Use Adobe Stock images
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Adobe Stock images can be used in place of uploading your own image content. One common use case is to upload and place image content when creating a page.
The Media Gallery provides a direct integration with Adobe Stock, making it easy to license your images directly from the gallery page.
Access the Adobe Stock search grid
The Adobe Stock search panel is accessible when you add or edit a page, when you create or edit a category, or when you insert images via the Content Editor.
To search Adobe Stock assets and add a stock image to a page:
On the Admin sidebar, go to Content > Elements > Pages.
Click Add a New Page.
If you want to edit an existing page, you can use the Action column to click Select and choose Edit.
If you have the WYSIWYG editor enabled, click Show/Hide Editor and then click Insert Image.
If you have Page Builder enabled, expand the Media panel and drag an Image placeholder to the target container. Then click Select from Gallery.
Click Search Adobe Stock.
To search Adobe Stock assets and add a stock image to a category:
On the Admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Categories.
Click Add Root Category or Add Subcategory.
If you want to add the image to an existing category, click the category name in the list on the left.
Expand the Content section, and under Category Image click Select from Gallery.
Click Search Adobe Stock.
To search Adobe Stock assets and add a stock image from the WYSIWYG Editor:
click Show/Hide Editor.
Click Insert Image.
Click Search Adobe Stock.
Filter and search for Adobe Stock assets
The Adobe Stock search Grid provides querying and filtering functionality to help you find the perfect image for your Commerce stores.
By default, the search results shown are from an Adobe Stock-curated gallery of a few hundred results. When you apply your own keyword search, you are searching the millions of assets available via Adobe Stock.
Search for Adobe Stock assets by keywords
Enter your keyword search into the Search by keyword input field in the top-left and click the magnifying glass or press Enter.
Filter Adobe Stock assets
Click Filters.
There are several filters available to refine your search results:
FilterDescriptionSubcategoryFilter for images that are Photos or IllustrationsOrientationFilter for images by size, shape, and aspectColorUse a color palette to filter for images by colorPriceFilter for images based on their costSafe searchEnable or disable Safe searchIsolated AssetsLimit the display to only isolated assets, which have subjects appear alone on a solid background -
Click Apply Filters.
The search result grid is updated with your refined search.
View image details
Each image has details available for viewing. Additional image-specific actions, such as saving image previews or saving (and optionally licensing) images, are available via this detailed view.
Click an image in the search results.
Further image details are displayed, such as:
A larger version of the image
Image metadata, such as Dimensions, File type, Category, File, and Keywords
Related images, such as images from the same series or model
Action buttons, such as Save Preview and Save (and optionally license) Image
Log in to your Adobe account
To gain complete access to an image and eliminate the Adobe Stock watermark, you must sign in with an Adobe account and purchase credits to license rights to use an image.
Click Sign In at the top right.
A new browser window guides you through the Adobe sign-in process.
After completing the sign-in process, the licensed state of images is displayed in search results as a label.
View the licensed state of search results
All licensed images associated to your Adobe account have a label displayed on them, making it clear which images you have licensed.
Save images to the media storage
Images searched using the Adobe Stock integration can be saved to the Commerce media storage for easy reuse across your Commerce store.
You can save two types of images: an image preview or a licensed image.
Save an image preview
An image preview is a watermarked version of an Adobe Stock asset. Image previews are free and are a good way to experiment with different images before you decide to purchase a license for specific images and use them on your production stores.
To view the image details, click an image in the search grid.
Click Save Preview.
This action displays a prompt for you to specify a file name that is used to save the image to the media storage. A default file name is provided, but you can customize the name to your preferences.
Click Confirm.
The page redirects to the media storage and your saved preview is displayed.
Save a licensed image
Adobe Stock assets that you want to use for your production Commerce stores should be licensed. Licensing ensures that you have legal access to the image and to eliminate the Adobe Stock watermark that is present on all image previews. To license images or to save already-licensed images, you must be logged in to your Adobe account.
To view the image details, click an image in the search grid.
Depending on the current licensing status of the image, do one of the following:
If the image is already licensed, click Save.
If the image is not licensed, click License and Save.
You must have available Adobe Stock credits in your account to license the image.
This action displays a prompt for you to specify a file name that is used to save the image to the media storage. A default file name is provided, but you can customize the name to your preferences.
Click Confirm.
The page redirects to the media storage and your saved preview is displayed.