Set up large files and push mappings

Learn how to set up large documents and push agreement services in Acrobat Sign for Salesforce. Push agreements allow you to send documents, create a web form, and have agreements pushed just as if they were created in Salesforce.

Adobe Acrobat Sign and Salesforce can make a huge impact your organization. One of the most powerful features you can utilize is large documents and push agreements services in Salesforce. You might be wondering why I say large documents. This is because by default, we can only send documents up to four megabytes and nine megabytes in a batch. This means to send files that are larger. We will need to do some configurations. Push agreements will allow you to send documents, create a web form, and have agreements pushed just as if they were created in Salesforce using Acrobat Signs API or via the echo sign. web application to show you how to do this process, I’m going to bring in a true expert learning how to set up this service takes a while, but at the time you and your organization will save in the long run is well worth the time. To kick things off, Nicole will show you the configuration prerequisites. And with that, here is Nicole.
So in order to set up the configuration there are some prerequisites. First of all, the version should be 20 .13.5 or higher in Adobe Sign. So how you can check the version.
Log into your Salesforce account.
On the homepage you will see quick find.
Type installed packages and click on Install Packages.
So here you can check what version do you have. So my version is 24 .14. It’s the latest version. So it should be 20 .13.5 or higher. In order to configure the large files, the second thing you have to take care of the my domain should be set up.
So just clear install packages and search my domain.
Select my domain. So if you notice I have already set up the domain. My domain is support test domain.
So you come here you click on edit whatever domain you want to set up. Just give it a name and then check availability.
So once you have clicked on Check availability it will show you whether it is available or not. If it is available then just hit save. And on the next screen you will see that the domain is under provisioning and you will receive an email. So once the domain is provisioned then you have to deploy it. So once you receive the email come back here and you should see another option on this screen which says deploy the domain.
So you just have to click on deploy the domain. And your my domain is ready. So this thing only takes 10 to 15 minutes because Salesforce provisions the domain very quickly.
So I already have the domain set up. So I will go back to the third prerequisite. The third one is that you should not have Salesforce Professional Edition.
How you can check again and quick find search with the keyword company information. Click on company Information. Scroll down and the organization edition. You can see what additions do you have? My edition is Developer Edition, so it should not be Professional Edition. Other than this, everything is compatible for large files.
So I’ll clear this again.
So now that we have understood the prerequisites, let’s set up the large file. The first thing we have to do, we have to.
Search with profile. Under users you will see profiles. Click on profiles.
Now we have to locate standard user profile.
Only. Here it is. We need to clone this profile. So while it clone. So we need to give a name. Let’s give this the name.
ABC sign back user. And I’ll save it.
Okay, so now we have cloned the profile. And on this page you have to find the keyword sign. Me? So once you locate sign admin, you see two in the custom tab settings you see two options Adobe Acrobat Sign admin. These should be default on by. The tab should not be hidden. So if you see tab here then just edit and change it to default on. So we would just edit the profile here.
Search with Sign Admin. So by default on it should not be off or hidden. You have to make sure that it’s default on.
So once we have made the change this will hit save.
Now on this page go to Enable visual fourth page access.
Search with.
Equal Sign Admin. The first one is admin settings. We are not looking for this. Second one is EchosignAdmin. So it’s already enabled at my end. If you don’t see this enabled just add this.
The second visual force page we have to add again search with. OAuth. You will see a echosign_dev1.SalesforceOAuthPage. This also needs to be enabled.
So once you have enabled save the changes.
So now that we have enabled virtual fourth pages and we also have created profile, let’s move to creating the callback. Use it. So what you need to do again in quick find search for the users.
So under users tab you will see an option that says users.
So on this page you click on new user.
You give the first name last name. You can choose what name you want to give. I am giving it callback user. You add the email address.
The user name will populate automatically. If you want to change it. You can change it here. And you need to make sure that user license should be Salesforce. And the profile should be the one that we have already created. So I am not getting this option here because I already created the user. So once you have made the changes here, you need to save it. I’ll go back to users.
So I already created this user, the call back user.
So the user license is Salesforce. The profile should be the one that we have created. So I will select this profile and hit save.
So if you already have the user interface for that you want to use as a callback user, you can select that or you can create a new user. Just make sure that the license should be Salesforce and profile should be the one that we have just glommed.
So once we are done with creating the user in Salesforce, the second step is we need to make sure that this user has an active account in Adobe Sign.
So in order to check that.
You need to go to Adobe Sign Portal and log in with account admin credentials.
Once you have logged in, go to Account tab.
Go to Users tab. So here you can see the user that I created. It’s active in Adobe Sign. And it is the same email address that I added in Salesforce.
So if the user is not active then you need to make sure that you add that user in your Adobe sign account and activate it. This is one of the requirement for large file configuration. All right. So we’ll come back to Salesforce. I didn’t sign out from here.
Now the user that you have created in Salesforce we need to add permission set. So click on permission set assignment edit assignment.
We need to provide Adobe Acrobat Sign integration user permission set. So just select this and add. Save the changes.
All right so I’ll call back. User is activated.
Now we logout from the admin account.
And we will log in with the callback user profile.
Once you have logged in with the callback user profile, go to Adobe Acrobat Sign Admin.
And the callback user? It says no account link. Click on link. An account.
Us to call back user profile one more time here to authenticate in Salesforce.
Perfect. Now we see callback user is successfully linked.
So now we’ll sign out from callback user profile.
And will sign in with account system admin credentials.
Now we are done with setting up and activating the callback user. We now move to establishing the callback site. Setting up and configuring a site for the Adobe Acrobat sign. Callback is mandatory so that agreement updates can be pushed to Salesforce in a timely manner. If you have not used Salesforce site in your Salesforce org, you must first register a domain name.
It will be used for all the Salesforce sites in the account.
So keep in mind that if you are registering a new domain name, it is recommended that you don’t have a very long domain name or the secure web URL may exceed the 255 character limit. That Adobe Acrobat sign has for callback URLs.
So in order to configure the site again, come to quick Find and.
Search with the keyword sites.
So under Sites and domains you will get the option site. Click on it.
Select I have read and accepted the Salesforce site’s Terms of Use and registered on my Salesforce site. Domain.
Alright, so on the refreshed page, click New.
So on the site edit page, the site label value. Adobe Acrobat sign callback.
So once you click on Site Name, it automatically pops up the value.
In the site contact. You can see my system admin is already selected. So you need to make sure that you select the system admin here so that this user will receive the notification about sites.
In the default web address.
Type Adobe Sign callback with no spaces.
The active checkbox should be checked.
Active site homepage.
Should be a cosine callback. Echosign is the legacy name for Adobe Sign.
Now let’s see. You can leave the rest of the configuration as it is and just save the changes.
Now that we have activated the site on the same page, we come here. Click on Public Access settings.
Click on log in IP range. Yes.
Click on new. Now we need to add the IP ranges that have been provided in the help article. So we will copy the start IP. Will copy and IP.
And we will copy the description. And we will save the changes. It will show you the error. The list of IP ranges do not cover your current IP address. If you save this range, users with this profile will not be able to log in from your current IP address. You can ignore this error. Just check this box and hit save. Okay. So you can see one IP range has been added. So we need to do the same for all the IP ranges.
So we are done with the log and IP ranges. You can see I was able to add 49 billion just as provided in the help article. And this is how it looks like. These are our final login IP ranges.
So now we are done with the common configuration for large file and push agreement service. Now we will move to the specific configuration configurations for large files.
For that. Let’s go to Object manager.
Agreement object. Fields and relationships.
So here in the quick find search width and location.
You will see attachment service invocation count field. Click on it.
Click on set field level security.
So make sure for the callback user profile read only and visible. Both are checked and hit save.
Now come back to home and let’s go back to the site that we created. Search with sites and click on sites that.
Open the site.
Click on Public access settings.
And enabled apex class access. We need to enable the apex class for large file. Click on edit.
Search large.
File. So when you search with large file, it automatically comes up. I sign underscore one dot large file download service. Select this add save.
So on this page. Click on edit.
Scroll down.
Come to custom object permissions.
Check. Read and create for agreements. Object.
Save the changes.
So now it’s time to update the custom settings.
Again, search with site and click on site. One more time.
This time click on site URL.
And the new tab. You will see the URL. Just copy this URL. Come back to the previous tab. Clear the quick find area. And now search Custom Settings.
Click on Custom Settings.
Adobe Sign Settings hit manage next to Adobe Sign Settings.
And the default organization level value. Click new.
In the callback URL Adobe to Salesforce site.
Paste the URL that you just copied and save the changes.
Now we are done with the large file configuration, and you should be able to send files larger than 14 and nine and be in batch. Now let’s move to push agreement service. Let’s check the specific configuration we have to enable for push agreement. So clear the quick find area. And again search for site.
Click on sites tab.
Open site.
Click on public access settings.
Enabled visual force page. Access. Edit.
Here. Search grid. Push. Callback. So you will see a cosign. Underscore one dot equals sign. Agreement. Push. Callback. Select this visual force page. Add it here and save the changes.
Now come back to site.
Click site.
Again click on site URL.
Keep this tab open.
And the header particle. You will find. What we have to append to this. You added. So here. Forward slash and paste this from the help article. Now copy the entire URL and send it to Adobe Sign Support. You will have to create a ticket with sign support and provide this URL to them. They will update this in sign back in. In order for push agreements to be enabled.
So once they have enabled this, they will also check a couple of more settings and they will enable push agreement service for your org.
After that, the agreements that you sent outside of Salesforce will have a record created in Salesforce, just like they were sent from Salesforce.
If you want to do the same thing via APIs, you just have to use this URL and pass it in the callback URL section. In the payload. This will do the same thing and create a record in Salesforce.