View and Track Orders from Channel Manager

Walmart Marketplace order data for Commerce products synchronizes automatically to Channel Manager after Walmart processes the order.

On the Commerce side, a successful synchronization triggers the following actions:

  • Channel Manager sends an order acknowledgment to Walmart.

  • A corresponding Commerce order is created from the Walmart order.

  • The updated order information displays on the Channel Manager Orders dashboard.

In the storefront Admin, you can view order data from Channel Manager by opening the sales channel store and selecting Orders.

Channel Manager Orders view to manage Walmart Marketplace orders {width="600" modal="regular"}

It can take up to 35 minutes for a Walmart Marketplace order to display in the Channel Manager orders list. Walmart requires approximately 30 minutes to process incoming orders and send them to Channel Manager. After Channel Manager receives the order, it takes approximately five more minutes to create and display the order in Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source.

Orders Controls and Column Descriptions

The following tables describe the controls and columns available for Orders.

Controls for Orders

Filter orders
Sort the view by selecting one of the Order Status cards.
Status Details
Provides information about order errors and return requests. To view return information and refund status for an order, select the Return requested text to open the Returns dashboard.
View order detail
To view order details, select the Commerce order number in the Order table. Then, use Commerce order options to process the order.
Channel Settings
To modify the channel configuration, select channel Walmart Connection credentials, mapped attributes, or shipping identifiers, settings select the Commerce order number in the Order table. Then, use Commerce order options to process the order.

Column descriptions

Walmart Order #
The purchase order number assigned to the order in the Walmart Marketplace. When an order is initially imported to Channel Manager, only the Walmart order number displays. When the Commerce order is created, the Walmart order number is stored in the External ID product attribute.
Commerce Order #
The number assigned to the Commerce order created from the Walmart Marketplace order.
Number of items ordered on Walmart Marketplace.
Order Value
Total cost of the ordered items.
The date the order was submitted to the Walmart Marketplace converted to the local timezone.
Ship By (timezone)
The date the order must be shipped by to meet Walmart Marketplace requirements converted to the local timezone.
Deliver By (timezone)
The date the order must be delivered to customer to meet Walmart Marketplace requirements converted to the local timezone.
Ship Method
The [Walmart Marketplace Shipping Method]( selected for the order.
Last Update
Timestamp indicating the last time the order data was updated in Channel Manager converted to local time zone.
Indicates the current order status in the Commerce order workflow. The initial status for an order imported from Walmart Marketplace is _Open_. Additional status updates occur when Commerce orders are processed and Channel Manager successfully synchronizes shipment, partial shipment, and cancellation updates to the Walmart Marketplace.
Status Details
Provides more detailed information about orders with errors or refund requests.

Order Status

Order Status provides information about the current state of Walmart Marketplace orders managed from Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source. Order status updates occur when Channel Manager receives updated order information from either the Walmart Marketplace or the Commerce order system. Orders can have the following statuses:

  • Shipped—Orders that have been shipped from the Commerce store. When the order ships, Channel Manager sends an update to Walmart Marketplace to update the shipping status on Walmart and provide the order tracking number for the shipment. After an order has been shipped, order items can be partially or fully refunded if Walmart issues a Return Merchandise Authorization form. See Returns and Refunds.

  • Partially Shipped—Orders that have some items marked as shipped, and others waiting to be shipped. When items in the order ship, Channel Manager sends an update to Walmart Marketplace to update the shipping status to Partially Shipped on Walmart and provide the order tracking number for the shipment.

  • Canceled—Orders that have been canceled from the Commerce store.

    After the order cancellation completes, the Commerce stock quantity updates to reflect returned items. Then, Channel Manager syncs the update to the Walmart Marketplace.

  • Return requested—If Walmart Marketplace requests a return for order items that have been shipped, a Return requested link displays in the Status details column. Selecting the link opens the Returns dashboard to view the return and manage the refund process.

  • Error—Orders that have errors. Errors can occur when an order update operation fails. For example, errors occur if Channel Manager cannot receive a new order from Walmart. They can also occur if Channel Manager cannot send an order shipment or cancellation update to the Walmart Marketplace. If an operation fails, the Orders page shows an Error status for the order. For details, see [Fix order errors]( errors).

  • Status details–Provides more information about order errors that occur due to issues like missing information or invalid values, incorrect shipment details, or a failed order cancellation. The description helps determine whether error occurred on the Commerce instance or on the Walmart Marketplace.

If order items are sent in multiple shipments, the order status in Channel Manager reflects the last order status available. For example, if the first item ships and no errors are returned when order updates are synchronized to Channel Manager and Walmart Marketplace, the Channel Manager order status is Partially Shipped. If a second item is shipped and Channel Manager returns an error, the order status updates to Error.

Review Orders

  1. From the Admin, select Marketing > Channel Manager to open the Channel Manager Marketplace Stores page.

  2. Open the store view by selecting the eye icon in a store entry row.

  3. To view order information, select Orders.

  4. Get information about the order and determine next steps by checking the Status column.

Review Order Detail

After an order is received from the marketplace and imported into your sales channel store, use the Commerce Order ID to view the order detail in Adobe Commerce.

From Orders, select the Commerce Order Number to open the Commerce order detail.

Commerce Order detail view for a Walmart Marketplace order {width="600" modal="regular"}

In the Commerce storefront, orders imported from Walmart Marketplace have the following additional information included in the order data:

  • Payment Information & Shipping Method–Orders imported from Walmart include following values for payment and shipping fields:

    • Offline Channel Payment—Indicates that order payment is processed offline by Walmart Marketplace.

    • External Order Number—Displays the Walmart Marketplace order number.

    • Channel Shipping - Value–Indicates that shipping charges are handled through Walmart Marketplace.

    • Cancellation Reason–This field displays only if an order imported from Walmart Marketplace is canceled. Cancellation reasons include:

      • Price or other listing errors.
      • The item is out of stock.
      • Unavailable carrier or shipping information.
      • Additional information is required by our Credit or Fraud Avoidance department.
  • Items Ordered—This section lists the order items on all Commerce orders. The Qty column provides the status history for order items. For example if an order has been invoiced, shipped, and refunded, you can see the status transitions.

    Order Detail ordered item status history Walmart Marketplace orders {width="600" modal="regular"}

View item invoice and refund details by selecting the Invoice and Credit Memo options from the navigation menu. You can also access the Credit Memo directly from the Returns dashboard in your sales channel store.
