Targeting activities in workflows about-targeting-activities

These activities let you build one or more targets by defining sets and splitting or combining these sets using intersection, union, or exclusion operations.

  • Cells: provides a view of the various subsets in the form of data columns, and facilitates the manipulation of these subsets when there are many of them.
  • CRM Connector: lets you configure the synchronization between Adobe Campaign and a CRM.
  • Change data source: lets you change the data source of a workflow Working table. This provides more flexibility to manage data across different data sources such as FDA, FFDA and local database.
  • Change dimension: lets you change the targeting dimension during the workflow construction cycle.
  • Deduplication: lets you remove duplicates from inbound activities.
  • Delivery outline (in campaign workflows only): lets you add a delivery outline.
  • Edit schema: lets you transform, standardize, and if necessary enrich data.
  • Enrichment: lets you add columns to a working table or workflow.
  • Exclusion: lets you create a target based on a main target from which one or more other targets are extracted.
  • Incremental query: lets you perform a query and plan its execution.
  • Intersection: lets you extract only the population with the same inbound activity results.
  • List update: records the result of inbound activities in a list.
  • Offers by cell: lets you link different offers to each subset of a population.
  • Offer engine: lets you call the Interaction offer engine in a workflow.
  • Query: lets you create and run a query.
  • Read list: lets you use data contained in a list.
  • Split: lets you split a target into several subsets.
  • Subscription Services: lets manage target subscriptions and unsubscriptions to an information service.
  • Union: lets you group the result of several activities into a single target.
  • Update data: lets you massively update the data in the database.