1. Upload the PDF files

Adobe PDF files are usually the source for an eCatalog. Because they are meant to be printed, PDF files usually contain CMYK images. Adobe Dynamic Media Classic detects these images and converts them using a standard CMYK color profile. However, you must upload and use a custom color profile.

On the Global Navigation bar, select Upload to start uploading PDF files or images for your eCatalog. You can upload files from your desktop or by way of FTP; FTP is recommended if you are uploading many files or files larger than 100 MB.

Under PDF Options, the Upload screen provides options for uploading PDF files at the proper resolution and correct color space. A 150 pixels-per-inch resolution is recommended. You can select the option Auto-Generate eCatalog to create an eCatalog when you upload a PDF file.

See Upload the PDF files.

2. Create an eCatalog

Create your eCatalog by selecting PDF or image files in the Browse panel. Select Build, then choose eCatalogs.

On the eCatalog page, on the Order Pages tab, select a Layout option: 1 Up, 2 Up, or Custom. You can rearrange pages or spreads by dragging them or, in a large eCatalog, choosing a page name on the Move To menu.

To add pages, select a folder in the Asset Library, and then drag PDF or image files from into the Order Pages screen. Instead of default page numbers, you can provide custom page names or import many page names.

Select Save, enter a name for your eCatalog, choose an Adobe Dynamic Media Classic folder for storing it, and select Save. Each time you change the page order or edit your eCatalog, save your changes by selecting Save.

See Create an eCatalog.

3. Create Image Maps

Image Maps add another aspect to eCatalog pages. An Image Map is a region on a page that delivers more information about an item. When viewers roll the pointer over an Image Map, they see a description of the item. Clicking an Image Map activates an external reference that opens a new Web page where you can learn more about an item.

To create an Image Map, open the eCatalog screen. Then go to the Map Pages tab of the eCatalog screen, and frame the map with the Rectangle Image Map tool or Polygon Image Map tool. You can adjust the position and size of Image Maps by dragging map borders with the Pan tool.

After you frame the Image Map, enter the URL address that you want to go to when you select the Image Map. You can also enter the rollover text that appears when you move your pointer over the Image Map.

See Create eCatalog Image Maps.

See Use Image Maps to embed rich media in an eCatalog.

You can set up and manage the Image Map text using the Info Panel settings in the eCatalog screen.

See Manage Info Panel content in eCatalogs.

4. Set up eCatalog Viewer Presets

End users see your eCatalog in the eCatalog Viewer. If you are an administrator, you can configure the eCatalog Viewer. You can change its outline color and select a new “skin” to brand your eCatalog. Adobe Dynamic Media Classic comes with several “best practice” eCatalog Viewer Presets. You can choose one of these presets for displaying your eCatalogs. You can also create an eCatalog Viewer Preset of your own if you are an administrator.

To create an eCatalog Viewer Preset, on the Global Navigation bar, select Setup, and then choose Viewer Presets. Select Add, choose a platform, and then select eCatalog > Viewer.

See Set up eCatalog Viewer Presets.

5. Preview eCatalogs in the eCatalog Viewer

eCatalog Viewer Presets determine the style and behavior of your eCatalog Viewers.

To find out how eCatalog Viewer Presets display your eCatalog, select your eCatalog in the Browse panel, and then select Preview. The Preview screen opens in the default viewer.

Notice the orientation, color scheme, what the controls for changing pages look like, and what pages look like when they are turned.

See Preview eCatalogs in the eCatalog Viewer.

6. Publish eCatalog and associated PDFs

Publishing your eCatalog and associated PDF places it on Dynamic Media Image Servers so that it can be delivered to your Web site and application. As part of the publishing process, Adobe Dynamic Media Classic activates the URL string for your eCatalog. Use this URL to call the eCatalog from Dynamic Media Image Servers to your Web site or application.

After marking your eCatalog and PDF for publish in the Browse panel, select the Publish button on the Global Navigation bar to initiate a publish. On the Publishing page, select Submit Publish.

See Publish eCatalogs and associated PDFs.

Adobe Dynamic Media Classic activates the URL callout string necessary for displaying your eCatalog when you publish it to Dynamic Media Image Servers. You can copy this URL string from the Preview screen and the Browse panel (in Detail View) by selecting URLs in the panel. After you copy the URL string, it is available to your Web sites and applications.

Work with your IT team to place the link to the eCatalog in the appropriate place in your Web page. When users select the link, the eCatalog Viewer appears and users can browse your eCatalog.

See Link an eCatalog to a Web page.

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