
Testing is a critical part of the development lifecycle.

A/B testing

AB testing icon

A/B testing is the process of comparing two different versions of the website to see the difference in performance.

After creating the website, use A/B testing to test which words, phrases, images, and content are most effective at increasing your conversion rate. For example, A/B testing a green CTA button and red CTA button to understand which color customers prefer.

As a rule, we recommend that you conduct A/B testing twice a year on major release, features, and frontend optimizations.

Deployment testing

Deployment testing icon

The objective of deployment testing to verify that all the build, changes, design, and load work as expected on the production site. Deployment testing is important because it is the final check before the site launches and customers get to view the site and the functionality.

You should do deployment testing on a staging (non-production) environment before launch and fix any bugs that could prevent customers from checking out.

In addition, you should test after every release on the production environment to ensure ease of adding to cart and transacting.
