Push offer sets to Adobe Target Standard/Premium pushing-offer-sets-to-target

After you create or edit an offer set, push it to Adobe Target Standard/Premium by following these steps:

  1. In the Test&Target Offer Set screen, select Push Offers.
  2. Enter your client code and login credentials.
  3. Select Login.

During the transfer to Adobe Target Standard/Premium, the prefix S7_ is attached automatically to the start of offer names. This prefix is attached to ensure that you can easily find Adobe Dynamic Media Classic offers in the Test&Target offer list. For example, the offer appears as S7_<name of offer set>_<offer name>.

Adobe Dynamic Media Classic pushes into Adobe Target Standard/Premium widget offers. You can use Widget offers to host your own offered content on Adobe Target Standard/Premium. Widget offers are similar to a standard offer hosted by Adobe Target Standard/Prermium. They allow Adobe Target Standard/Premium to deploy offer content that is stored on your server, allowing for more sophisticated and dynamic usage. Widget offers can retrieve content from a URL, caching and serving that content for approximately two hours. Widget offers provide some dynamic content generation capabilities that other offers outside Adobe Target Standard/Preimium do not. If the mbox serving the offer contains mbox parameters such as mboxProductID and mbox.offerId, the productId=[PRODUCT_ID]and offerID=[OFFERID] URL parameters are appended to the requested URL. These parameters are used by a service available at the Widget offer URL to return content outside Adobe Target Standard/Premium that uses product or order information from your mboxes. The Widget offer is also accessible through the API so you can programmatically create offers outside Adobe Target Standard/Premium.
