Connect Channel Manager to Walmart Marketplace

After installing Channel Manager on your Commerce instance, create a sales channel in Channel Manager and configure the credentials to connect Channel Manager to Walmart Marketplace.

  1. Create the sales channel by selecting the Commerce store for product listings.

  2. Connect the channel to Walmart Marketplace by adding Walmart API credentials.

  3. Complete sales channel setup to manage listings, inventory, pricing, and orders for your Walmart Marketplace product assortment.

Channel Manager requires a one-to-one connection between a Walmart account and a Commerce store view. You cannot connect the same store view to multiple Walmart accounts.

Create the sales channel

  1. From the Admin, open Channel Manager by selecting Marketing > Channels > Channel Manager.

  2. In the Marketplaces available to connect section, select Get Started.

    Connect new Walmart store to Channel Manager {width="700" modal="regular"}

  3. If needed, set up your Walmart Marketplace Seller account.

  4. Configure the store and connection:

    • Select Add Credentials.

    • Select the Commerce store view that offers the products you want to sell on the marketplace.

      Configure connection between Commerce and Walmart Marketplace from Channel Manager {width="500" modal="regular"}

    • Enter a unique store name.

    • Select the Adobe Commerce site for product listings and order processing.

    • To receive notifications related to Channel Manager, add an email address.

  5. Connect the channel to Walmart Marketplace.

    • Add the credentials for the Walmart Marketplace Adobe Production API key from your Walmart Marketplace Seller account.

    • If you don’t have the credentials, get them from the Walmart Marketplace Developer Portal by selecting Get API credentials.

      On the Developer Portal, select your region (US and Canada) and then log in.

      Walmart Marketplace account login {width="600"}

    • On the API key form, copy and save the Client ID and Client Secret values for the Adobe Inc Production API key to a secure location.

      Walmart Marketplace API key configuration page {width="600" modal="regular"}

      note note
      If the Adobe Inc key is not listed in the Developer Portal, select Add New Key for a Solution Provider to configure permissions and generate the key. For configuration details, see Generate a Walmart Marketplace API Key.
    • Return to Channel Manager to add the credentials to the Walmart Connection information.

      When you add credentials, Adobe hides the client secret and stores the value in a secure vault.

  6. Select Save Store to apply the configuration and connect to the Walmart marketplace.

  7. After connecting successfully, complete store setup from the Channel Manager store page.

Setup first store {width="500" modal="regular"}

Troubleshoot connection issues

If the connection to Walmart fails, see the Walmart Marketplace FAQ for troubleshooting tips.

  • From the Walmart Developer Portal, verify that you copied the correct credentials for the production API key for Adobe Inc.

  • Verify that the access configuration for the Walmart Adobe API key has the correct permissions. See Walmart Requirements.

  • Confirm that the Walmart API service is available from the Walmart API status page.
