Configure wish lists

The wish list configuration enables wish lists and determines the email template and sender of email messages that are used when a wish list is shared.

Enable wish list functionality

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

  2. In the left panel, expand Customers and choose Wish List.

  3. Expand Expansion selector the General Options section and do the following:

    Customers configuration - wish list general settings {width="600" modal="regular"}

    • Toggle Enabled to Yes, which activates the wish list module for the store.

    • Adobe Commerce (Adobe Commerce only) Toggle Enable Multiple Wish Lists to Yes, which allows customers to create and maintain multiple wish lists.

    • Adobe Commerce (Adobe Commerce only) To limit the number of wish lists customers can have associated with their account, enter value for Number of Multiple Wish Lists.

    • Toggle Show in Sidebar to Yes, which displays the wish lists in the sidebar.

  4. Expand Expansion selector the Share Options section and do the following:

    Customers configuration - wish list share options {width="600" modal="regular"}

    • Set the Email Sender to the store contact that should appear as the sender of the message. Options: General Contact, Sales Representative, Customer Support, Custom Email.

    • Set the Email Template to be used when a customer shares a wish list.

    • To limit the total number of emails a customer can send, enter a Max Emails Allowed to be Sent value. The default is 10 and the maximum allowed is 10,000.

    • To limit the size of the message, enter value for Email Text Length Limit. The default is 255.

  5. Expand Expansion selector the My Wish List Link section and set Display Wish List Summary to one of the following:

    • Display number of items in wish list
    • Display item quantities

    Customers configuration - wish list display {width="600" modal="regular"}

  6. When complete, click Save Config.

Adobe Commerce (Adobe Commerce only)

Any public wish list can be found using the Wish List Search widget. The widget enables a customer to search by the name or email address of the wish list owner. Store customers can find wish lists that belong to other customers, view them and order products from them, or add the products to their own wish lists. If an item is purchased from a public wish list by another customer, it is not removed from the original wish list. The Wish List Search widget can be added to any page of your store to make it easy for customers to find the wish lists of friends and family members.

Example storefront - wish list search

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Content > Elements > Widgets.

  2. In the upper-right corner, click Add Widget.

  3. In the Settings tab, do the following:

    • Set Type to Wish List Search.

    • Set Design Theme to the theme of the store where the wish list is added.

    • Click Continue.

  4. Complete the Storefront Properties:

    • Enter the Widget Title.

    • Set Assign to Store Views to the view or website where the widget is to be used.

    • For Sort Order, enter a number to determine the placement of the widget within its container.

      0 = first (default), 1 = second, 2 = third, and so on.

  5. In the Layout Updates section, click Add Layout Update and set Display on to one of the following:

    • Categories

      • Anchor Categories
      • Non-Anchor Categories
    • Products

      • All Product Type
      • Simple Product
      • Virtual Product
      • Bundle Product
      • Configurable Product
      • Downloadable Product
      • Gift Card
      • Grouped Product
    • Generic Page

      • All Pages
      • Specified Page
      • Page Layouts
  6. In the Container list, choose the area of the page layout where it is to be placed.

    Wish list search widget - layout {width="700" modal="regular"}

  7. In the left panel, choose Widget Options.

  8. Set Quick Search Form Types to one of the following:

    • All Forms - Customers can search by all available parameters.
    • Owner Name - Customers can search for wish lists by owner name.
    • Owner Email - Customers can search for wish lists by owner email address.
    note note
    Shipping addresses are not included in wish lists.
  9. Configure any remaining widget properties as needed, following the standard instructions.

  10. When complete, click Save.

  11. When prompted, refresh all invalid caches.
