Add gift registry search

Adobe Commerce feature {width="20"} Exclusive feature only in Adobe Commerce (Learn more)

The Widget tool can be used to place a gift registry search box most anywhere in your store. You can specify the search options to be available to customers, such as name, email address, and gift registry ID. When the customer clicks the Search button, the results appear on the Gift Registry Search page. If the search returns no results, the customer can try again with other parameters.

Example storefront - gift registry search

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Content > Elements > Widgets.

  2. In the upper-right corner, click Add Widget.

  3. Choose the Settings tab and do the following:

    • Set Type to Gift Registry Search.

    • Set Design Theme to the theme that is used by the store.

    • Click Continue.

    Gift registry - search settings {width="700" modal="regular"}

  4. In the Storefront Properties section, do the following:

    • Enter a Widget Title for internal reference.

    • Set Assign to Store Views to the store views where Gift Registry Search is to be available.

    • Set Sort Order to determine the order that the Gift Registry Search block appears when there are other blocks assigned to the same location on the page.

    Gift registry - storefront properties {width="700" modal="regular"}

  5. In the Layout Updates section, click Add Layout Update.

  6. To determine where the Gift Registry Search appears in the store, do the following:

    • Set Display On to the pages in your store where you want Gift Registry Search block to appear.

    • If applicable, choose the Categories where you want it to appear.

    • Set Container to the location on the page to place the Gift Registry Search block.

    Gift registry - layout updates {width="500" modal="regular"}

  7. In the left panel, choose Widget Options.

  8. To determine how visitors to your site can search for gift registries, select as many of the following that apply:

    • All Forms
    • Registrant Name Search
    • Registrant Email Search
    • Gift Registry ID Search

    Gift registry - widget options {width="700" modal="regular"}

  9. When complete, click Save.

  10. When prompted to refresh the page cache, click the link in the message at the top of the workspace and follow the instructions.

Field descriptions


Identifies Gift Registry Search as the type of Widget.
Design Theme
The theme that is used by the store where the Gift Registry Search is to appear.

Storefront Properties

Widget Title
A name for internal reference.
Assign to Store Views
Identifies the store views where the Gift Registry Search is to be available.
Sort Order
Indicates the order that Gift Registry Search block appears if there are other blocks assigned to appear in the same location.

Layout Updates

Display On
Indicate the specific pages, or types of pages where Gift Registry Search block appears.
If applicable, identifies the category pages where Gift Registry Search appears.
Indicates the page layout block where Gift Registry Search is placed. The options vary by template and theme.

Widget Options

Quick Search Form Types
Determines the types of searches that can be performed with Gift Registry Search. Options: All Forms / Registrant Name Search / Registrant Email Search / Gift Registry ID Search