dive test. And in order to create an executable campaign, we need to make sure we check the executable here. And that’s it. Just as you can see, you don’t have any triggers in the slow steps like recovery. You cannot call a webhook or educate step, but you can change program status, You ads, engagement program, you can request campaign, and you can execute campaign from the executable campaign. Okay. You know, one safety tip, though, is if you forget to check that box, there’s no way to flip an existing spark campaign to an executable campaign. So it’s it’s essentially created when you when you click that Create Smart campaign dialog. Now you can still add choices like I showed like if your executable campaign is is dependent on specific action that need to be taken or specific flow that I need to run before and you want to first check for specific data that’s been processed. You know, we used country data and state data, so the way I built it is selected like if countries and then you should run the data Sanitization campaign, choose, I can find it now. So I’m like, okay. Never mind, visit. Oh, it’s different, right? And so we’re not going to use it here. You can change or you can change data value. So the stats here a similar to the ones you would see in the flow of the requested campaign, except for what we covered, except for the webhook. So except for the triggers and the way it starts. Yeah. And I would also point out a really useful feature of the executables, especially when you’re going like sort of child to child, is that that default choice, right? So if you guys don’t make a habit of using choices in your flows, right, for your normal smart campaigns, this may be a big boom for you, but using those choices can really help you consolidate things quite a bit. So you’re not having to use so many flow steps. You can actually go through quite a few different processes is in a single flow step right there by using the choices. It obviously depends on the use case, right? You know, if if they’re very disparate processes, then maybe it doesn’t make sense. But if there’s something that runs in parallel or things that have dependencies on each other, then it does make sense, right? Because you can sort of use one flow step instead of three or four. And then basically your default choice of do nothing there completes that step. If all the conditions have been that which is really nice for a retry process, right. You don’t have to try to consider, you know, some other, you know, program or process to put people through. You can use that do nothing default choice sort of the end of that and all of your choices above it are running through a variety of data points that, you know, you need to essentially execute that process successfully. So that’s a really good feature. I saw you had that on some of your slides, and so I just wanted to point that out in case any of our folks out there may not be using choices sort of to their full to their full extent. Yeah. The same I want to cover in specific scenarios. And feel free to take yourself off mute for any any questions. We’ve got about 6 minutes left. If there’s no further questions. We we thank you for coming in, learning from us today, and I hope this was really helpful. This will be recorded. It is being recorded and it will be on the deep dive mug site, the site that was penned in the presentation by Jimmy. So definitely subscribe so you can look at The View, the recording, share it with your friends, neighbors, coworkers, relatives and we look forward to seeing you on the next one. All right. Perfect. Thanks, guys. Thanks, everyone. Thanks, everyone for joining.

Moderated by Chris Willis
Speakers Courtny Edwards-Jones and Jane Musatova


In this edition of the Adobe Champion Deep Dive, we discuss the use of executable campaigns in Marketo and provides examples of how they can be used to streamline processes and ensure data accuracy. Executable campaigns are a type of smart campaign that run flows in a synchronous manner, allowing for dependencies between different steps. They can be used to automatically retry failed processes, such as data standardization or lead qualification, before moving on to the next step. The document also covers the use of parent campaigns and nested executables, as well as the limitations of executable campaigns, such as the inability to use webhooks or wait steps.

What are the purpose of using executable campaigns?

The purpose of using executable campaigns is to streamline and automate complex workflows in Marketo. Executable campaigns allow you to define a sequence of actions that need to be completed before moving on to the next step in a campaign. This ensures that each action is fully executed before proceeding, reducing the risk of errors or incomplete processes. Executable campaigns can be used to retry failed processes, standardize and enrich data, qualify leads, capture interesting moments, and more. They provide a more efficient and organized way to manage and automate your marketing operations.

What is an executable campaign and how does it function?

An executable campaign is a type of smart campaign in Marketo that allows for the sequential execution of multiple flows within a single campaign. It is designed to ensure that each flow is fully executed before the next one begins. This is different from a request campaign, which runs flows asynchronously and can have multiple flows running in parallel.

To create an executable campaign, you need to check the “Executable” box when creating the campaign. Once created, you can add flow steps to the campaign, such as changing data values, sending emails, or updating program statuses. However, there are some limitations to executable campaigns. You cannot use triggers, webhooks, or wait steps within an executable campaign.

Executable campaigns are useful for processes that have dependencies on each other, where one flow needs to be completed before the next one can begin. They can help streamline operational processes, simplify data processing, and minimize the risk of errors or backlogs. By using executable campaigns, you can ensure that each step in a process is completed before moving on to the next one, improving efficiency and accuracy in your marketing operations.
