Creating a report chart

Learn how to build, save, and manage your own custom reports and data exports in a personalized view with the new reporting experience. The availability of report charts is dependent on the users’ authority level in the Acrobat Sign system.

Reporting is only available for business- and enterprise-level plans.
In this tutorial, you’ll learn about the new graphical report chart and export capability. Notice I’ve got two buttons, I’ve got New Report and New Export. Let’s start with creating a new report. A new report allows users to produce a dashboard of agreement data that includes one or more graphs. Different graph types are used depending upon the context. We have agreements completed in a dial graph. We have time to complete in a line graph. Agreements by sender or group is a bar graph, and agreement completion by sender is a scatter graph. These are the different types of charts that you can include in your report. The availability of the report chart is dependent upon the user’s authority level in the Acrobat system. There are 11 agreement charts including agreements completed, average time to complete, agreements by workflow, agreement completion by workflow, time to complete trend, agreement volume trend, and the agreement completed time. These are available to all users. Agreements by sender and agreements completion by sender are available to group admins and account admins only if the user granted access to the data from the groups that they are members of. Agreements by group and agreement completion by group are available to account admins only if the user has granted access to the data for the whole account. Let’s select a few of these and create a report. I want to include time to complete trend, agreement volume trend, agreement completed time, and agreements by sender. I’ll click Continue. Here, I can specify the date range. I’ll go ahead and specify the last 12 months. And I can apply filters. I can apply workflow filters, sender, agreement name, and our group. Let’s look at each of these. For a workflow, it dynamically goes out and looks for all the workflows that I currently have in my account. Allows me to filter by them. Same thing for the sender. All the various senders for the past 12 month period, agreement names, and also groups. I’ll just leave them all blank so it selects all the agreements. I’ll click View Report. It was actually pretty fast. You can see all the charts dynamically created. From there, I can click Save and give it a name. Now you can see down on the Recent Reports list, here’s my new report. From here, I can open it and I also have the options of duplicating it, renaming it, or deleting it. Now let’s move on to new export. A new export request allows the user to define a range of agreements and then export field level values from those agreements. The field level export is selected explicitly at the time the export is created and can be edited at any time. Data exports allow for the data mining of completed agreements without having to sift through the columns of data that aren’t meaningful to your needs at the moment. That is where applying a useful name to the field pays off. Just like with reports, I’m given the option to set a date range. We’ll go ahead and do the last 12 months again, and add filters just like before, workflow, sender, agreement name, and group. After I’ve set my filters, I can select columns. From the column screen, I can select the types of columns that I want included in my export. I’ve got the various agreement element types, sender recipient, and also the form fields and documents themselves. Let’s add some. To add them, I can select them from the list. I’ll just show you a Select All and add those into my export columns. I wanted to also include agreement information. I can do the same thing here, recipient and sender. I can select Save. I’ll give it a report name. While it’s being generated, we’re going to see the status bar continuing to be updated. After it’s ready, you’ll get a ready indicator. The options for my export include refresh, to get a refresh of the data, duplicate, rename, delete, open, and download. For example, an RSVP form attached to an event where responders can select a choice of meal and list special considerations, the web form creator can then select agreements, filter by the web form name, and extract the fields from the form, name, meal, preference, notes, et cetera, into a CSV file. Data exports are available to all users and allow for the field level export of agreement data. Each export is a static download of the data available at the time the export is created. To update the data in the export, the data must first obviously be refreshed. Exports can be created to retrieve data in the context of agreements. In the future, it will also include transaction consumption and user. -
This video is part of the course Getting started with Acrobat Sign for administrators that is available for free on Experience League!