Platform-as-a-service (PaaS)

PaaS is a type of cloud computing that provides a platform that clients can use to develop, run, and manage the business without the requirement to build an infrastructure and manage the services.

PaaS is provided as a service hosted on the provider’s infrastructure and can be accessed on the Internet with a web browser. Most ecommerce platforms function as a PaaS, which means that you do not need to build the site from scratch.

PaaS works on private, public, and hybrid clouds:

  • Private cloud—PaaS is delivered within the client’s firewall for security, where the data is stored on-premises.
  • Public cloud—The client is in control of the deployments and the provider is responsible for all the other components such as network and operating system.
  • Hybrid cloud—Hybrid mixes the functions of both private and public so that the client can have flexibility.


  • Allows to build and deploy without the requirement to spend money and time on building infrastructure such as servers
  • Allows faster deployments and delivery
  • Gives a competitive advantage
  • Allows the user of new languages, technology, and systems
  • More flexible
  • Access to the code of the website
  • Allows to integrate with external 3rd party systems or software
  • Self-hosted
  • Accessibility
  • Cost-effective
  • Time-effective


  • Could lead to a security threat as everything is stored on the cloud
  • Dependant on the service provider
  • If the provider experiences a down-time it would be an issue for the
  • Allows easy and quick updates

When the client uses PaaS in ecommerce, they do no need to manage the system and operating software. The client is provided with a platform to set up their ecommerce site where they build and configure content, code data, and products. which is separate from the administration side of things related to PaaS.

Due to its flexibility, it is easier to implement changes on the website without requiring updating the entire system. PaaS allows clients to build and test in development or staging sandbox before going live so that there is no issue or downtime on the production site.
