HIPAA readiness on Adobe Commerce

Legal Disclaimer

This information is intended to help Adobe customers answer their questions regarding Adobe’s HIPAA-Ready Services. It does not constitute legal advice. Merchants should consult with their own legal counsel to understand their obligations under HIPAA and the appropriate use and configuration of Adobe’s products.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is the key federal healthcare privacy law in the United States and is enforced by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HIPAA applies to Covered Entities (such as healthcare providers, insurers, and clearinghouses) and Business Associates (such as those entities that provide services to covered entities). HIPAA requirements are set across three separate rules: Privacy Rule, Security Rule, and Breach Notification Rule. Adobe acts as a Business Associate for certain products, which Adobe classifies as “HIPAA-Ready Services.” Data regulated under HIPAA is referred to as Protected Health Information or PHI. PHI is a subset of health information that (1) is created or received by a healthcare provider, health plan, or healthcare clearinghouse, (2) relates to the past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition of an individual, the provision of healthcare to an individual, or the past, present, or future payment for the provision of healthcare to an individual, and (3) identifies the individual or with respect to which there is a reasonable basis to believe that the information can be used to identify the individual. The HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules require that a Covered Entity obtain written assurances from a Business Associate in the form of a Business Associate Agreement, or BAA, requiring the Business Associate to safeguard the privacy and security of the Covered Entityʼs PHI. For more information, see HIPAA and Adobe Products and Services in the Adobe Trust Center.

Adobe Commerce HIPAA-Ready

The Adobe Commerce HIPAA-Ready extension adds additional features and functionalities to Adobe Commerce installations that allow merchants to comply with their respective HIPAA obligations.

The Adobe Commerce HIPAA-Ready extension, magento/hipaa-ee is available for Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure or Adobe Managed Services projects. The Adobe Commerce HIPAA-Ready installation process disables some native services and features to comply with HIPAA requirements. See Disabled services and features.

Access to HIPAA ready features and functionality is available only to merchants that have purchased the health care add-on for Adobe Commerce.

These materials are intended for informational purposes only. Provision of this information does not entitle the recipient to any contractual or other rights. While efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of the information as of the date it has been provided, no representation is made that such information is accurate and complete. Adobe undertakes no obligation to update this information as the law or Adobe’s products change. Also, this document is not to be distributed to any party other than the intended recipient without written consent from Adobe.

System requirements

Adobe Commerce must be deployed on either Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure or Adobe Commerce Managed Services with version 2.4.6-p3 or later (no beta versions).



  • Adobe has provisioned your Adobe Commerce account to access the HIPAA Ready extension.
  • Access to repo.magento.com to install the extension. For key generation and obtaining the necessary rights, see Get your authentication keys.

Install the latest version of Adobe’s HIPAA-Ready Services extension (magento/hipaa-ee) on an instance that is running Adobe Commerce version 2.4.6-p3 or later. The extension is delivered as a composer metapackage from the repo.magento.com repository. The metapackage includes the collection of modules that enable the HIPAA capabilities for an Adobe Commerce instance.

  1. On your local workstation, change to the project directory for your Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure project.

    note note
    For information about managing Commerce project environments locally, see Managing branches with the CLI in the Adobe Commerce on Cloud Infrastructure User Guide.
  2. Checkout the environment branch to update using the Adobe Commerce Cloud CLI.

    code language-shell
    magento-cloud environment:checkout <environment-id>
  3. Add the metapackage magento/hipaa-ee to the composer configuration using the composer CLI.

    code language-shell
    composer require "magento/hipaa-ee" --no-update
  4. Update package dependencies.

    code language-shell
    composer update "magento/hipaa-ee"
  5. Add, commit, and push the updated code to the cloud environment.

    code language-shell
    git add -A
    git commit -m "Add HIPAA-Ready Services modules"
    git push origin <branch-name>

    Pushing the updates initiates the Commerce cloud deployment process to apply the changes. Check the deployment status from the deploy log.

Verify installation

After the updates are deployed, verify that the Hipaa* extensiion is installed

  1. Use SSH to log in to the remote cloud environment.

    code language-shell
    magento-cloud ssh
  2. From the command line, use the Adobe Commerce CLI to check the module status.

    code language-shell
    bin/magento module:status
  3. Verify that the HIPAA modules are included in the list of enabled modules:

    code language-text
    List of enabled modules:
    <truncated for brevity>
    <truncated for brevity>

    All modules prefixed with Magento_Hipaa must be in the enabled modules section.

Feature enhancements for HIPAA-readiness

The magento/hipaa-ee extension introduces some changes and enhancements to the base Commerce product. The following sections provide details about these changes and how they alter the base product.

Action Logs

Audit Logging is a HIPAA requirement. In Adobe Commerce, the Action Logs feature records every change made by an Admin user who works in your store. To meet HIPAA requirements for the Audit Log, the feature has been updated to record all Admin user and customer actions performed through the Admin UI and through API calls.

Action Logs report

The Action Logs report grid (System > Action Logs > Report) is modified to accommodate customer actions performed through the Admin UI and API.

  1. Added two columns:

    • Source: Displays where the action was performed.
      Values: Admin UI / Customer UI / REST API / SOAP API / GraphQL API
    • Client Type: Displays the client type.
      Values: Customer | Admin | Integration
  2. Renamed the Username colunn to Client Identifier

    • Client Identifier: Displays the login ID for the user who performed the action.

      • an email if Client Type is Customer
      • a username if Client Type is Admin
      • a name if Client Type is Integration
  3. Renamed the Full Action Name column to Target

    • Target: Displays the action name.

      • an endpoint if Source is a REST API or SOAP API
      • a query or mutation name if a GraphQL API
      • an action name if an Admin UI or Customer UI.

Configure Admin actions for logging

This feature is not available because all actions must be recorded by default.

Import and export features

Enhancements to import and export features are focused on improving the administrative experience and providing better visibility into user actions.

These enhancements do not alter the Import and Export core logic; rather, they extend the functionality to offer more comprehensive logging and improved data attribution. The fundamental functionality of import and export remains unchanged. Users can continue to use the existing features and workflows without any disruption.

Administrative action logging

One of the key improvements within the import and export features is the enhanced logging of administrative actions. This enhancement introduces the capability to delve deeper into activities associated with data import and export, contributing to improved tracking and auditability. The following actions are now logged and reflected in the System > Action Logs > Report grid:

  • An Admin user executes an import
  • An Admin user downloads an imported file
  • An Admin user downloads an error file
  • An Admin user requests
  • An Admin user downloads an exported file
Scheduled imports/exports
  • An Admin user schedules export
  • An Admin user edits a scheduled export
  • An Admin user runs a scheduled export
  • An Admin user deletes a scheduled export
  • An Admin user schedules an import
  • An Admin user edits a scheduled import
  • An Admin user runs a scheduled import
  • An Admin user deletes a scheduled import
  • An Admin user executes a bulk delete of import/export operations

Display enhancements and improved filtering and sorting

To empower Admin users with more informative grids, the HIPAA-Ready service provides several enhancements to display, filter, and sort data.

Import history (System > Data Transfer > Import History)

  • Enabled filtering for all columns except for Imported File, Error File, Execution Time, and Summary.

Export (System > Data Transfer > Export)

  • Added an ID column.
  • Added a Requested At column (date and time when export was requested).
  • Added a User column (username of an admin who did the request).
  • Removed an Action column.
  • Moved the Download link to a File name column (like the Import History grid).
  • Disabled the action responsible for deletion of an exported file (to improve tracking).
  • Enabled sorting for all columns except File name.
  • Enabled filtering for all columns.

Scheduled imports and exports (System > Data Transfer > Scheduled Import/Export)

  • Added an ID column.
  • Added a Scheduled At column (the date and time when the import or export was scheduled).
  • Added a User column (the username of an Admin user who scheduled the import or export).

Disabled services and features

To comply with HIPAA requirements, some services and features supported by Adobe Commerce are either not available or disabled by default. Merchants have the option to re-enable or use these services and features at their own risk.


  • Adobe Commerce services—None of the Adobe Commerce services or extensibility services are available under the HIPAA-readiness offering. These services include, but are not limited to:

    • Live Search
    • API Mesh
    • App Builder
  • Transactional emailSendGrid is disabled by default because the service is non-HIPAA-ready. Adobe Commerce provides an integration option that you can use with your own AWS Simple Email Service account. Contact your Customer Technical Account Manager or Adobe Commerce Support for configuration details.

Features that are disabled by default

The following features are disabled by default in the HIPAA-readiness module. Merchants can enable any of these features at their own risk.

  • Guest checkout—This feature presents a potential risk for various aspects of HIPAA including logging, access control, PHI hygiene and lineage, and potentially more.

  • Newsletter feature—This feature is disabled to prevent PHI being used in a marketing context.

  • Advanced Reporting service setting— This configuration setting is disabled to prevent PHI from being used for analysis and reporting.
