Apply a credit balance to an order as a store administrator
As a store administrator, you can do various things on behalf of a customer, including submitting orders. When you create an order, you can apply a Store Credit balance that is due to the customer. The available balance is displayed in the Payment & Shipping Information section. Select the Use Store Credit checkbox to apply the balance, or a portion of the balance if the order total is less.
Apply store credit during checkout
If there is a credit balance for the site, the customer can apply store credit to the order balance before placing the order on the storefront.
The customer views the amount of available store credit.
During the Review & Payments step, the available amount appears under Store Credit.
To apply the amount to the order, clicks Use Store Credit.
The order total is recalculated and the amount of store credit that is applied appears in the Order Summary. -
When ready, clicks Place Order.