Placement and Labels

With so many recommendation types to choose from, which should you use on each page? If you are not sure where to begin, try the following:

Recommendation Type
Home page
Recommended for you
Product page
Viewed this, viewed that
Bought this, bought that

You can track the metrics and adjust if needed. Remember that experimentation is key.

Some storefront pages restrict where you can place the recommendations. You can place the recommendations in one of the following page locations. Refer to the table below for more information.

  • At the top of main content - Recommendations appear above the main content area just below the top navigation bar.
  • At the bottom of main content (default) - Recommendations appear below the main content area and before any other content blocks on the page, such as Related Products.

Recommendation placement
Recommendation at top of home page

Recommendation labels

The label that is assigned to a recommendation in the storefront affects how shoppers interpret its relevancy to them. The following labels are frequently used for each type of recommendation.

Recommendation placement
Recommendation at top of search results

Recommendation Type
Recommended Labels
Most viewed
Most added to cart
Most purchased
Conversion (view to cart)
Conversion (view to purchase)
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Supported recommendations by page

The following table lists the storefront pages where you can place recommendations and the recommendation types allowed on each page.

Placement Recommendations
Home page
At the top of main content
At the bottom of main content (default)
At the top of main content
At the bottom of main content (default)
Product Detail
At the bottom of main content (default)
At the bottom of main content (default)
At the bottom of main content (default)
Page Builder
Drag and drop to position content type