Video SEO (Search Engine Optimization) video-seo-search-engine-optimization

SEO is the process of improving the volume of traffic to a Web site from search engines. While search engines excel at gathering information about text-based content, they cannot adequately acquire information about video. That information must be provided to them.

Using Adobe Dynamic Media Classic Video SEO, you can apply video metadata to provide search engines with descriptions of your videos. Adobe Dynamic Media Classic gives you the ability to create Video Sitemaps and mRSS feeds. These standard XML files are used for submitting video information to search engines:

  • Video Sitemap: Informs Google exactly where and what the video content is on a site. So, videos are fully searchable on Google. For example, a Video Sitemap can specify the running time and categories of videos. For information about Video Sitemaps, see Video sitemaps and video sitemap alternatives.

  • mRSS (Media Really Simple Syndication) feed: Used by content publishers to feed media files into Yahoo! Video Search. For information about mRSS feeds, see Video sitemaps and video sitemap alternatives.

Google supports both the Video Sitemap and mRSS feed protocol for submitting information to search engines.

Adobe Dynamic Media Classic can generate Video Sitemaps and mRSS feeds from metadata that is stored with each video. When you create Video Sitemaps and mRSS feeds, you decide which metadata fields from video files to include. In this way, you describe your videos to search engines so that search engines can more accurately direct traffic to videos on your Web site.

Before creating a Video Sitemap or mRSS feed, find out which fields the search engine requires in the XML file and how to structure these fields. To create a successful Video Sitemap or mRSS feed, it must satisfy the requirements of the search engine.

Adobe Dynamic Media Classic creates reports about Video Sitemaps and mRSS feeds after you generate them. These reports are available on the Video SEO Report page.

For the Video Sitemaps and mRSS feeds, Adobe Dynamic Media Classic captures metadata only from videos that are marked for publish. Mark videos for publishment to include their metadata in Video Sitemaps and mRSS feeds.

Choose video SEO settings

Select Video SEO settings for Video Sitemaps and mRSS feeds on the Video Search Engine Optimization Settings page. To open this page, on the Global Navigation bar, go to Setup > Application Setup > Video SEO > Settings.

In the General Setting area, choose whether to generate Video Sitemaps, mRSS feeds, or both. In the Generation Settings area, map metadata fields to input fields.

After you choose settings, select Save (or Save & Generate) to create the Video Sitemap, mRSS feeds, or both.

Set up General Settings choosing-general-settings

On the Generation Mode drop-down list, choose a report mode:

  • Video Sitemap: Create a Video Sitemap.

  • mRSS Feed: Create a Media RSS (mRSS) feed.

  • Both: Create both types of XML files.

  • Off: To stop generating Video Sitemaps and Media RSS (mRSS) feeds, choose this option.

On the Automatic/Manual Mode drop-down list, choose whether to generate automatically or manually:

  • Automatic Mode: Adobe Dynamic Media Classic automatically generates one Video Sitemap, Media RSS (mRSS) feed, or both, each day. Select the Mark for Publish option so you can automatically mark for publish the XML file that Adobe Dynamic Media Classic generates.

    • Mark for Publish Marks for publish the XML file that is generated.
  • Manual Mode: Adobe Dynamic Media Classic generates the Video Sitemap, Media RSS (mRSS) feed, or both, when you select Generate or Save & Generate in the Video Search Optimization Settings screen. Choose these options as well:

    • No Further Settings: Does not mark for publish the XML file that is generated.

    • Mark for Publish: Marks for publish the XML file that is generated.

    • Allow Partial Generation: Search engines can reject an XML file if it does not contain complete metadata information for all videos. This option generates the XML file even if metadata is not available for some videos. A warning is registered on the Report screen. Choose this option if you intend to export the XML file and process the missing information manually.

Choosing Generation Settings choosing-generation-settings

The Generation Settings area list input fields for the Video Sitemap, or mRSS feed, or both. In the Metadata panel, the names of metadata fields are listed. Use the General Settings area to map input fields to metadata fields. By doing so, you tell Adobe Dynamic Media Classic where to obtain metadata for the Video Sitemap and/or mRSS feed.

  1. On the Metadata Views menu, choose a metadata view. After you choose a view, the names of metadata fields appear in the Metadata panel.
    See Metadata Views.

  2. Drag metadata field names from the Metadata panel to the Landing Page, Title, Description, Tags, and Category input fields. The Landing Page, Title, and Description fields are required.

    note note
    You can also manually enter data in input fields.
  3. Do one of the following:

    • To save your settings without generating the XML file, select Save.

    • To save and generate the file, select Save & Generate.

      The XML file is generated and recorded in the Job log. Video Sitemap (video-sitemap) and a Media RSS (mRSS) feed (mrss-feed) files are stored in the root folder of your company.

Publish the Video Sitemap or mRSS feed before you can submit it to search engines. Video Sitemap and Media RSS (mRSS) feed files are stored in the root folder of the company. Mark these XML files for publish, if necessary, and select Publish.

Submit Video Sitemap and mRSS-Feed files to a search engine submitting-video-sitemap-and-mrss-feed-files-to-search-engines

Video Sitemap and Media RSS (mRSS) feed files are stored in the root folder of the company:

  • https://{publish-server}/is/content/{companyname}/mrss-feed.xml
  • https://{publish-server}/is/content/{companyname}/video-sitemap.xml

Copy one of these URLs into the search engine’s webmaster tools to submit your Video Sitemap or Media RSS (mRSS) feed file to search engines.

View Video SEO reports viewing-video-seo-reports

View Video SEO reports on the Video Search Engine Optimization Report page. To open this page, on the Global Navigation bar, go to Setup > Application Setup > Video SEO > Reports.

If errors occurred when a report was generated, they are listed on the Report page.
