Console questions

Where can I find the Snapshots feature?

For Starter projects, the Snapshots feature is now called Backups. You can create a manual backup of your Starter environment from the Cloud Console or create a snapshot from the Cloud CLI. You must have an Admin role for the environment.

Select an environment from the project navigation bar. The environment must be active. Select the Backups tab. Currently, this option is not available for Pro environments.

Where is the list of configured routes for the environment?

You can find the list of configured routes on the Services tab for an environment.

Select an environment from the project navigation bar. Select the Services tab. The Router overview displays the configured routes. Currently, you cannot add a route from the new Cloud Console.

Account menu

In the top right-hand corner is your account menu. Click the down arrow for the menu and select My Profile. In the My Profile view, you can control your user details and display settings, manage security authentication, API tokens, and SSH keys.
