Create folders

  1. In the Asset Library, select the folder you want to create a folder in.

  2. Select the Add Folder button. This icon is at the top of the folder list.

  3. Enter a descriptive name for your new folder or subfolder. Type it into the field next to the folder icon.

    You can also create folders in Adobe Dynamic Media Classic when you upload files by way of FTP. Selecting the Include Subfolders option when you upload by way of FTP replicates the folder structure on your computer in the system. Files and subfolders on your computer or network are replicated in the Asset Library, and the assets you upload are placed in these folders.

Delete and rename folders

Select a folder and use these techniques to delete or rename it:

  • Delete: Select the Remove Folder button. Assets in a deleted folder are placed in the Trash folder. You can recover them from there.

  • Rename: Double-click the name and enter a new name.

You cannot copy folders or assets because doing so would create duplicate folders and assets on Adobe Dynamic Media Classic, and duplicates are not permitted.
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Dynamic Media Classic