
There are several things you might do to try and fix the catalog syncing issues.

Wait for changes to be applied

Once you configure and connect, it can take over 30 minutes for the index in ES (Elasticsearch) to be created and search results to be returned. Subsequent one-off product updates are expected to be indexed within a few minutes.

Sync product data for a specific SKU

If your product data is not synced correctly for a specific SKU, do the following:

  1. Use the following SQL query and verify that you have the data you expect in the feed_data column. Also, make a note of the modified_at timestamp.

    SELECT * FROM cde_products_feed WHERE json_extract(feed_data, '$.sku') = '<your_sku>' AND json_extract(feed_data, '$.storeViewCode') = '<your_ store_view_code>';

    For example:

    SELECT * FROM cde_products_feed WHERE json_extract(feed_data, '$.sku') = '24-MB04' AND json_extract(feed_data, '$.storeViewCode') = 'default';
  2. If you do not see the correct data, try to reindex using the following command and rerun the SQL query in step 1 to verify the data:

    bin/magento indexer:reindex cde_products_feed
  3. If you still do not see the correct data, create a Support ticket.

Check timestamp of last product export

  1. If you see the correct data in cde_products_feed, use the following SQL query to check the timestamp of the last export. It should be after the modified_at timestamp:

    select * from scopes_website_data_exporter;
  2. If the timestamp is older, you can either wait for the next cron run or trigger it yourself using the following command:

    bin/magento cron:run --group=saas_data_exporter
  3. Wait for <> time (time for incremental updates). If you still do not see your data, create a Support ticket.

Sync specific attribute code

If your product attribute data isn’t synced correctly for a specific attribute code, do the following:

  1. Use the following SQL query and verify that you have the data you expect in the feed_data column. Also, make a note of the modified_at timestamp.

    select * from cde_product_attributes_feed where json_extract(feed_data, '$.attributeCode') = '<your_attribute_code>' and store_view_code = '<your_ store_view_code>';
  2. If you do not see the correct data, use the following command to reindex and then rerun the SQL query in step 1 to verify the data.

    bin/magento indexer:reindex cde_product_attributes_feed
  3. If you still do not see the correct data, create a Support ticket.

Check timestamp of last product attribute export

If you see the correct data in cde_product_attributes_feed:

  1. Use the following SQL query to check the timestamp of the last export. It should be after the modified_at timestamp.

    select * from scopes_website_data_exporter;
  2. If the timestamp is older, you can either wait for the next cron run or trigger it yourself using the following command:

    bin/magento cron:run --group=saas_data_exporter
  3. Wait for 15-20 minutes (time for incremental updates). If you still do not see your data, please create a Support ticket.

Sync after API configuration change

(Known issue) If you have changed your API configuration, which results in a change in your Data Space ID and find that your catalog changes are no longer syncing, run the following commands:

bin/magento saas:resync --feed products
bin/magento saas:resync --feed productattributes

Run the following commands to resync the feeds:

bin/magento saas:resync --feed productattributes --cleaup-feed
bin/magento saas:resync --feed products --cleanup-feed
bin/magento saas:resync --feed scopesCustomerGroup --cleanup-feed
bin/magento saas:resync --feed scopesWebsite --cleanup-feed
bin/magento saas:resync --feed prices --cleanup-feed
bin/magento saas:resync --feed productOverrides --cleanup-feed
bin/magento saas:resync --feed variants --cleanup-feed
bin/magento saas:resync --feed categories --cleanup-feed
bin/magento saas:resync --feed categoryPermissions --cleanup-feed

Submit a support request to request reindex of the Live Search index. In the issue description, include your Data Space/Environment ID found in the admin panel under System > Services > Commerce Services Connector.

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