Set up PayPal Payments Standard

PayPal Payments Standard cannot be used simultaneously with any other PayPal method, including Express Checkout. If you change payment solutions, the one used previously is disabled.
Click Save Config at any time to save your progress.

Step 1: Begin the configuration

This setup method assumes you have an existing PayPal account.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

  2. In the left panel, expand Sales and choose Payment Methods.

  3. If your Commerce installation has multiple websites, stores, or views, set Store View to the store view where you want to apply this configuration.

  4. In the Merchant Location section, select the Merchant Country where your business is located.

    This setting determines the selection of PayPal Solutions that appear in the configuration.

    Merchant Country

  5. Expand PayPal All-in-One Payment Solutions and click Configure for Payments Standard.

    PayPal Payments Standard

Step 2: Enable and connect your PayPal account

PayPal Payments Standard configuration

  1. Connect your account for test or production:

    • For testing (development) mode, click Sandbox Credentials and enter your PayPal sandbox credentials.
    • For production mode, click Connect with PayPal and enter you production account credentials.

    When your connection is validated, you can proceed.

  2. Set Enable this Solution to Yes.

  3. If you want to offer PayPal Credit to your customers, set Enable PayPal Credit to Yes.

Step 3: Complete the Payments Standard settings

  1. Expand Expansion selector the Payments Standard section.

    Required Settings

  2. Enter the Email Associated with your PayPal Merchant Account.

    Email addresses are case-sensitive. To receive payment, the email address you enter must match the email address specified in your PayPal merchant account.

    If you do not have a PayPal account, click Start accepting payments via PayPal.

  3. Set API Authentication Methods to one of the following:

    • API Signature - This PayPal authentication method is the easiest to implement, and is based on your user name, password, and a unique string of characters and numbers that identifies your account. API Signature credentials do not expire.
    • API Certificate - This PayPal authentication method is more secure, is based on your user name, password, and a downloadable certificate. API Credentials expire after three years, and must be renewed.

    If necessary, complete the following:

    • API Username
    • API Password
    • API Signature
  4. If you are using credentials from your sandbox account, set Sandbox Mode to Yes.

    When testing the configuration in a sandbox, use only credit card numbers that are recommended by PayPal. When you are ready to go to production, return to the configuration and set Sandbox Mode to No and connect to your production PayPal account.

  5. If your system uses a proxy server to establish the connection between Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source and the PayPal payment system, set API Uses Proxy to Yes and complete the following:

    • Proxy Host
    • Proxy Port

Step 4: Set up Advertise PayPal Credit / Advertise PayPal PayLater (optional)

Starting with the 2.4.3 release, PayPal PayLater is supported in deployments that include PayPal. This feature allows shoppers to pay for an order in bi-weekly installments instead of paying the full amount at time of purchase. The PayPal Credit experience is deprecated.

Set Enable PayPal PayLater Experience to one of the following:

  • Yes - To set up Advertise PayPal PayLater
  • No - To set up Advertise PayPal Credit
  1. Expand Expansion selector the Advertise PayPal Credit section.

    Advertise PayPal Credit Home Page Settings

  2. To get your account information, click Get Publisher ID from PayPal and follow the instructions.

  3. Enter your Publisher ID.

    Advertise PayPal Credit

  4. Expand Expansion selector the Home Page section.

  5. To place a banner on the page, set Display to Yes.

  6. Set Position to one of the following:

    • Header (center)
    • Sidebar (right)
  7. Set Size to one of the following:

    • 190 x 100
    • 234 x 60
    • 300 x 50
    • 468 x 60
    • 728 x 90
    • 800 x 66
  8. Expand Expansion selector the remaining sections and repeat the previous steps:

    • Catalog Category Page
    • Catalog Product Page
    • Checkout Cart Page
  1. Expand Expansion selector the Advertise PayPal PayLater section.

  2. Set Enable PayPal PayLater to Yes.

  3. Expand Expansion selector the Home Page section.

    Advertise PayPal Credit Home Page Settings

  4. To place a banner on the page, set Display to Yes.

  5. Set Position to one of the following:

    • Header (center)
    • Sidebar
  6. Set Style Layout to one of the following:

    • Text
    • Flex
  7. For Style Layout Text only, set Logo Type to one of the following:

    • Primary
    • Alternative
    • Inline
    • None
  8. For Style Layout Text only, set Logo Position to one of the following:

    • Left
    • Right
    • Top
  9. For Style Layout Text only, set Text Color to one of the following:

    • Black
    • White
    • Monochrome
    • Grayscale
  10. For Style Layout Text only, set Text Size to one of the following:

    • 10px
    • 11px
    • 12px
    • 13px
    • 14px
    • 15px
    • 16px
  11. For Style Layout Flex only, set Ratio to one of the following:

    • 1x1
    • 1x4
    • 8x1
    • 20x1
  12. For Style Layout Flex only, set Color to one of the following:

    • Blue
    • Black
    • White
    • White No Border
    • Gray
    • Monochrome
    • Grayscale
  13. Expand Expansion selector the remaining sections and repeat the previous steps:

    • Catalog Product Page
    • Checkout Cart Page
    • Checkout Payment Step
    • Catalog Category Page

Step 5: Complete the basic settings

  1. Expand Expansion selector the Basic Settings - PayPal Website Payments Standard section.

    Basic Settings

  2. For Title, enter a title that identifies this payment method during checkout.

    It is recommended that you use the title PayPal for all store views.

  3. If you offer multiple payment methods, enter a number for Sort Order to determine the sequence in which PayPal Payments Standard appears when listed with the other payment methods.

    This number is relative to the other payment methods. (0 = first, 1 = second, 2 = third, and so on.)

  4. Set Payment Action to one of the following:

    • Authorization - Approves the purchase and puts a hold on the funds. The amount is not withdrawn until it is captured by the merchant.
    • Sale - The amount of the purchase is authorized and immediately withdrawn from the customer’s account.
  5. To display the Check out with PayPal button on the product page, set Display on Product Details Page to Yes.

Step 6: Complete the advanced Settings

  1. Expand Expansion selector the Advanced Settings section.

    Advanced Settings

  2. To make PayPal Payments Standard available from both the shopping cart and mini cart, set Display on Shopping Cart to Yes.

  3. Set Payment from Applicable Countries to one of the following:

    • All Allowed Countries - Customers from all countries specified in your store configuration can use this payment method.
    • Specific Countries - After you choose this option, the Payment from Specific Countries list appears. To select multiple countries, hold down the Ctrl key (PC) or the Command key (Mac) and click each option.
  4. To record communications with the payment system in the log file, set Debug Mode to Yes.

    The log file is stored on the server and is accessible only to developers. In accordance with PCI Data Security Standards, credit card information is not recorded in the log file.
  5. To enable SSL verification, set Enable SSL Verification to Yes.

  6. To display a summary of each line item in the order on your PayPal payments page, set Transfer Cart Line Items to Yes.

    To include up to ten shipping options in the summary, set Transfer Shipping Options to Yes. (This option appears only if line items are set to transfer.)

  7. To determine the type of image that is used for the PayPal acceptance button, set Shortcut Buttons Flavor to one of the following:

    • Dynamic - (Recommended) Displays an image that can be dynamically changed from the PayPal server.
    • Static - Displays a specific image that cannot be dynamically changed.
  8. To allow customers who do not have a PayPal account to make a purchase with this method, set Enable PayPal Guest Checkout to Yes.

  9. Set Require Customer’s Billing Address to one of the following:

    • Yes - Requires the customer billing address for all purchases.
    • No - Does not require the customer billing address for any purchases.
    • For Virtual Quotes Only - Requires the customer billing address for virtual quotes only.
  10. To allow a customer to enter into a PayPal billing agreement with your store when there are no active billing agreements available in the customer account, set Billing Agreement Signup to one of the following:

    • Auto - The customer can either enter into a billing agreement during the Express Checkout flow or use another method of payment.
    • Ask Customer - The customer can decide whether to enter into a billing agreement during the Express Checkout workflow.
    • Never - The customer cannot enter into a billing agreement during the Express Checkout workflow.
    Merchants must request PayPal Merchant Technical Support to enable billing agreements in their accounts. The Billing Agreement Signup parameter can be enabled only after PayPal confirms that billing agreements are enabled for your merchant account.
  11. To allow the customer to complete the transaction from the PayPal site without returning to your store for Order Review, set Skip Order Review Step to Yes.

Step 7: Complete and save the configuration settings

  1. Complete the following sections, as needed for your store:

  2. When complete, click Save Config.

PayPal Billing Agreement Settings

A billing agreement is a sales agreement between the merchant and customer that has been authorized by PayPal for use with multiple orders. During the checkout process, the Billing Agreement payment option appears only for customers who have already entered into a billing agreement with your company. After PayPal authorizes the agreement, the payment system issues a unique reference ID to identify each order that is associated with the agreement. Similar to a purchase order, there is no limit to the number of billing agreements a customer can set up with your company.

  1. Expand Expansion selector the PayPal Billing Agreement Settings section.

    Billing Agreement Settings

  2. Set Enabled to Yes.

  3. For Title, enter a title that identifies the PayPal Billing Agreement method during checkout.

  4. If you offer multiple payment methods, enter a number in the Sort Order field to determine the sequence in which Billing Agreement appears when listed with other payment methods during checkout.

  5. Set Payment Action to one of the following:

    • Authorization - Approves the purchase and puts a hold on the funds. The amount is not withdrawn until it is “captured” by the merchant.
    • Sale - The amount of the purchase is authorized and immediately withdrawn from the customer’s account.
  6. Set Payment Applicable From to one of the following:

    • All Allowed Countries - Customers from all countries specified in your store configuration can use this payment method.
    • Specific Countries - After choosing this option, the Payment from Specific Countries list appears. To select multiple countries, hold down the Ctrl key (PC) or the Command key (Mac) and click each one.
  7. To record communications with the payment system in the log file, set Debug Mode to Yes.

    The log file is stored on the server and is accessible only to developers. In accordance with PCI Data Security Standards, credit card information is not recorded in the log file.
  8. To enable SSL verification, set Enable SSL Verification to Yes.

  9. To display a summary of each line item in the customer’s order on your PayPal payments page, set Transfer Cart Line Items to Yes.

  10. To allow customers to initiate a billing agreement from the dashboard of their customer account, set Allow in Billing Agreement Wizard to Yes.

Settlement Report Settings

  1. Expand Expansion selector the Settlement Report Settings section.

    Settlement Report Settings

  2. For SFTP Credentials, do the following:

    • If you have signed up for the PayPal Secure FTP Server, enter the following SFTP login credentials:

      • Login
      • Password
    • To run test reports before going live with Express Checkout on your site, set Sandbox Mode to Yes.

    • Enter the Custom Endpoint Hostname or IP Address.

      By default, the value is

    • Enter the Custom Path where reports are saved.

      By default, the value is /ppreports/outgoing.

  3. To generate reports according to a schedule, complete the Scheduled Fetching settings:

    • Set Enable Automatic Fetching to Yes.

    • Set Schedule to one of the following:

      • Daily
      • Every 3 Days
      • Every 7 Days
      • Every 10 Days
      • Every 14 Days
      • Every 30 Days
      • Every 40 Days

      PayPal retains each report for 45 days.

    • Set Time of Day to the hour, minute, and second when you want the reports to be generated.

Frontend Experience Settings

Use the Frontend Experience Settings to choose which PayPal logos appear on your site, and to customize the appearance of your PayPal merchant pages.

  1. Expand Expansion selector the Frontend Experience Settings section.

    Frontend Experience Settings

  2. Select the PayPal Product Logo that you want to appear in the PayPal block in your store.

    The PayPal logos are available in four styles and two sizes:

    • No Logo
    • We Prefer PayPal (150 x 60 or 150 x 40)
    • Now Accepting PayPal (150 x 60 or 150 x 40)
    • Payments by PayPal (150 x 60 or 150 x 40)
    • Shop Now Using PayPal (150 x 60 or 150 x 40)
  3. To customize the appearance of your PayPal merchant pages:

    • Enter the name of the Page Style that you want to apply to your PayPal merchant pages:

      • paypal - Uses the PayPal page style.
      • primary - Uses the page style that you identified as the primary style in your account profile.
      • your_custom_value - Uses a custom payment page style, which is specified in your account profile.
    • For Header Image URL, enter the URL of the image that you want to appear in the upper-left corner of the payment page. The maximum file size is 750 pixels wide by 90 pixels high.

      PayPal recommends that the image resides on a secure (https) server. Otherwise, a browser may warn that the page contains both secure and nonsecure items.
    • To set the color for your pages, enter the six-character hexadecimal code, without the # symbol, for each of the following:

      • Header Background Color - Background color for the checkout page header.
      • Header Border Color - Color for two-pixel border around the header.
      • Page Background Color - Background color for the checkout page and around the header and payment form.
