Instrument a viewer using the Adobe Analytics Instrumentation Kit instrumenting-a-viewer-using-the-adobe-analytics-instrumentation-kit

You can use the Adobe Analytics Instrumentation Kit to integrate an HTML5 viewer with Adobe Analytics.

If you use any of the predefined Adobe Dynamic Media Classic HTML5 Viewer Presets, they already contain all the implementation code to send data to Adobe Analytics. You do not need to add any further instrumentation.

Set up Adobe Analytics tracking from Adobe Dynamic Media Classic set-up-adobe-analytics-tracking-from-scene-publishing-system

For all HTML5 viewers, add the following JavaScript to the HTML container, usually in the <head> element:

<!-- ***** Adobe Analytics Tracking ***** --><script type="text/javascript" src="<Adobe Dynamic Media Classic Company ID>&preset=companypreset-1"></script>

Where Adobe Dynamic Media Classic Company ID is set to the Adobe Dynamic Media Classic company name. And &preset is optional. If the company preset name is not companypreset, then it is not optional. In such cases, it could be companypreset-1, companypreset-2, and so on. The higher number is a newer instance of the preset. To determine the correct company preset value name, select Copy URL, and then look at the preset=parameter to find the company preset name.

Continuing, now add a function that transmits the viewer event to the Adobe Analytics tracking code.

Add the s7ComponentEvent() function to the container HTML (or JSP, or ASPX or other):

function s7ComponentEvent(objectId, componentClass, instanceName, timeStamp, eventData) {     s7track(eventData); }

The function name is case-sensitive. The only parameter passed to s7componentEventthat is required is the last one: eventData. Where s7track() is defined in s_code.jsp included above. And s7track handles all tracking per each event. (You can further customize data transmitted to Adobe Analytics is this area.)

Enable HREF and ITEM events enabling-href-and-item-events

You can enable HREF (rollover) and ITEM (mouse clicks/touch) events in the viewers through Image Map editing. Define the identifiers for the HREF and ITEM within the Image Map that is associated with viewer content. Add a &rolloverKey= parameter to the HREF value within the Image Map.
