Step 4. Complete the label

Complete Step 4 of the cart price rule instructions to enter the label that appears during checkout.

Step 5: Save and test the rule

Price rules are automatically processed with other system rules. Processing frequency depends on the cron configuration. When you create a price rule, allow enough time for it to get into the system. WHen you are sure it is in the system, test the rule.
  1. When your rule is complete, click Save Rule.

  2. Test the rule to make sure that it works correctly.


Buy X Get Y Free is processed as a single action, with a row total dependency. All items must be from the same SKU to qualify for the promotion. For example:

Buy X quantity of product from category A, get Y quantity of the same product for free.

To limit the free product to categories A, B, and C, set the action as follows:

If ALL of these conditions are TRUE:
Category is one of A, B, C

To limit the free items from any category (A, B, or C) and receive Y from SKUs (D123, E123, or F123), set the action as follows:

If ALL of these conditions are TRUE:
SKU is one of D123, E123, F123

Maximum quantity discount

Use the following formula to determine the correct value for the Maximum Qty Discount:

Formula = (X+Y) * (M/Y)
X = number of items purchased
Y = number of free items
M = Maximum number of free items allowed

For example:

Buy five and get two free with a maximum of four free items allowed.

X = 5
Y = 2
M = 4
Maximum Qty Discount = (5+2)*(4/2)=(7)*(2)=14

Buy five and get three free with a maximum of nine free items allowed.

X = 5
Y = 3
M = 9
Maximum Qty Discount = (5+3)*(9/3)=24

Buy 20 and get two free with a maximum of 20 free items allowed.

X = 20
Y = 2
M = 20
Maximum Qty Discount = (20+2)*(20/2)=(22)*(10)=220