Return and Refund Orders

When a buyer requests a return for order items purchased through Walmart Marketplace, Walmart creates a return request. Channel Manager monitors the marketplace channel for these requests and automatically synchronizes the return request information to Channel Manager.

On the Commerce side, the return request initiates the following workflow:

  1. Channel Manager creates a corresponding return request with a received status and adds the return ID number (RMA #) to the Returns dashboard. On the Orders dashboard, the status detail for the order associated with the return updates to include a Return requested link to view and process the return.

  2. Merchants process the refund associated with the return by creating a Credit Memo following the Adobe Commerce refund workflow. All refunds are processed using the offline method.

  3. Channel Manager sends a refund update to Walmart marketplace so the return status can be updated to reflect the completed refund from Adobe Commerce.

In the storefront Admin, you can view and process returns from Channel Manager by opening the sales channel store and selecting Returns.

Channel Manager Returns dashboard to process refunds for return requests received from Walmart Marketplace {width="600" modal="regular"}

You can only process refunds for shipped orders. In Channel Manager, the order status must be Shipped. In Walmart Marketplace Seller account, the order must be Delivered.

Returns Controls and Column Descriptions

The following tables describe the controls and columns available for Channel Manager returns.

Controls for Returns

Filter returns
Filter the view by selecting one of the Return Status cards.
Status Details
For return entries with the Received or Refunded status, you can create or view the credit memo for the refund by selecting the linked text in the Status Details column.
View order detail
To view order details, select the Commerce order number in the Order table to open the Commerce order.
Channel Settings
To modify the channel configuration, select channel Walmart Connection credentials, mapped attributes, or shipping identifiers, settings select the Commerce order number in the Order table. Then, use Commerce order options to process the order.

Column descriptions

The Return Merchandise Authorization number associated with the return request received from Walmart Marketplace. This number is generated by Walmart Marketplace Returns when the return process is initiated.
Commerce Order #
The Commerce order number associated with the items included in the return request from Walmart Marketplace. View order details by selecting the order number.
The date the return was requested on the Walmart Marketplace converted to local time.
Return By
The date that the return must be refunded by to meet Walmart Marketplace [requirements]( converted to local time.
Lists the SKU and quantity for each item listed in the return.
Refund amount
The total value to be refunded for the returned items.
Indicates the current return status in the Commerce return workflow–Received, Refunded, or Error.
Status Details
For received and refunded return entries, status details provide a link to access the credit memo for refund processing. If an error occurs during the Channel Manager synchronization process between Adobe Commerce and Walmart marketplace, this field provides the error description.

Return Status

Return Status provides information about the current state of Walmart Marketplace return requests managed from Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source.

Return status updates occur when Channel Manager receives an return request from the Walmart Marketplace or when the Commerce credit memo is created to process the refund for the returned items.

Returns can have the following statuses:

  • Received–This is the initial status of the return request received from the Walmart Marketplace store. The merchant can process the refund for the return by selecting Create credit memo in the Status details.

  • Refunded—Indicates that a credit memo has been created to issue a refund for the returned items. Merchants can view refund information by selecting View credit memo in the Status details.

  • Error—Return requests that have errors. Errors can occur when the return request from Walmart has missing or incorrect data. Or, if Channel Manager cannot send the refund update notification to Walmart.

Return scenarios

The following scenarios describe how to issue refunds for different types of return requests from Channel Manager.

  • Full return—If the Walmart Marketplace return request is for all items in the order, update the credit memo quantity to refund all items.

  • Partial return–If the Walmart Marketplace return request is for only some order items, update the credit memo quantity only for the items to be refunded.

  • Return already refunded through Walmart Marketplace–In some cases, a refund is processed on Walmart Marketplace before you process the return in Channel Manager. For example, if a Commerce order is not refunded within the 48-hour refund processing window required by Walmart, Walmart automatically refunds the order. When this happens, Channel Manager still synchronizes the return request to Adobe Commerce so you can process the return and issue the credit memo. This workflow ensures that the order detail in Commerce matches the order information in Walmart Marketplace.

It can take up to five minutes for refund updates to synchronize to Walmart Marketplace. You can check the current return status from the Channel Manager Returns dashboard.

Process a refund request

  1. Open the Returns dashboard for your sales channel store.

    • From the Admin, select Marketing > Channel Manager.

    • Open the store view by selecting the eye icon for a sales channel store.

    • You can review the returns by selecting the Returns tab.

      You can also access return information from the Orders page. Look for Shipped orders that have a return request. Then, select the Return requested link in the Status Details column to view and process the request.

  2. From the Returns table, find a return with the Received status.

  3. From the items column, review the list of order items and quantity to refund.

  4. Process the refund by issuing a credit memo.

    • From the Status Details column, select Create credit memo to open the Order detail page in Commerce.

      If the order has not been invoiced, the Order detail page displays an error message prompting you to create one. Select Create invoice. Then, create and save the invoice.

    • On the Order detail page, select Credit Memo.

    • In Items to Refund section of the Credit Memo, update the Qty to refund and Return to Stock information for the items included in the return request.

      Make sure that return only the items listed in the return request.

    • To add a comment, enter the text in the Credit Memo Comments

    • Select Refund Offline.

After completing the refund, Channel Manager updates the return status in the Returns dashboard to Refunded and synchronizes the update to Walmart to update the return status in marketplace.

View refund information for a return

You can view information about return requests and refund processing from the Returns dashboard.

  1. Open the Returns dashboard for your sales channel store.

    • From the Admin, select Marketing > Channel Manager.

    • Open the store view by selecting the eye icon for a sales channel store.

    • Select Returns.

  2. View refunded orders by selecting the Refunded status card.

  3. View refund details for a return by selecting View credit memo.

    Credit memo to refund returned items for a Walmart Marketplace order {width="600" modal="regular"}

After an order has been refunded, the Orders dashboard does not show return information. To view return information, use the Channel Manager Returns dashboard. More detailed return and refund information is also available from the Order detail page.

Fix return errors

Errors can occur when the return information is received from Walmart Marketplace, or when Channel Manager synchronizes status updates from Commerce to Walmart Marketplace.

If the synchronization operation for a return update fails, the Channel Manager Returns dashboard shows an Error status for the return entry. To ensure that return and refund information is accurately reflected in Walmart Marketplace account, manually update the order in your Walmart Marketplace store.
