Get started with the app configuration

You can find in this section a configuration sample based on a company which sells online holiday packages. Its mobile application (Neotrips) is available to its customers in two versions: Neotrips for Android and Neotrips for iOS.

To send push notifications in Adobe Campaign, you need to:

Go to the Subscriptions tab of the service to view the list of subscribers to the service, i.e. all people who have installed the application on their mobile and agreed to receive notifications.

Install the package installing-package-ios

[On-premise & Hybrid]{class="badge yellow" title="Applies to on-premise and hybrid deployments only"}

Learn how to install the mobile app package in video

As a hybrid/hosted customer, contact Adobe Customer Care team to access push notification channel in Campaign.

As an on-premise customer, you need to install a built-in package.

Learn more about Campaign built-in packages, best practices and recommendations in this page.

Installation steps are:

  1. Access the package import assistant from Tools > Advanced > Import package in the Adobe Campaign client console.

  2. Select Install a standard package.

  3. In the list that appears, check Mobile App Channel.

  4. Click Next, then Start to start the package installation.

    Once the packages are installed, the progress bar shows 100% and you can see the following message in the installation logs: Installation of packages successful.

  5. Close the installation window.

Once this step is done, you can configure your Android and iOS apps.
Refer to these sections:
