Adobe Stock Integration

To get access to countless media assets for use in your store, integrate Adobe Stock with Commerce.

Adobe Stock Search Results

The Adobe Stock service provides businesses with access to millions of high-quality, curated, royalty-free photos, vectors, illustrations, videos, templates, and 3D assets for all their creative projects. Commerce users are able to quickly find, preview, and license Adobe Stock assets. Users can also save them to the media storage, all without leaving the Admin workspace.


This integration requires:

  • An Adobe Developer account
  • Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source, 2.3.4 or later

Licensing Adobe Stock images requires:

Integrate Commerce and Adobe Stock

Configuring the Adobe Stock integration for Adobe Commerce is a two-step process:

Create an Adobe Developer integration

  1. Navigate to the Adobe Developer Console.

  2. Under Quick Start, click Create new project.

  3. In the Project overview block, click Add API.

  4. Select Adobe Stock from the integrations list and click Next.

  5. Select the OAuth 2.0 Web App.

  6. Specify the redirect URI.

    The default redirect URI is in the form ${HOST}/${ADMIN_URI}/adobe_ims/oauth/callback/, such as, where:

    • ${HOST} is your Commerce fully qualified domain name (for example,
    • ${ADMIN_URI} is your Commerce Admin URI (such as admin_hgkq1l), which can be retrieved by running magento info:adminuri.
  7. Specify the Redirect URI pattern, which is the same as your redirect URI with two differences:

    • Any periods (.) must be escaped with two backslashes (\\).
    • Add .* to the end of the pattern.

    Using the example from the previous default redirect URI, it would be https://store\\.myshop\\.com/admin_hgkq1l/adobe_ims/oauth/callback/.*.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Review the available scopes and click Save configured API.

  10. On the page that follows, copy your Client ID (API key) and Client secret.

    This information is used in steps of the next section.

Configure the Adobe Stock integration

To set the system configuration in your Commerce Admin, use the API Key and Client secret generated in the previous section.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

  2. In the left panel, expand Advanced and choose System.

  3. Expand Expansion selector Adobe Stock Integration and do the following:

    • Set Enabled Adobe Stock to Yes.

    • Enter your API Key (Client ID).

    • Enter your Client Secret.

    • Click Test Connection to validate your keys.

    Advanced configuration - Adobe Stock integration {width="600" modal="regular"}

    Give the validation a few seconds. If your credentials are valid, you should see a green Connection Successful! message.

  4. When complete, click Save Config.
