Refund to reward points

Orders placed with reward points can be refunded to the reward points balance up to the amount redeemed in the order. On the New Credit Memo page, the number of points to be applied to the customer’s balance can be entered. By default, the field contains the full number of points that were used in the order.

Enable reward point operations for your store

The Reward Points configuration determines how reward points are presented in the store and defines the basic operating parameters.

Customers configuration - reward points

Step 1. Configure the reward points

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

  2. In the left panel, expand Customers and choose Reward Points.

  3. Expand Expansion selector the Reward Points section and do the following:

    • To activate reward points, set Enable Reward Points Functionality to Yes.

    • To allow customers to earn their own reward points, set Enable Reward Points Functionality on Storefront to Yes.

    • To allow customers to see a detailed history of their rewards, set Customers May See Reward Point History to Yes.

  4. For Reward Points Balance Redemption Threshold, enter the number of points that must accrue before they can be redeemed (blank for no minimum).

  5. For Cap Reward Points Balance At, enter the maximum number of points a customer can accrue (blank for no limit).

  6. For Reward Points Expire in (days), enter the number of days before the reward points expire (blank for no expiration).

  7. Set Reward Points Expiry Calculation to one of the following:

    • Static - Determines the remaining lifetime of reward points based on the number of days set in the configuration. If the expiration limit in the configuration changes, the expiration date of existing points does not change.

    • Dynamic - Calculates the remaining number of days whenever the reward point balance increases. If the expiration limit in the configuration changes, the expiration of all existing points update accordingly.

  8. If you want to refund available reward points automatically, set Refund Reward Points Automatically to Yes.

  9. To void reward points earned through purchases when the order that earned the points is fully or partially refunded, set Deduct Reward Points from Refund Amount Automatically to Yes.

    Only the points earned with the order that is being refunded are affected.
  10. Set Landing Page to the content page that explains your reward points program.

    Make sure to update the default Rewards Points page with your own information.

  11. When complete, click Save Config.

Step 2. Configure points earned for customer activities

In this step, the number of reward points that can be earned for various customer activities is specified. When customers complete an action that has points assigned, a message appears to the customer that indicates how many points they have earned.

  1. Expand Expansion selector the Actions for Acquiring Reward Points by Customer section.

    Customers configuration - actions for acquiring reward points by customer

  2. To allow reward points to be earned for the purchases based on the configured Reward Exchange Rates, set Purchase to Yes.

    To earn reward points for their first order, the customer must be registered before the transaction is captured by the payment method. Most payment methods could be configured to capture transactions automatically when the order is placed, but before the customer account registration is finished.
  3. For Registration, enter the number of points earned for opening a customer account.

  4. For Newsletter Signup, enter the number of points earned by registered customers who subscribe to a newsletter.

  5. For Converting Invitation to Customer, enter the number of points earned by a customer who sends an invitation and the recipient then opens a customer account.

    You can limit the number of invitation conversions that can be used to earn points for the customer who sends the invitation (blank for no limit). To do this, enter a number in the Invitation to Customer Conversions Quantity Limit field.

  6. For Converting Invitation to Order, enter the number of points earned by a customer who sends an invitation to the recipient who then places an order and do the following:

    • For Invitation to Order Conversions Quantity Limit, enter the number of points earned by the customer sending the invitation when the recipient places an initial order (blank for no limit).

    • For Invitation Conversion to Order Reward, select the Each option to earn points for each placed by recipient order, or select the First option to earn points only for the first placed order by the recipient.

  7. For Review Submission, enter the number of points earned by a customer who submits a review that is approved for publication.

  8. Then to limit the number of reviews that can be used to earn points per customer, enter the number in the Rewarded Reviews Submission Quantity Limit field (blank for no limit).

  9. When complete, click Save Config.

Step 3. Complete the email notification settings

  1. Expand Expansion selector the Email Notification Settings section.

    Customers configuration - reward points email notifications

  2. Set Email Sender to the store contact that appears as the sender of balance updates and expiration notifications.

  3. If you want to subscribe customers by default to be notified of balance updates and upcoming expiration dates, set Subscribe Customers by Default to Yes.

  4. Set Balance Update Email to the template used for the notification that is sent to customers whenever their point balance is updated.

  5. Set Reward Points Expiry Warning Email to the template used for the notification that is sent to customers when the expiration limit for a batch of points is reached.

  6. For Expiry Warning Before (days), enter the number of days before points expire that notification is sent.

  7. When complete, click Save Config.

Update the reward points balance

The reward points balance can be updated from the Admin.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Customers > All Customers.

  2. Find the customer in the grid and click Edit in the Action column.

  3. Under Customer Information, choose the Reward Points section.

  4. Enter the number of Update Points:

    • To update the reward points amount, enter the number to increase the total points balance.
    • To subtract the reward points amount, enter the negative number you want to reduce the total points balance.
  5. Enter Comments related to the reward points adjustment, if needed.

    Reward Points Balance

  6. Optionally, subscribe the customer to Reward Points Notifications:

    • Subscribe for Balance Updates
    • Subscribe for Points Expiration Notifications
  7. Click Save Customer.

All actions related to reward points are displayed in the customer’s Reward Points History block in their account on the storefront.

Field descriptions

BalanceCurrent balance of reward points for client
Amount BalanceThe amount of the current cash balance
PointsThe number of added or subtracted points
AmountAmount of money added or subtracted
RateThe reward exchange rate
WebsiteWebsite to which the reward points history is assigned
ReasonReasons for awarding points:
Making purchases — Every time the customer makes a purchase, they can earn points.
Registering on the site - Accrued upon registration (once).
Subscribing to a newsletter - Accrued for the first-time subscription (once).
Sending Invitations — Earn points by inviting their friends to join the site.
Converting Invitations to Customer — Earn points for every invitation that they send out, leading friends registering on the site.
Converting Invitations to Order — Earn points for each sale resulting from a sent invitation.
Review Submission — Earn points for submitting product reviews.
CreatedDate and time of reward points update
ExpiredNumber of expired reward points
CommentComments when adding or subtracting points

Troubleshooting resources

For help with troubleshooting reward points issues, see the following Commerce Support Knowledge Base articles:

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