Persistent cart workflow

When the persistent shopping cart is enabled, the workflow depends on:

  • The values of the Enable Remember Me and Clear Persistence on Log Out settings
  • The customer’s decision to select or clear the Remember Me checkbox
  • When the persistent cookie is cleared

When the customer session expires, a Not Jane Smith? link displays in the page header under the following conditions:

  • the logged in customer has selected the Remember Me option and a persistent cookie is applied
  • the customer logs out when the system is configured with Clear Persistence on Sign Out set to No.

The system retains a record of the shopping cart contents on the current device, even if the logged-in session expires. The Not Jane Smith? link allows the customer to terminate the persistent session and start working as a guest, or to log in as a different or the same customer.

If the customer checked the Remember Me checkbox when logging in, your store creates and maintains a separate persistent cookie. This cookie helps keep the customer’s shopping cart accessible even after they close the browser or navigate to a different site and their logged in session expires.

If this same customer visits your store using multiple browsers while logged in or while a persistent session is active, the changes the customer makes to the shopping cart content in one browser are reflected in other browsers when the page is refreshed.

To ensure cart synchronization across multiple devices or browsers, customers must log in on each new device they use for shopping. For logged in customers, the contents of the shopping cart is synchronized across multiple devices and browsers as long as they are logged in under the same account, regardless of the Persistent Cart configuration.

“Remember Me” checkbox behavior

Customers can select the Remember Me checkbox on the login page or when creating a new account to keep the contents of the shopping cart accessible on the current device when the logged-in session expires.

Remember Me?Result
SelectedCreates a persistent cookie and keeps the contents of the shopping cart accessible on the current device when the customer login session expires.
Not selectedDoes not create a persistent cookie and does not keep the content of the shopping cart accessible on the current device when the login session expires. Note that the shopping cart content is still saved in the customer’s account and reloaded the next time the customer logs in.

Clear Persistence on Sign Out behaviour

When the customer logs in or registers with the Remember Me option selected, the configuration of the Clear Persistence on Sign Out option determines the Persistent Cart behavior.

Clear Persistence on Sign Out set to YesClear Persistence on Sign Out set to No
Remembered customer logs outDeletes both session and persistent cookies so that the shopping cart content disappears on the current device until the same customer logs back in.Deletes the session cookie but the persistent cookie remains in effect. The shopping cart content remains accessible on the current device.
Remembered customer does not log out but the session cookie expiresThe persistent cookie remains in effect, and the shopping cart content is accessible from the current device.The persistent cookie remains in effect, and the shopping cart content is accessible from the current device.

An example of an open session on a shared computer

Jane is finishing her holiday shopping as a Remembered logged in customer. She adds a present for John to her cart, and something for her mother. Then, she goes to the kitchen for a snack and her login session expires.

John sits down at the computer to do some quick shopping while Jane is in the kitchen. Without noticing the Not Jane Smith? link at the top of the page, John finds a nice present for Jane and adds it to the cart. When he checks out, he notices that the shipping and billing addresses are pre-filled and thinks that he is signed in. John is in such a hurry that he does not notice the additional items during Order Review, and submits the order. Jane’s cart is now empty, and John bought all the gifts.

Configure a persistent cart

During the setup of a persistent shopping cart, you can specify the lifetime of the cookies, and which options you want to make available for various customer activities.

To use the persistent shopping cart, the customer’s browser must be set to allow cookies. There are two types of cookies used for shopping cart operations:

  • Session cookie – A short-term session cookie exists during a single visit to your site. This cookie expires when the customer logs out or when the session expires.

  • Persistent Cookie – A long-term, persistent cookie continues to exist after the logged-in session ends. This cookie ensures that the contents of a customer’s shopping cart remains accessible when the customer logs out or the session expires.

For more information about how the these configuration settings affect the customer workflow, see Persistent cart workflow.

General Options

Enable PersistenceWebsiteDetermines if the persistence feature is enabled.
Persistence Lifetime (seconds)WebsiteDefines the lifetime of the persistent cookie in seconds. The maximum allowed value is 34560000 seconds (400 days). This is a limitation of the maximum recommended cookie life.
Enable “Remember Me”WebsiteDefines whether the Remember Me checkbox is displayed on the login and registration pages of the store. Options:
Yes - Displays the Remember Me checkbox.
No - Does not display the Remember Me checkbox, and the persistent cookie is used only for customers who already have it.
“Remember Me” Default ValueWebsiteDefines the default state for the Remember Me checkbox.
Clear Persistence on Log OutWebsiteDefines whether the persistent cookie is deleted when a store customer logs out. No matter how this option is configured, if a customer does not log out, but the session cookie expires, the persistent cookie is still used.
Persist Shopping CartWebsiteDefines whether using the persistent cookie gives access to the shopping cart data of the corresponding account. Options:
Yes or No.
Persist Wish ListWebsite Adobe Commerce (Adobe Commerce only) Determines if the state of customer wish lists is retained when the session ends. Options:
Yes - The wish list contents are saved when the session ends.
No - The wish list is not saved when the session ends.
Persist Recently Ordered ItemsWebsite Adobe Commerce (Adobe Commerce only) Determines whether the state of recently ordered items is saved when the session ends. Options:
Yes or No.
Persist Currently Compared ProductsWebsite Adobe Commerce (Adobe Commerce only) Determines whether the state of currently compared products is retained when the session ends. Options:
Yes or No.
Persist Comparison HistoryWebsite Adobe Commerce (Adobe Commerce only) Determines whether the state of comparison history is retained when the session ends. Options:
Yes or No.
Persist Recently Viewed ProductsWebsite Adobe Commerce (Adobe Commerce only) Determines whether the state of recently viewed products is retained when the session ends. Options:
Yes or No.
Persist Customer Group Membership and SegmentationWebsite Adobe Commerce (Adobe Commerce only) Determines if the state of customers’ group membership and segmentation criteria are retained when the session ends. Options:
Yes - The state of the customer’s group membership and segmentation data is saved when the session ends.
No - The state of the customer’s group membership and segmentation data are not saved when the session ends.
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