Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.0.16 overview

This sub-section provides a detailed description of the issues fixed by the patches available in Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.0.16.

QPT v1.0.16 includes the following patches:

  1. MDVA-32634: Fixes the issue where the url_path of the category assigned to all store remains unchanged after moving the category in the hierarchy.
  2. MDVA-33344: Fixes the issue where hard coded rma_item entity default attribute set ID is used instead of the value from the database.
  3. MDVA-33453: Fixes the issue where Page Builder Products content type preview breaks if matching products have different prices for each website.
  4. MDVA-34192: Fixes the issue where it is impossible to modify/specify customer date of birth using dd/mm/yyyy format.
  5. MDVA-34847: Fixes store IDs type conversion to integer for SQL condition in admin collections for admin user with custom permissions.
  6. MDVA-34886: Fixes the issue where search does not return results if weight product attribute is configured as searchable.

Use the menu on the left to navigate to a specific patch page.
