Support tools

Adobe Commerce feature {width="20"} Exclusive feature only in Adobe Commerce (Learn more)

The support tools are designed to identify known issues in your system. They can be used as a resource during the development and optimization processes, and as a diagnostic tool to help our support team identify and resolve issues.

Data collector

The data collector gathers the information about your system that is needed by our Support team to troubleshoot issues with your Adobe Commerce installation. The backup that is created takes several minutes to complete, and includes both a code and database dump. The data can be exported to a CSV or Excel XML file.

System - Data Collector {width="600" modal="regular"}

Run the data collector

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to System > Support > Data Collector.

  2. In the upper-right corner, click New Backup.

    It takes a few minutes to generate the backup. You can monitor the results of processing by clicking Refresh Status. When complete, the backup appears in the Data Collector grid.

  3. To view a log with the backup details, do the following:

    • In the Action column, select Show Log.

    • Click Back to return to the grid.

    data collector log {width="600" modal="regular"}

Export backup data

  1. In the first column, select the checkbox of the backup to be exported.

  2. Use the Export menu to choose the format of the export data.

    Export Format {width="600" modal="regular"}

  3. Access the file from the web browser download location and Save it.

Download backup data

After the backup is generated, you can download the copy of Code and DB data.

  1. Find the needed backup entity in the grid.

  2. Make sure it has a Complete status.

  3. Click the entity name in Code Dump or DB Dump columns.

The download process should start automatically.

Delete backup data

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to System > Support > Data Collector.

  2. Find and select the backup data to be deleted.

  3. In the Action column, click Delete.

  4. To confirm the action, click OK.

System reports

The system reporting tool gives you the ability take periodic full, or partial, snapshots of the system, and save them for future reference. You can compare performance settings before and after code development cycles, or changes to server settings. The system reporting tool can dramatically reduce the time spent preparing and submitting the information required by Support to begin an investigation.

From the System Reports grid, you can view and download existing reports, delete reports, and create reports.

Access system reports

On the Admin sidebar, go to System > Support > System Report.

Admin - system reports {width="600" modal="regular"}

Generate a report

  1. Click New Report.

  2. In the Groups list, select each set of information that you want to include in the report. By default, all groups are selected.

    System report - select groups {width="600" modal="regular"}

  3. In the upper-right corner, click Create.

    It might take a few minutes for the report to generate, depending on the number of report types selected. When the report is ready, it appears at the top of the grid with the date and time generated.

View module information

You can find useful information about installed modules.

To view report info for each installed module:

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to System > Support > System Report.
  2. Click New Report.
  3. Select Modules from the Groups list.
  4. Click Create.
  5. After the report generates, click Select and then View to see all module versions.
  6. Click Download to download the report.

Manage system reports

In the Action column of the grid, select one of the following:

  • View - Use this function to view the details of the report.
  • Delete - Use this function to delete the generated report from the list.
  • Download - Use this function to save the report as an HTML file.

View system report details

  1. For the report you need, select View in the Actions column.

  2. In the left panel, expand Expansion selector each section of the report to view the detail.

    General system report information {width="600" modal="regular"}

Available system reports

Report group
Information included
Adobe Commerce Version
Data Count
Cache Status
Index Status
Environment Information
MySQL Status
Duplicate Categories By URL Key
Duplicate Products By URL Key
Duplicate Products By SKU
Duplicate Orders By Increment Id
Duplicate Users By Email
Corrupted Categories Data
Custom Modules List
Disabled Modules List
All Modules List
Data from app/etc/env.php
Shipping Methods
Payment Methods
Payments Functionality Matrix
Log Files
Top System Messages
Today’s Top System Messages
Top Debug Messages
Today’s Top Debug Messages
Top Exception Messages
Today’s Top Exception Messages
User Defined EAV Attributes
New EAV Attributes
Entity Types
All EAV Attributes
Category EAV Attributes
Product EAV Attributes
Customer EAV Attributes
Customer Address EAV Attribute
RMA Item EAV Attributes
Custom Global Events
Custom Admin Events
Custom Frontend Events
Custom Doc Events
Custom Crontab Events
Custom REST Events
Custom SOAP Events
Core Global Events
Core Admin Events
Core Frontend Events
Core Doc Events
Core Crontab Events
Core REST Events
Core SOAP Events
All Global Events
All Admin Events
All Frontend Events
All Doc Events
All REST Events
All SOAP Events
All Crontab Events
Cron Schedules by status code
Cron Schedules by job code
Errors in Cron Schedules Queue
Cron Schedules List
Custom Global Cron Jobs
Custom Configurable Cron Jobs
Core Global Cron Jobs
Core Configurable Cron Jobs
All Global Cron Jobs
All Configurable Cron Jobs
Adminhtml Themes List
Frontend Themes List
Website Tree
Websites List
Stores List
Store Views List
OMS Connector
(visible with OMS integration)
Connector Version
Connector monitoring
Message Processing Results