Setting up Live Search

The workspace is where you configure, manage, and monitor the performance of Live Search. The menu across the top provides access to the tools in each functional area. The available features reflect the current menu selection.


Data collection

To ensure that each functional area on the workspace contains the correct data, you need to configure data collection based on the selected storefront implementation:

  1. Luma - Data collection is available out-of-the-box.
  2. Headless - Data collection must be configured manually, depending on storefront implementation.

If you are using a headless storefront, refer to the following documentation to get more information about the required events that you need to add:

Set the scope

Initially the scope of all Live Search settings is set to Default Store View. If your Commerce installation includes multiple store views, set Scope to the store view where your facet settings apply.

Dashboard provides insight into product search performance.
High-performance filtering that uses multiple dimensions of attribute values to refine search criteria.
Extend the reach of search to include words shoppers might use to find products that differ from those in your catalog.
Search Merchandising
Shape the search experience with logical rules that trigger scheduled actions. Boost, bury, pin, or hide products to calibrate search results to support your business goals.
Category Merchandising
Apply rules and Intelligent Merchandising on the Category level.
Developers who are logged into the Admin of your store can compose and test queries with actual catalog data. To learn more, go to GraphQL Overview in the Live Search developer documentation.
Determine how price facet values are grouped by price range in the storefront and set the indexing language.

Set attributes as searchable

To produce highly-targeted results, review the set of searchable (searchable=true) product attributes. To ensure relevancy, make attributes searchable only if they contain content that has a clear and concise meaning. Avoid using attributes that contain less precise, lengthy text such as description, which although search-enabled by default, can reduce the precision of search results. For example, if a person searches for “shorts” and there are shirts with a description that includes the term “short sleeves”, then the shirts will be included in the search results.

To allow attributes to be searchable, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Admin, go to Stores > Attribute > Product.

  2. Select the attribute you want to be searchable, such as color.

  3. Select Storefront Properties and set Use in Search to yes.


Live Search also respects the weight of a product attribute, as set within Adobe Commerce. Attributes with a higher weight will appear higher within the search results.

The following attributes are always searchable:

  • sku
  • name
  • categories

Facets are product attributes that are defined in Live Search to be filterable. You can set any filterable attribute as a facet in Live Search, but there are limits to how many facets you can search for at one time.

Synonyms are terms that you can define to help guide users to the correct product. Users looking for pants might type in “trousers” or “slacks”. You can set synonyms so that these search terms will get users to the “pants” results.

Commerce Configuration Settings

The following section describes the supported and unsupported Commerce configuration settings for Live Search.

Supported configuration values

It is highly recommended you use the product listing widgets, enabled by default in Live Search 4.0.0. The widgets are targeted to replace adapter implementation in future releases completely. See enable product listing widgets to learn more.
Commerce Configuration Setting
Supported by Popover
Supported by Adapter
Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Catalog Search > Allow All Products per Page
If set to Yes, includes the ALL option in the “Show per Page” control.
Yes. Max 500 products
Yes. Max 500 products
Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Catalog Search > Minimal Query Length
The minimum number of characters allowed in a catalog search.
Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Catalog Search > Products per Page on Grid Allowed Values
Determines the number of products displayed in Grid View.
Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Catalog Search > Products per Page on Grid Default Value
Determines the number of products displayed per page by default in grid view.
Yes. Max 500 products
Yes. Max 500 products
Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Inventory > Display Out of Stock Products
Displays products that are out of stock.
Stores > Configuration > Currency > Default Display Currency
The primary currency used to display prices.
Stores > Configuration > General > Currency Setup > Currency Options > Base Currency
The primary currency used for all online payment transactions.

Prices in the Widget Product Listing Page and Popover are converted to the Default Display Currency using the configured Currency Rates.

Unsupported configuration values

Commerce Configuration Setting
Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Storefront > List Mode
Determines the format of the search results list.
Renders correctly, but events are not sent for some page interactions
Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Catalog Search > Maximum Query Length
The maximum number of characters allowed in a catalog search.
Not implemented; Search Services accepts up to 255 characters
Configuration > Sales > Tax > Price Display Settings > Display Product Prices In Catalog
Determines if product prices published in the catalog include or exclude tax, or show two versions of the price; one with, and the other without tax
Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Storefront > Product Listing Sort By
Determines the sort order of the search results list.
Does not apply to the Live Search Product Listing Page Widget

Search terms

Live Search supports search term redirects on implementations where Adobe Commerce handles the routing, such as on Luma and other php-based themes.
