Get started with the app configuration
You can find in this section a configuration sample based on a company which sells online holiday packages. Its mobile application (Neotrips) is available to its customers in two versions: Neotrips for Android and Neotrips for iOS.
To send push notifications in Adobe Campaign, you need to:
- Create a Mobile application type information service for the Neotrips mobile application. Refer to this section for iOS. and this section for Android.
- Add the iOS and Android versions of the application to this service.
- Create a delivery for iOS and Android.
Install the package installing-package-ios
Learn how to install the mobile app package in video
As a hybrid/hosted customer, contact Adobe Customer Care team to access push notification channel in Campaign.
As an on-premise customer, you need to install a built-in package.
Installation steps are:
Access the package import assistant from Tools > Advanced > Import package in the Adobe Campaign client console.
Select Install a standard package.
In the list that appears, check Mobile App Channel.
Click Next, then Start to start the package installation.
Once the packages are installed, the progress bar shows 100% and you can see the following message in the installation logs: Installation of packages successful.
Close the installation window.
Once this step is done, you can configure your Android and iOS apps.
Refer to these sections: